Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Too Good Not To Share

I just read a news article from Baptist Press about Alaska's Governor welcoming her new Down Syndrome son into her family.

According to the article, Sarah Palin recently gave birth to Trig Paxson Van Palin. During the early stages of her pregnancy the governor found out that their unborn son had Downs but continued with the pregnancy despite the challenging news. Sarah and her husband Todd are pro-life and this event proves that life is more than just a political tool.

Ben Mitchell, director of The Center for Bioethics & Human Dignity in Chicago said that this event is a "tangible reminder that Down Syndrome should not mean a death sentence for the unborn." AMEN! Too often parents will choose to terminate a pregnancy when it looks as though their child will not turn out as "perfect" as planned. Trig's birth is a reminder that we all are "fearfully and wonderfully made."

The day Trig was born his mother sent out an email as if it was written by God and signed "Trig's Creator, Your Heavenly Father." I don't know about you, but this news was so encouraging to me. You do realize what type of society you live in don't you? Our culture is so bent on having the "perfect" child at the "perfect" time that we don't allow our plans to be altered. If a child is going to require too much work or attention we have the option of aborting them. It doesn't matter if they have a strong heart, strong lungs, and other functioning parts - if there is going to be any type of defect then that child is not worth the time and effort.

If you don't believe that abortion has a profound affect on society then travel to Ukraine. This is a pro-abortion culture that is finally realizing that their birth rate is not keeping up with their death rate. People in Ukraine are dying faster than they can be added to the population. Some of this is due to the limited medical resources of the country, while the other part is due to the fact that if a child is not wanted he/she can be terminated. Now they are trying to give away TV's and refrigerators in hopes that people will have babies!

As many of you already know I am Pro-Life. This is not a political stance but a moral stance. I believe that God is the creator of all human life. The Bible teaches us that even before we are in our mother's womb - He knows us. There are no accidents in the mind of God. All life is precious, and all life is valuable. We have a couple who attends our church quite frequently who have 2 Downs children (one through birth and the other through adoption). They will be the first to say that their road has not been an easy one, but it has been a worthwile adventure. When I see these boys I see two children that are full of life. I know that it takes a lot of work for them to learn and develop but they are so worth it. And I say "Thank You" to any mother or father who says "YES" to life even when the whole world screams "NO".

Governor Palin believes that God has blessed them. She said that Trig is absolutely perfect and that he is also a perfect fit in their family. How refreshing! This is proof that your child can be a blessing even if they may not be the star football player, homecoming queen, or an academic all-american. When we choose to view every child that comes into this world as a precious gift from God our complaints will turn into praise and thanksgiving.

Thank you Governor Palin for choosing life. Thank you for introducing us to Trig. He is truly blessed to have you and your husband for parents and you are blessed to have him as a son. Our prayers are with you. And for those of you reading who have made the difficult decision to give the gift of life to a child whom others would say is not "perfect" I say thanks to you as well. You are a picture of the grace of God who gives life to us even though we are not perfect.

If we err - let us err on the side of life!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Is Your House in Order?

As I prepare to leave for New Hampshire I have been doing some things around the house that should have been done a long time ago. You can call it a honey-do list, chores, whatever; the point is these are things that I have put off until now. In fact, anytime I'm going to be traveling without my family I try to take care of the things that I have put off. Is anybody else like that? I'm sure that some of the guys reading right now are going "Hey man, I'm the same way!"

Why do we do it? We do it for the same reason that my wife likes to ensure the bed is made in the morning, or the house is clean before we go on vacation (can't come home to a dirty house), etc. We are attempting to set our house in order. Should anything happen while we are gone, should our stay be lengthened, should an emergency strike - we are ready. Actually, this is biblical. In the Gospel of Luke 12:13-21 we read the parable of the rich fool. It's the story of the rich man who decided to build bigger barns to store his increase and once everything was done said, "...take your ease; eat, drink, and be merry." God said, "Fool! This night your soul will be required of you; then whose will those things be which you have provided?"

Question: How foolish do you have to be for God to call you a fool?
Psalm 14:1, "The fool has said in his heart that there is no God." The rich man was living as if there were no God. It was as if he controlled his own destiny. He had sown much, reaped a wonderful harvest for himself, and then decided to sit back and enjoy. Yet, in all of this, not once did he think tomorrow I may die. In 2 Kings 20:1 King Hezekiah was told to set his house in order because he was going to die. How's that for a diagnosis?

What about you? What if the Lord sent someone to you (or spoke directly to you) to say "You will die tomorrow." What would you do? I imagine making sure that my wife knew where the life insurance forms were, updating my will, making sure the bills were paid and that she had a schedule for when things were due, tell people good-bye, share the Gospel with someone, and spend ample time with my family. Believe me - the list goes on; but I ensure you that 24 hours isn't enough time to get it all done. What about your soul? Would you be ready to die or would God say that you lived like a fool? What most of us don't realize is: we are not promised tomorrow. We may not have anyone knocking on our door and saying "tomorrow..." but we should live with that reality. I'm not saying that we should live in doom and gloom but with the understanding that this life is but a vapor (here today and gone tomorrow). What kind of treasures have I laid up?

