Thursday, September 24, 2009

Pressing On by Pressing In

Ever wake up in the morning and you know that you're just not "feeling it"?

Sometimes it has nothing to do with the day before. In fact, yesterday could have been one of the most awesome days ever...but today {UGH!}.

I'm realizing more and more that everyday is an adventure. Unless I am willing to press on in spite of my feelings I won't accomplish a thing. I was thinking about this very thing and I had the thought of some of the world's greatest explorers. Do you think that those who conquered Mt. Everest woke up each day ready to tackle the mountain? What about those who have discovered new places - don't you think they woke up with discouragement from time to time? What made the difference? They were willing to press on.

Folks, some days you have to pull up your boot straps and push ahead. The good news for those of us who walk in faith is that we don't have to walk alone. Maybe...just maybe - what we really need to do is get before God and let him know how we feel. Maybe we need to press in before we press on.

A quiet time with the Lord can be the difference between seizing the day or being seized by the day. Rather than being ruled by our emotions we need to consider being ruled by the truth of God's Word. If you wake up and head off to face the world through your feelings you will fail. However, if you take the time and allow God's truth to permeate your soul you will be able to tackle whatever comes your way.

Press in to the throne of God's mercy. It is there we are able to find grace to help us in our time of need. Too often we think of this verse only when it comes to our need for forgiveness. But I want you to understand that God wants to make a difference in every part of your life! He cares for you and desires to walk with you every day.

Press in through prayer & press in through worship. Realize that your agenda may need to be altered by God's agenda. But we have to take the time to pursue His agenda. Take the time to get into His presence. Confess your feelings about the day while at the same time claiming the promises of His Word. Regardless of your feeling He is still able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that you could ask or think according to the work of the Holy Spirit in you (Eph. 3:20). Don't sell yourself short AND don't sell God short either.

Press in so that you may press on! The mountain is waiting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautifully put and especially helpful for those that seem to have a lot of those days. Blessings to you.....