Friday, July 31, 2009

Have Faith

I was trying to read the Bible. You know...just minding my own business. Here I am in Hebrews 11 and I'm reading about Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, etc. These are the people of faith. I don't know about you but this list has always felt a little unattainable. Noah? How many of us would build an ark all those years without even a rain cloud in the sky?

Then things got a little personal. After going through the "Big Names" I found that there were others. The writer of Hebrews says in 11:32, "And what more shall I say? For the time would fail me to tell of..." And I realize something. They are all "Big Names!" Sure we hear about the former ones a little more often but there were so many others who walked in those same shoes: the shoes of faith.

"And what more shall I say? For the time would fail me to tell of Gideon, Barak and Samson and Jephthah, also of David and Samuel and the prophets: who through faith subdued kingdoms, worked righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, became valiant in battle, turned to flight the armies of the aliens. Women received their dead raised to life again..." 11:32-35

So many others (many nameless) who were counted faithful and were able to overcome by their faith. What a list! I especially love the part where God says that they became valiant in battle. That means in the midst of the fight they (through faith) took care of some serious business.

The writer continues to speak of those who had faith but still went through torture, mocking, scourging, chains, imprisonments, stoning, being sawn in two, and being lonely. However, he said that they overcame by faith. Wait! They overcame as well? Yes, because they obtained a good testimony.

I can't promise you that everything you pray for will happen they way you want it to. What I can promise you is that God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think. I can promise you that God will never leave you nor forsake you. I can promise you that God is able to supply all you need according to His riches in glory. How can I promise that? Because God promised that!

You just need to have faith.

In the end - you will be named with those who obtained a good testimony.

May God increase your faith today.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

What is the Cost of Liberty?

Patrick Henry, before the Second Virginia Convention in 1775, spoke these words: "It is vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry peace, peace - but there is no peace. The war is actually begun...Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death."


As I have thought about these words and what they meant to our nation, I couldn't help but think of their application in the spiritual life.

Basically, what Henry is saying to the convention is that there is no true freedom in chains or slavery. Amen? Amen! Is life so dear that we dare not risk losing it for the sake of freedom? Is peace so sweet that we are willing to be bound rather than step into true liberty? In the natural life and for the sake of our country most of us would do whatever necessary to live as free men and women. However, spiritually speaking, far too many are willing to live in bondage to a religious system rather than shake free from their chains. Don't believe me? Let's keep going.

How many people have stayed in the same church for years although they are dead spiritually because they are afraid of what others would think if they left.

How many believers have been willing to give in to their convictions to satisfy the beliefs of someone else?

Have you ever been legalistic? Ever? Of course, most of us have at some point in our lives. Are we willing to submit to what God says about certain things rather than what the preacher says? {They do get it wrong some times!}

I remember thinking that there was something seriously wrong with people if they weren't at church every time the doors were open. Ever thought that yourself? Now, as a pastor, I look for ways to get people outside the doors. Funny how things change. But that is the work of grace that God has worked in me.

The cost of liberty in the spiritual life is death. Yes, there must be some blood shed. The good news is that blood has already been shed to set me free - the blood of Jesus! Galatians 5:1, "Christ has set us free to live a free life. So take your stand! Never again let anyone put a harness of slavery on you." Message Bible.

We aren't saved to enter into a religious lifestyle. We are saved to live free from sin, free to enjoy God's grace and goodness, free to grow in our relationship with God. Dear friends, please understand that God wants you to enjoy your salvation and to stand fast in the liberty that He gives.

So let's stop worrying about hair, tattoos, clothing, music, Bible translations, etc. Let's start showing and teaching people how to enjoy this new found freedom in Christ. The problem with too many people is that they have never nurtured this freedom in their own life. Therefore, they adopt a set of religious principles and rules. THEN we take those same principles and rules and put them on other people. Misery loves company doesn't it?