Setting your house in order spiritually is even more important than what you can do economically or physically. There is a part of you that is eternal; your spirit will live on. The question is: WHERE?

Larry Norman was a true child of the 60's who was dramatically saved. He wrote a song several years ago called "I Wish We'd All Been Ready." The song came out of some questions they were asking back when the biggest fear in America was being bombed by Russia. People were converting their pools into bomb shelters and the thought came across their minds "who would you let in?" It would be so much easier if we were all ready. As a believer I live with the understanding that any day Jesus could come back. I also live with the understanding that any day could be my last. Praise God, I'm ready. I hope you are as well.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Let's Get It Started

"Rainy days and Mondays always get me..."

Down? Not really. So it's Monday - the work week has to start somewhere. And it's rainy - we need the rain. But news on Monday can sure get you down if you let it. There's a ton of noteworthy news out there this morning. If you are interested in the future of our country we could discuss the current political race for president. If you are an avid sports fan we could talk about the draft from this weekend. If you are a follower of celebrity status we could talk about Miley Cyrus and her apology over a Vanity Fair issue set to go out this week (I today). So what do we talk about? Let's look at something that's happening in our state right now.

I just read a report on about Norfolk schools and their current talks over allowing the grade point average to be dropped for athletes. In case you don't know, the minimum grade point average for most schools and those who qualify to play sports is a 2.0. In Norfolk they feel as though they are asking too much of their athletes. It's not just the athletes however, last year 3 out of 10 rising ninth graders did not have a 2.0 grade point average. I'm sorry but I don't get it.

I got involved in sports from 9th grade through high school. I enjoyed the opportunity to play football, basketball, and even ran track one year. All the while understanding that I had to maintain a "C" average to keep on playing. In other words, I could be an average student while trying to be an above average athlete. Personally, it wasn't that hard. At least when I was in school if you couldn't keep a "C" average you probably weren't trying. But in today's society we are expecting way too much out of our athletes. We will bend or change the rules just to keep guys & girls eligible. What's wrong with us?

I'm not trying to pick on Norfolk. There are other states, cities, and counties that have already changed their standards or are at least thinking about it. What kind of culture are we creating that is willing to keep kids ignorant as long as they can throw or catch a ball? There is nothing wrong with a kid actually having to apply themselves in school. There is nothing wrong with putting a student in the place of actually trying to excel in the classroom. In fact - that's what our schools are required to do. They are required to educate our children. Your government school does not exist to provide a place for your kid to play sports. I'm a sports fan and I am still willing to see a football, basketball, or baseball team not be able to compete because they cannot fill the roster with kids who are able to keep a "C" average.

What is so hard to understand in all of this? A "C" average is just that. It's average. The average student ought to be able to keep an average grade. But here we have shool officials - educators? - saying it's o.k. if you can't make the grades we'll let you play anyway. Is there any wonder why America falls so short in testing compared to other countries? Who knows, maybe this a ploy to keep the American masses dumb to the things that go on in government. The more uneducated a person is the less likely they are to care about how things work in this country. Why should they seek to be educated if our government is going to take care of them from the cradle to the grave?

How's that for a Monday entry? Is that enough to get your day started right? I don't have a lot of time this week to get you thinking. I'll be heading off to New Hamsphire this week for a mission trip. That's right - a yankees fan heading to a New England state - I have got to get some of this stuff in. I hope you understand that I share these things with you so that you will pay attention to what's going on in your own school. You might have to ask yourself whether or not your kids are getting the education that you are paying for. You may have to actually talk to a teacher or administrator and say "it's not good enough."

Get involved or the next thing you know we will see kids who cannot pass a simple high school test continue to enjoy sports. Sure they might make it through high school, or win a state championship, but they will have no quality of life if they don't receive an education. Think about it!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Consider the Times

Friday is here and like most Friday's the creative juices have almost dried up. As I thought about all of the things I've shared, and looked over some current events there is only one thing that jumps out to me today: Consider the times.

The Bible makes it very clear that we should consider the times in which we live. As believers we should always live with the expectation that Jesus Christ will return for His church at any given moment. With all that being said I want to share with you a poll that I recently participated in. Neal Boortz had a poll question the other day that asked whether or not people believed there would be a peace agreement between Israel and Hamaas (Palestine). The results were very interesting as most people don't believe there will ever be peace between the two. Before I even answered the question I thought to myself, "It depends on what you believe about the Bible."

In the book of the revelation we read that there will be an eventual peace treaty between Israel and Palestine. This is one of the signs of the end times. If I believe the Bible then I understand that eventual peace with these two groups will bring about recognition of the antichrist. I want to say that I don't think Jimmy Carter is the antichrist, however, we must consider the times in which we live.

Think about it: wars and rumors of wars, weather that has become seemingly unpredictable, earthquakes, famine, destruction, and the sinfulness of man is increasing. We live in a time where even the hearts of the believers are waxing cold. We must consider the times. I, like most of you, enjoy the life that God has given me. I have children that I'm raising, a wife whom I love, and friends that I enjoy. If I'm not careful I can allow all of these things to taint my view of Christ's coming. I can allow these things to keep me from looking forward to His return.

The Bible teaches us that this world is not our home. We are only pilgrims in this world. We were created for relationship with God. We cannot fix our eyes upon this world, but rather should look forward to the world to come. The good news about my family is that we are all ready. Each of us have accepted Christ as our Lord and Savior. Upon His return I can be assured that when the church is called home each member of my family will be caught up together. What does it mean for my friends? It means that if they are not ready to meet the Lord I should be sharing the gospel with them.

Jesus told the Apostles that it was not for them to know the times or seasons that God has set in order. They were to concern themselves only with the preaching of the gospel. What Christ was teaching them was to have an urgency about their lives and their calling. We don't know when He will return that is why it's so important to consider the times in which we live.

I hope that you will be encouraged as you think about His return. I hope that you look forward to His coming. Don't allow yourself to become so comfortable here that you don't enjoy God's plan. Considering the times should bring about an excitement in our hearts. However, if the thoughts of Jesus coming back brings fear to your heart then you need to ask "why?". Why are you fearful? What is keeping you from looking forward to his return? Are you not ready? All you have to do is accept Jesus death on the cross as payment for your sin. All you have to do is believe in His resurrection from the dead. The Bible promises us that if we confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in our heart that God has raised Him from the dead we shall be saved. The Bible goes on to say: "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved." Are you "saved" today? Do you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior or is He just some obscure part of history? Why don't you accept Jesus today?

Consider the times. Today is the day of salvation!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Without Excuses

Song: 24 ~ Artist: Switchfoot ~ Album: Beautiful Letdown

Twenty four oceans
Twenty four skies
Twenty four failures
Twenty four tries
Twenty four finds me
In twenty-fourth place
Twenty four drop outs
At the end of the day
Life is not what I thought it was
Twenty four hours ago

Still I'm singing Spirit take me up in arms with You
And I'm not who I thought I was twenty four hours ago
Still I'm singing Spirit take me up in arms with You

Twenty four reasons to admit that I'm wrong
With all my excuses still twenty four strong

See I'm not copping out not copping out not copping out
When You're raising the dead in me
Oh, oh I am the second man
Oh, oh I am the second man now
Oh, oh I am the second man now

And You're raising these twenty four voices
With twenty four hearts
With all of my symphonies
In twenty four parts
But I wan to be one today
Centered and true

I'm singing Spirit take me up in arms with You
You're raising the dead in me
Oh, oh I am the second man
Oh, oh I am the second man now
Oh, oh I am the second man now
And You're raising the dead in me

I want to see miracles, see the world change
Wrestled the angel, for more than a name
For more than a feeling
For more than a cause
I'm singing Spirit take me up in arms with You
And You're raising the dead in me
Twenty four voices
With twenty four hearts
With all of my symphonies
In twenty four parts.
I'm not copping out. Not copping out. Not copping out.

This song has had a profound affect on my life. Everytime I hear these words I'm challenged in my walk with the Lord. I'm also reminded of the times that I have made excuses for not doing or being all that the Lord wants. The Spirit of God is raising the dead in me. He's quickening my gifts, He's directing me toward a closer walk with the Lord, and He's reminding me of God's Word; and yet, I still fail.

When will I stand up to my excuses? When will I realize that life can be different every hour of every day? The reference to Jacob (later known as Israel) reminds me that I don't have to be what the world expects me to be. I can be more. I just have to get over myself. I have to overcome my tendency to be lazy or content. I have to recognize the blessings that God has placed within my life and do that which the Spirit of God prompts me to do.

A life without excuses...can you imagine how God would use us?

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Current News

Today's headlines could read: "Guns & God win out in PA"

Just in case you have missed the statements made a few weeks ago, Obama said that people in PA "...get bitter, cling to guns or religion..." This one line could very well cost him the nomination. Personally I don't think it will, but in light of the recent Clinton win in the Keystone state one has to wonder.

I am one of those who took offense to this statement and I don't even live in the state. It's not bitterness that makes me cling to God. It's not bitterness that gets me up in the early morning hours to grab a gun and go hunting. I hunt because I enjoy hunting. I cling to God because of the salvation that He has brought to my life.

This past Sunday there was a young lady who came to me at the end of our service to accept Christ. It was not bitterness that brought her to faith in Jesus. It was an understanding that without Him she was lost in her sins. She came to God for her eternal salvation, not a release from bitterness. It's a shame that someone like Mr. Obama (a self-proclaimed "Christian") doesn't understand that.

Interesting that he has gotten a pass on a lot of statements, the controversy of people like his pastor and the guy from weather underground, but this statement will continue to haunt him from now until the presidential election. Why? Because this statement affects individuals and their rights to religion and bearing arms. These rights are found in the Constitution of the United States. You know, he could have said that bitterness brings people to a place where they strap bombs to their bodies; but instead he went after the "simple" people who make up this part of the world and it cost him.