I have finally come to a place in my walk with Christ that I'm willing to risk it all for the freedom He has given me. I'm willing to risk to share the Gospel. I'm willing to risk to follow God's leading. I'm willing to risk so that I may hear the sound of His voice. I'm willing to risk! Just saying it is a liberating feeling.

"My chains are gone
I've been set free
My God, my Savior has ransomed me
And like a flood His mercy reigns
Unending love, Amazing Grace" -Chris Tomlin (Amazing Grace - My Chains are Gone)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

America's Words of Freedom

As we left Washington D.C. during vacation, we decided to take the kids to Mt. Vernon. I must admit that visiting the home place of George Washington turned out to be one of the most inspirational moments of our adventure. Before leaving we decided to go through the gift shop to pick up some memorabilia. I came across a book called "America's Words of Freedom" that contains speeches, documents, and writings that moved our country.

The very first entry is "The Mayflower Compact" from William Bradford's "Of Plymouth Plantation" 1602-1647. As I read these words, God reminded me of the significance of America and her founding fathers.

"In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the loyal subjects of our dread sovereign Lord King James, by the grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, king, defender of the faith, etc., having undertaken for the glory of God, and advancement of the Christian faith, and honour of our king and country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the Northern parts of Virginia..."

I cannot tell you how many times I have heard it said that the pilgrims came to America for religious freedom. However, what I have found is that these men and women came for the advancement of the Christian faith or more importantly the Kingdom of God.

I have also found it interesting that the plan was to plant a colony in the Northern parts of Virginia for this advancement. WOW!!! God had moved upon the hearts of men to advance the faith of Jesus Christ by moving them out of their homeland to start a new country. Where is that in the history books? Where is that in the speeches of our new president? America was founded upon the principles of the Christian faith AND for the advancement of the Gospel.

Why do you think God has blessed America? Why do you think that God allowed this nation to defeat a nation that had never lost a war? Why do you think that God's sovereign hand was upon men like George Washington to ensure America's liberty and freedom? I believe it was because of the very thing stated in the Mayflower Compact. God wanted a nation separated for His glory and the Gospel's advancement in the world.

I encourage all of you to take a journey to our nation's capitol. I encourage you to rediscover the principles surrounding our nation's independence. Read the writings of our founding fathers, look into their legacy, appreciate their vision. There is no doubt that God was instrumental in our nation's founding and her security. God's hand has been upon us for His glory. And I truly believe that if we will continue to preserve the principles and practice these mandates that God will continue to bless and use this nation for His good.

I will tell you that this adventure enforced my beliefs in the great ideals of America. It reminded me that this nation can overcome oppression from without and within as long as we have men and women who are willing to lay it all on the line for God's glory and the good of America.

May the words of the "Declaration of Independence" ring true in our hearts today: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

May God continue to bless America for His glory. Amen.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I'm Back & Will Be Back...

Please be patient. I will be back to blogging this week. I had some things to take care of this morning and then was playing catch up the rest of the day.

Thanks for stopping by.

Good to be back.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

VACATION...Here I come.

Planned Mission Trips (for me) are over for the year.

My "To Do" List is done...most of it.

MDA "Lock Up" took place today and I'm free.

It's time for VACATION.

That's right folks! Me and the family hit the road for a few days in D.C. and then off to VA Beach. Time for a little fun in the sun.

Isn't it amazing how your mind, emotions, and body know when it is time to go? Yes...even pastors need a break every now and then. I'm looking forward to having my family all to myself. Part of me hates to miss our Youth Pastor's 1st sermon to the congregation. However, I'm sure that Ernie will do a great job.

Lord willing, I will be able to come back refreshed and recharged. I'm sure that this week away will give me some new blogging material as well. I appreciate all of you who take time to read and pray that you will have a great week while I'm away.

Please pray for us as we travel. Who knows what person God will place in our path that we can minister too. Sure, I'm taking a week off from the pulpit but I never take time off from being a believer that is equipped with the Gospel!