It's about time that someone in politics has to suffer the consequences for what they have said. I just wish it happened more often. The people in this country are free to worship. It's one of the very reasons this nation was founded. God is more than a crutch. God is more than just a religious exercise. God, to many of us, is the reason for our existence. He's the reason for our peace, joy, and ability to love. We were not bitter when we came to God. We were lost and the only way we could be saved was to accept Christ. Maybe Obama's misunderstanding comes from spending 20 years under a pastor who preaches hatred for this country and a twisted gospel message.

Every Sunday morning I gather together with anywhere from 150 - 170 men, women, and children. They don't look bitter. What I have seen is a group of people who are happy to worship. They enjoy their faith and they love their God. No, Mr. Obama, we aren't bitter - we are thankful. We are thankful for the salvation that was brought to us through Jesus' death on the cross. We are thankful for the freedom from sin and death brought to us by His resurrection. We are thankful for the peace He gives us in the midst of life's storms. We are thankful for the promise of His second coming.

I'm not happy that Clinton won PA. I'm just happy to see that people still respond when you demean their faith. Faith in Christ is not just for the poor, despondent, stupid, or bitter. Faith in Christ is for everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord. God's Word tells us that the "wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ." I don't go to God because I'm bitter. I go to God because I want life! Abundant life in Christ.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Greater Light

"We must build our faith not on fading lights but on the Light that never fails." - Oswald Chambers.

The Apostle Paul in his second letter to Timothy said, " one stood with me, but all forsook me..." When Jesus was arrested in the garden everyone who followed Him ran for their lives and were scattered. The lesson to learn in all of this: Be sure that your faith in God is stronger than your faith in people.

Whether we choose to believe it or not, we were created for relationship. We thrive on fellowship with other people. Some of us have a great need in our lives to always be around somebody. Others of us enjoy fellowship but we know how to be alone. Either way, we enjoy the company of others. And there is nothing wrong with that as long as we have not built our faith around individuals.

When you came to Christ who was the person of influence in your life? For some of us it was a relative, a friend, or maybe even a pastor. More often than not in those early days of being a believer our faith is attached to this other person. As long as they are excited - we are excited. As long as they are growing - we are growing. As long as they spend time with us sharing about the Lord - we are spending time with the Lord ourselves. But what happens when this person is no longer the influence they used to be? What happens when this person moves away? What happens to our faith?

God uses people in our lives to bring us to faith in Him. He uses people to teach us how to draw closer to the Lord. But there may come a time in our lives when these people are gone. A pastor leaves the church, a grandparent dies, a friend moves away, and sometimes people even fall away from their faith for a season (they are still believers but the zeal is gone). How do we cope with this reality?

This is why it's so important for each of us to "own" our relationship with God apart from other people. I'm not saying to pull away from fellowship or to not trust those around you; I'm simply saying that your faith in God needs to be built upon His Word and your experiences with the Lord. Paul speaks of Demas as one who walked away from the faith because of his love for the world. John Mark forsook Paul and Barnabas in Pamphylia and the damage was so great that it eventually caused division between the two.

What happens to your faith when Peter denies the Lord? What happens to your faith when John Mark walks away? What happens to your relationship with God when Demas leaves the ministry to pursue worldly fame? It's questions like these that keep me from becoming too enamored with "Celebrity Christians." It seems the minute I put my faith in someone else disaster strikes and I have to pick up the pieces. People fail on every level of faith. Pastors don't live up to their own standards, Evangelist are caught doing that which they have preached against, and ministry leaders have mishandled funds. In each of these instances I have felt the pain of losing someone that I admired and looked up to, however, my faith in God has not wavered.

God's Word has promised us that He is faithful. He will never leave us nor forsake us. There may be times in our own lives that we don't walk where we should, or someone walks away, but God never changes. I'm so glad that when Paul wrote the second letter to Timothy that he did not stop with "all forsook me..." No, Paul went on to say in verse 17 of chapter 4 "...But the Lord stood with me and strengthened me..." Hallelujah! He will never fosake us. Those whose lights once burned bright in our lives may fade, but let's ensure that they fade into the shadows that are caused by His enduring light. All may forsake you, but God will strengthen you.


Monday, April 21, 2008

My Image

The following is an excerpt from "If Prison Walls Could Speak" by Richard Wurmbrand. In this book Wurmbrand reveals what Communist imprisonment and torture can do to a Chrisitan's faith and mind. Many times he was brought to his breaking point and beyond, but remained faithful.

"Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The examining officer was in a good mood today. You could sense it from the very beginning. There would be no beating. He just wanted to amuse himself with some pleasant conversation.

He asked me, 'Do you believe that God created man in His own image?' I answered, 'I certainly do.' 'Do you believe that your are in the image of God?' 'Of course.'

Then he took a mirror out of his pocket and handed it to me, 'Look into the glass. See how ugly you are. You have dark circles under your eyes. You are all skin and bones. Your whole appearance is haggard, like a madman. If you are in the image of God, God must be as ugly as you are. Why should you worship Him?'

I had already seen myself in a mirror once since I had been in jail, and I knew that I was terribly ugly, I who had been considered a handsome man. I had been horrified to see myself in such shape. Now, my ugliness was being made into a theological problem.

Happily, Christians do not have to think beforehand what to answer. The words are given to them.

I said, 'Yes, my God has an ugly face like me. In Hebrew there is no such word as 'face.' You can only say 'faces'...The word has no singular. There is a deep meaning in this, because no man has only one face. He shows one countenance when he speaks to a superior, another when he bullies an inferior, one when he is grieved, another when he hears good news. Our God also has many faces. One is a face of complete serenity, the serenity of a Being who has foreordained everything and can see from the beginning the happy end of the tortuous road. He has a face radiant with joy, sharing the pleasure of all who rejoice, even that of a little girl who has been given a new doll. But He has also another image, one of even worse suffering and ugliness than mine. We saw this face on Golgotha. His hair was disordered, His brow was disfigured by wounds. Spittle and blood mingles on His face. He had dark circles under His eyes. 'He had no form or comeliness' (Isaiah 53:2). This, too, is one of the faces of the Godhead. Christ is not ashamed to call me His brother...

Be happy, my soul. You bear the beautiful image of God, as God bore your ugly countenance during His crucifixion...Yes, lieutenant, we - the ugly, haggard prisoners - bear His image. Amen."

I pray that you will be able to bear His image to those you meet today. Remember that you are made in the likeness of Christ.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Government School Rant

Our most recent government school rant comes to us via Ohio. According to Fox News, a Mt. Vernon School District teacher was asked to remove his Bible from the view of students. John Freshwater had already removed a collage that had the 10 commandments but thought that the removal of his Bible from his desk was too much to ask.

Every now and then I will share with you some of the things that are happening in our public school systems. I will refer to them as government schools. Why? Follow your tax dollars to the federal government - then watch them trickle down into our school systems along with policies, requirements, and standards of learning. It doesn't take long to figure out that our government thinks they know how our children should be educated. There was a time when this was left up to individual states. Times have changed.

The Ohio school mentioned above is just one of the latest examples of political correctness being displayed in our schools. To be quite honest with you, this pales in comparison to some of the stories I have read. Unfortunately, these stories are too easy to find. Kid's being asked to keep their Bibles in their locker, teachers being asked to remove symbols of Christianity from their classrooms, etc. Our schools are becoming a place where God is not welcome.

I want you all to understand that I'm not one of those people who is going to tell you to remove your kids from government schools. The congregation of our church is full of teachers. We have teachers from our church who care about the kids they work with. They want to impact their lives. Too often they feel the pressure of political correctness themselves. The problem with this school system in Ohio is that somebody on the board was probably offended. In most cases it has nothing to do with the students.

I want you to think about something this morning. We get our kids up in the morning and make sure they are fed, dressed properly, homework finished, and send them off to get an education. We expect them to learn math, reading, writing, etc. I don't send my kids to school for a Biblical education because it's my job to train them. But here they go into a government school system that teaches them that the world was created by accident (Big-Bang) and that we are all products of evolution. Many of the schools in this country are teaching our 5 year olds that being gay is o.k. and natural. Then when our kids get just a little older they are going to hear some health teacher explain sexuality to them along with the proper way to have sex without contracting some horrible disease or getting pregnant. There is no mention of abstinence except maybe in passing. Some schools will even hand out condoms to ensure that our children are following proper "safe-sex" guidelines. Our schools are now full of kids who cannot read, write, or do math; but they know how to have sex and the halls of high schools are filled with pregnant teens. I don't know about you, but it seems to me that my kid is going to reap greater benefits in life knowing how to read than how to put on a condom. Here's a simple math equation that can be applied to sex education: boy + girl + sex = baby / boy + girl + abstinense = no consequences. Let's move on: the older our children get they will be indoctrinated with political correctness, group values over individual rights, science over faith, and global warming.

I realize that this does not happen in every school. But I am sick and tired of seeing everything under the Christian label being removed. There is no more "Christmas Break" it's now "Winter Break". The same goes for Easter. And if your school has some type of holiday program which includes carols or religious songs you have to be all-inclusive there as well. If you are going to sing about Christmas then you have to remember Hanukah, and all the other holidays that I can't pronounce. I'm not trying to belittle other practices but it seems obvious to me that the only way that you can mention Christ is if you mention some other religion.

I guarantee you that the same school system that asks a teacher to remove a Bible from his/her desk is not going to ask a Muslim to remove their head covering. No - that would be offensive. A Christian school teacher cannot talk about their faith but an evolutionist can talk about theirs. In fact, the evolutionist is required to talk about his faith. I remember a time when we referred to this as the Theory of Evolution, but now Creationism is seen as a theory. Friends, how much more are we going to take? Sure this happened in Ohio but it wasn't that long ago that a VA student wasn't allowed to get on a bus because she was carrying a Bible. This stuff happens in our state as well.