Be Blessed. I will speak to you soon.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Reckon it True

Romans 6:11, "Likewise you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord."

A friend of mine was sharing this verse with me during conversation the other day and what he said is worth sharing. He said that he remembered friends who would say, "I need to die to that..." In other words, when they were struggling to overcome something in their lives they would say that they needed to die to their affections, lusts, and temptations so that they could overcome them.

However, if you and I read Romans 6 correctly we will find that we have already died to them. Paul's words trail an awesome truth in verse 10 where he points out that Jesus death was a once for all death to sin and the life He lives is to God. Reckon yourself also to be dead to sin. The fact is that we have died to sin. This is a done deal. Through Jesus death on the cross - ALL of us have DIED to SIN. It is an appropriated fact. What needs to happen is that we reckon it true in our lives. That is: we consider this same truth about Jesus death to sin and life to God true in our own lives as well.

Reckon that you are dead to the lust of the flesh. You don't have to give in to the temptations that press in on you.

Reckon that you are dead to the lust of the eyes. We don't have to feast upon the things that the world continues to throw up in our faces.

Reckon that you are dead to the pride of life. Who said that Christians have to possess "things" to be fulfilled. In fact, our hope is not in this life. We don't have rights to ourselves because we have given Lordship over to Jesus Christ.

I only listed these points of sin because Jesus was tempted all points as we are, yet without sin. He faced all points of temptation and overcame them by the Word of God. Shouldn't we reckon this true in our lives as well?

A Christian should be able to overcome addictions, temptations, attitude problems, etc. We are NOT victims of our circumstances. If we reckon His death to be true in our lives then we may also reckon His life to be true as well.

I pray that each of us will make today a day of reckoning. God gives us the victory through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Things went sour in Obama's world yesterday when his beloved teleprompter died. This picture shows the horrific scene as the "Teleprompter in Chief" lay motionless and in pieces.

This incident caused Rush Limbaugh to use his entire opening monologue to talk about the "accident." Rush even wondered if all powers would be transferred to Biden's teleprompter under constitutional law.

This may sound funny, however, the president puts a lot of emphasis on having the teleprompter with him at all times. There were times that the teleprompter even showed up at press briefings. Obama believes in it so much that just last week the teleprompter told him to tell a group of graduates that he met his wife at school (instead of work). These types of embarrassments have prompted some to wonder if this accident were an accident at all. Could there be a C.I.A. cover up?

I'm a firm believer in speaking from the heart. If you live by what you believe and are speaking about matters that flow from your convictions - you may have some notes in front of you (I do this every Sunday) but do you have to have a machine that scrolls in front of you to keep you on task? What did President Obama do after the teleprompter went down? He waited for some staff members to put another one in it's Senate confirmation hearings needed.

So today we bid farewell to the Teleprompter in Chief. I'm not sure who was leading you or the president, but at least we know that you won't be able to speak on his behalf anymore.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Hanging with the Family

Friday in the summer - how refreshing!

I'm not going to blog for long today. We have family plans for the day and I don't want to take too much time away.

Many of you know that I turned 35 last week. I'm realizing (more and more) that time truly does fly by. We had someone over at the house the other day and they were commenting on the kids 1st year pictures. They said, "Man, isn't it amazing how much they change in a year." How true!

I'm trying my best to enjoy these days even if it takes away from certain "responsibilities." It's only temporary and my kids will only be "kids" for a while which means I MUST influence their lives now. It's days like this that you learn to work from home (when you can), and enjoy life.

Today will be special because we will spend it with our family and some good friends from North Carolina. So today's agenda: Good Christian Fellowship & Good Clean Family Fun. Who said being a Christian is boring?

I hope that everyone enjoys their weekend. For my church family: I look forward to worshipping with you this Sunday. God is going to do some great things as we share about our recent Ukraine trip. For all my friends reading on the web: Thanks for stopping by. Now go and enjoy your family and friends.

God is Good!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Which is Worse?