As a parent I take note of these things. I stay involved in the education of my child. If they are taught something that I disagree with then I explain to them the truth of the matter and I'm going to talk to a teacher. But if there ever comes a time when those talks do not bear fruit or the system gets so bad that I'm constantly having to correct a teacher's instruction then I will take on the education of my child myself or they will be placed in a private school.

I believe having Christian children in the school system is a good thing. We need kids who can be light in darkness. I want my kids to understand the necessity of standing up for what they believe in. If I place them in a protective bubble they will not know how to function in society. But I will not stand by and allow any school to mock our faith or our values.

Why don't these schools take all of the energy used to keep God out and turn it toward educating and protecting our children while they are in their care? There's an idea!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Are We Quenching the Spirit or Our Thirst?

Jack Deere is the author of "Surprised By The Power Of The Spirit." In this book he shares his personal account of discovering God's power to heal and speak to people today.

This book has been one of the most influential books I have ever read. You have to understand Pastor Deere's background to appreciate it's signifigance. A professor at Dallas Seminary and pastor of a growing church; Deere was a noted theologian, and strict cessationist (believed that miraculous gifts had ceased). God began His work in Jack's heart when he called a favorite author to come and speak at a Bible conference.

It was during this conversation that Deere began to understand that his favorite author did not think along the same lines. This man wanted to teach and preach about Christ's authority over temptation, sin, demons, and disease. Deere's response to the first 3 was acceptable but he had serious problems with the last subject. He then questioned the author about Christ's authority over disease. God used this conversation to bring him to the realization that most of his arguments about miraculous gifts were based upon the silence of scripture rather than what scripture taught. Then began months of intense study to see what God's Word had to say about these things.

When the conference came around Jack's theology started to shift. He no longer viewed things such as healing and miracles in the same light. However, what he was about to experience would truly change his life. To make a long story short, on the last night of the conference, after Dr. White spoke on Christ's authority over disease an invitation was given for people to come forward for healing (spiritual, physical, emotional, etc.). The response was overwhelming. About a 1/3 of the 300 people came forward for prayer. These requests for prayer were random, but what amazed Jack was how many people came forward who were hurting. He said, "It seemed like people were hurting all around me. I was perplexed and mildly repulsed."

Now you might take issue with his last statement but if you haven't experienced true brokenness in the church you will not understand. The good news is that for these people who came forward God began doing a mighty work in their life. What followed was the beginning of a new kind of ministry in Jack's church to pray for the needs of people. They began to see emotional barriers lifted, physical sickness taken away. The first documented case of healing in his church was the removal of an aneurysm.

I'm sharing this with you today to ask the following question: Are we quenching the power of the Holy Spirit in our church or are we allowing the Holy Spirit to quench our thirst for Him? The Bible clearly teaches us in 1 Thessalonians 5:19, "Do not quench the Spirit." We quench the Holy Spirit's work through sin and unbelief. In other words, if there is sin in our life we quench the Spirit's ability to work in us until we agree with His convicting power that we are wrong and repent. But there is another sense of quenching the Spirit where we fail to believe His ability to work in our lives. If we do not believe He has the power to heal - He cannot heal. If we do not believe that He has the power to deliver - He cannot deliver. The Bible says of the children of Israel that they limited God. How often have we limited God in what He wanted to do because we lived in unbelief.

Jesus said of the Holy Spirit: "Whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life." - John 4:14. When we are saved God's Spirit is placed within us. His Spirit wants to be that fountain that springs up to bring refreshment in our lives. When you and I believe that He is able to work (in whatever area He chooses) He then floods our lives with His power and presence.

I wonder how many people have walked away from the healing, deliverance, and power that God is offering because they did not believe He was able. Sure there are plenty of people who believe that God is able to heal - they just don't believe that He will heal them. We must allow our church gatherings to become a time for God to work in the lives of everyone present. If we in the church do not believe, how can we expect a non-believing world to come to faith?

I, like Jack Deere, have been surprised by the power of the Spirit. If there is one area of my Christian life that has seen tremendous growth it's the area of the work of the Holy Spirit. God still heals, He continues to give discernment, there is still power over demons, prophetic words are still uttered, and tongues have not ceased. Scripture does not teach that the gifts of the Spirit are no longer available. I have been on the other side of the fence - I have uttered the arguments against - not anymore. What I have experience and learned through study over the last few years has changed me. I have seen what God is capable of doing in the lives of those who believe He is able. God's Word tell us that when we come to Him we must believe that He exists AND that He is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

What are your needs today? In what area do you need to see God do something radical? Is it physical healing? Is it deliverance from addiction? Do you need salvation? My word to you is: BELIEVE. Faith is the key that unlocks the door for God to work in your life. Believe even if it goes against your own theology. Believe even if it goes against what someone has told you. God has not changed, only our faith in Him. Take the first step today. Believe and watch what God can do.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A Correction - Oops

I must say thanks to Chris Sligh for helping my memory - that's right...he commented on my post yesterday.

Chris is from South Carolina - not North Carolina - my bad, I got a little happy with the fingers.

Also, he sang "We All Wanna Be Loved" on American Idol - not "Jesus is Still Alright". My memory failed me - AAAGGGHHH!

One other thing: Go out and buy his album. It's great.

P.S. I have the opportunity to go in and edit posts, which I will do. But if I would have changed it immediately then you wouldn't even know that Chris helped me out. Thanks again.

My Government Outrage - Sorry this may not be the most edifying topic I will ever share, but sometimes I just need to rant. It's April 16 - the day after - and I'm just not in the mood for any more government ignorance. It's my fault. I turned on the T.V. and I went on the internet to read some news.

The above link is going to take you to a news story about a man in Fayetville, NC. Henry Carroll has a son who is serving in Iraq. Henry's son owns 2 dogs and he asked his father if he would watch them while he was gone. Henry already owns 3 dogs, and as we all know 2 + 3 = 5. The local county officials come to Henry and inform him that he cannot have that many dogs in his house because he's not a licensed kennel operator. I'm not going any further - you can read the account by going to the link.

You might be wondering why I would talk about such a thing. Well I guess it's because I'm bitter - so rather than grab my guns and Bible I decided to write about it. I'm just more than a little upset about how our political leaders handle things. They mishandle government funds, they don't look after the rights of individuals anymore, and they make stupid choices like the one I shared with you above. Common Sense is no longer a sought after quality in American politics.

I really don't want to become a political activist - I'm a preacher. However, I cannot stand by and listen to this nonsense without saying something. If you have participated in the poll question you will notice that it's about the current "gas crisis". I posted it because I wanted to see the responses of those who read this blog. I wanted to view your mindset about the proper way to handle some of the problems of our society. Maybe next time I will ask what you think is the greatest threat to our country. That would be insightful wouldn't it?

Our government does not take care of these things the way they should. Gas crisis - they want to take away the profits of oil companies. Economic crisis - they want to raise taxes. Health care crisis - they want the government to control healthcare. Whether you realize it or not all of the problems we face are due to government. When you involve government there are more restrictions, guidelines, and hoops to jump through. We are in a food crisis and they still want to create a fuel source with corn. Think about it people: is it better to run out of gas or food? Ronald Reagan said it best when he said "More government is never the answer..."

And the outrage continues...Let's talk about our current tax system. Everywhere I turn I have to hear class warfare debates. Those people who make more money should pay more into taxes, healthcare, etc. Folks, they already do. The top income earners in this country pay a greater percentage than those of us in the middle class. It may not "feel" like that but it's the way our system works. Then, of course, you have some people who pay absolutely no taxes and yet every year after April 15th they will find a check in the mail. All of this goes on while we have a plan for a fair tax system. A national sales tax that would more than handle the revenue needed to fund governement spending and allow us to keep all of our income. Think about it: Every time you get paid you can keep your money. No more federal taxes, state taxes, social security witholding, etc. Instead, you would pay taxes when you buy things. And if you take away the current tax system - prices in the store come down because companies will no longer have to include it in their profit margins. Don't take my word for it - read it for yourself:

I know that I wasn't created for this world. As a believer in Jesus Christ I look forward to an eternity in heaven. But while I'm here I shouldn't have to put up with the ignorance that I see (and hear) everyday. We need to see limited government. We need our government to cut spending. The only thing our government should be concerned about is protecting our nation from those who would love to destroy us and our individual rights. You need to understand that raising taxes does not help our only helps our government fund programs. When you allow people to keep more of their income then that income is used to fuel the economy. It's time for the voters of this country to wake up and understand that our current system is broke and it needs to be fixed.

I could go on but I'm going to stop. For those of you who come to get a devotional thought I'm sorry it had to be this way. I had this thing churning inside of me and it had to come out. I'm not running for political office of any kind. I'm just tired of having to deal with the nonsense. This country is the greatest country on the face of the earth. We are by far the most free nation in the world. I love being an American, but if we don't start becoming vocal and active about these things we will watch this nation crumble.

And remember this truth: "Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people whom He has chosen as His heritage!" - Psalm 33:12

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

What Happens to a Discarded Idol?

In case you haven't noticed, I enjoy American Idol. It's the only "reality show" I watch. I have a love for music and as a kid I used to love Star Search. American Idol is Star Search on steroids!

I noticed this year they are looking at past contestants. The "where are they now" times are always interesting. Some of the past idols are easy to find. They have found a career (or at least enough money) in music. I came across one the other day - actually he came across me - he was being played on Spirit FM.

How many of you remember Chris Sligh? You know - guy from SC, big hair, great humor, and strong voice. I would say that he was the funniest audition ever. He was also a great talent. He even sang "We All Wanna Be Loved" by DC Talk. Anyway, I heard he was doing the Christian music thing and I gave him a listen. The first single is awesome. It has a great sound, the lyrics are powerful, and I love it.