"We have learned that suffering is not the worst thing in the world - disobedience to God is the worst." - Vietnamese Christian Pastor Imprisoned for his Faith.

There is no doubt that we live in the lap of luxury. If you don't believe me all you have to do is walk where I have walked this past week. Sure, Ukraine is making vast improvements since I 1st visited 4 years ago. However, it doesn't take the average American very long to miss things like cold drinks, ice, air conditioning, clean toilets, etc. And those are just the things that any visitor would notice. Think about the churches. I wonder how many worship leaders could handle leading worship without an overhead projector, hymnals, or the latest music - or preachers who can preach without relying upon the latest technology but must preach straight Bible exposition.

This is where we see that the American church has crippled herself. I'm not against technology, I just wonder where we place our greatest emphasis. How much of a church budget is being used to upgrade the sound equipment, create the most contemporary worship experience/setting, and the like? I know first hand that you can worship and experience God in a dimly lit and muggy hot building and still be satisfied. Being without the latest technology isn't the worst thing in the world.

Let's go a little deeper shall we? What about believers who live in persecuted or restricted nations? I recently read of a Chinese pastor who was arrested during a worship service only to ask for his bag. In the bag he had already packed a change of clothes and a towel. He was ready! Even though I pray that God would bring great victory to these churches and that we could somehow see the end of martyrdom within the body of Christ; I'm realizing more and more that suffering isn't the worst thing in the world. In fact, when we read of persecution in the Bible we find that the Word of God is spread around while the church continues to experience great growth.

I must agree with our Vietnamese brother, "...suffering isn't the worst thing in the world - disobedience to God is the worst."

There are men and women in the world (followers of Jesus Christ) who are willing to endure the greatest suffering and loss to keep their testimony. They will endure imprisonment, excommunication, torture, and even death to uphold the belief that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation. Says a lot about someone in America when they can't even tell Larry King that Jesus is the only means of salvation for fear of losing a few church attenders. {They know who they are}

What has challenged me over the past couple of weeks is reading a devotional from the Voice of the Martyrs ministry. This "Extreme Devotion" has truly encouraged me while at the same time bringing a stinging rebuke to my own walk with Christ. Though I live in the lap of luxury should I expect my relationship with Jesus to be comfortable as well? If I understand God's Word, should I not expect persecution? Didn't Jesus remind His disciples that they would experience persecution since He was persecuted? He told them to not be surprised if the world hated them because it first hated Him!

It's my desire that the church of Jesus in America recapture the simplicity of her faith. This can be done while at the same time enjoying modern conveniences. It's just a matter of focusing on what is important...what really matters. And what really matters is that we are obedient to God in all things. It is through our obedience to God that the world will see that Jesus Christ can make a difference in the lives of individuals. It's through our obedience to God that we give Him the glory that He is due. It is through our obedience to God that we step out of our comfortable sanctuaries to take the Gospel to a lost and dying world.

Which is worse - To be without, to experience suffering and loss, or to live in disobedience? I think the answer is clear! Let's follow Jesus.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Living in America

Here is a picture of our 2009 Ukraine Team with Bruce MacDonald & family.

What an awesome week. 38 people (that we are aware of) accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Only 12 of those professions were children!

Our team was involved with VBS, Youth Ministry, Eye Glass Clinics, Hospital Visitation, Showing Fireproof outdoors at an apartment complex, and Outdoor Evangelistic Meeting. It's truly amazing what God can do in 1 week. Can He do the same thing in America if we are as focused? I believe so!

Living in America is truly a blessing. Not just because of our resources - although nice - but because of the hope that we possess. As much as I love going to Ukraine it's difficult to experience their lack of hope. The enemy has done a masterful job convincing these people that they are hopeless. EVEN THOSE WHO CLAIM TO BELIEVE IN CHRIST!

May God continue to open eyes and hearts. May God continue to watch over Bruce and his family. May God send revival to the churches and spiritual awakening to Ukraine.