I want you to take a look at these lyrics. And for those who don't like to read but would rather hear >>>>> [highlight the link, copy, and paste in address bar or just type what I typed].

Empty Me - Chris Sligh

I’ve had just enough of the spotlight when it burns bright
To see how it gets in the blood.
And I’ve tasted my share of the sweet life and the wild ride
And found a little is not quite enough.
I know how I can stray
And how fast my heart could change.

Empty me of the selfishness inside
Every vain ambition and the poison of my pride
And any foolish thing my heart holds to
Lord empty me of me so I can be filled with you.

I’ve seen just enough of the quick buys of the best lies
To know how prodigals can be drawn away.
I know how I can stray
And how fast my heart could change.

Empty me of the selfishness inside
Every vain ambition and the poison of my pride
And any foolish thing my heart holds to
Lord empty me of me so I can be filled with you.

Cause everything is a lesser thing
Compared to you, compared to you.
Cause everything is a lesser thing
Compared to you so why surrender all?

Empty me of the selfishness inside
Every vain ambition and the poison of my pride
Empty me of the selfishness inside
Every vain ambition and the poison of my pride
And any foolish thing my heart holds to
Lord empty me of me so I can be
Lord empty me of me so I can be filled with you.
Oh, filled with you.
Empty me.

What a wonderful perspective to have in life. Everyone of us could pray these words: Lord Empty Me.

Be Blessed today.

Monday, April 14, 2008

The Race Divide

Martin Luther King Jr. said, "At 11:00 on Sunday when we stand and sing Christ has no east or west, we stand at the most segregated hour in this nation."

This statement was true then and it's still true today. God's Word tells us that "There is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus." - Galatians 3:28. So, if God's Word teaches us that in Him we are the same, why do we have such a race divide in the church?

The reason for my questions is because of what I'm seeing in our political world. As many of you know there is a good chance that the Democrat nominee for President could be Obama. It would be the first time, according to polls, that a black man would be a legitimate front runner to win. Before I get into my thoughts on the subject I want to say that I don't have a problem with someone of another race being the leader of our country. However, with the stuff that's coming out of the Obama camp it seems that we are dividing race more than uniting our country.

Many of you have already heard the statements of his pastor. You have heard his church's stance. You have heard the words of Obama. And the reason that I'm sharing all of this today is because I'm tired of race being an issue. Over recent years we have states making apologies for slavery. We find leaders of our country bowing down to affirmative action. When the fact of the matter is our country, and our churches, have made great strides when it comes to the race divide.

I have to ask if we will ever see a black man who can run for president without making race or slavery an issue? Will we ever see a woman run for president without making gender or women's rights an issue? It seems as though our quest for equality has come up short. Rather than creating unity we are dividing our nation and further dividing our churches. That's one of the reasons that I don't use the term African-American, Chinese-American, or the like. There was a time in our country when the people who came over for freedom and a greater opportunity of life wanted be known as American's and nothing else.

The majority of people in this country have come from a line of immigrants. Irish, Scottish, German, Polish, etc. Have we forgotten that this country was formed primarily by group of men who came from England? But how often do you hear the phrase English-American? Yes, our country has endured some tremendous growing pains. Our churches have had to endure some changes as well. But I wonder if we will ever be able to overcome our past. I wonder if we will ever be able to judge men and women "based upon the content of their character rather than the color of their skin" as Dr. King envisioned.

It's sad to think that we have people running for the "highest" office in the land who continue to play race, gender, and class warfare cards. It's sad to think that we still have pastors who think it's necessary to continue to divide and segregate. Jesus died for all. His blood was shed for humanity. Don't talk to me about "White Christianity" when our faith has it's roots in the middle east. This may shock you but Jesus wasn't white. Jesus wasn't black. Jesus - in his earthly form - looked like the Jewish people of His time. The Bible said that He came to His own but they did not receive Him.

The Revelation of Jesus Christ points to a time when all nations, tribes, and languages are gathered around the throne of God bringing praise to Him. Why can't we do that today? Why are our churches so divided? Why is our country still so divided? We in the church of Jesus Christ should be under one banner - Jesus Christ. We in this nation should be under one banner - the flag of the United States. I think it's time that we start trying to bring this country together. But it will never happen if all we can do is look backwards. It's also time to bring our churches together. All churches that lay claim to faith in Jesus Christ have one mission. That mission is to bring the lost to Christ.

It's time for the churches of this nation to intensify our prayers. We need to pray for the scars of racial division to be healed. We need to pray for the unity of all believers. We will never affect the division of our country if we will not deal with the division in our churches. We must remember that we are all one in Christ Jesus. Amen.

Friday, April 11, 2008

I Must Be Fair

Yesterday I shared something of a rant with you over the omission of Jesus' name on American Idol. Well, I must be fair. Last night during the elimination episode the contestants once again sang "Shout to the Lord", however this time they did not take Jesus out of the song.

I don't know the reason for the change (my blog cannot accept credit), but I was glad to see and hear it. This song was written with the understanding of who Jesus Christ is. He is the reason for the song. I was glad to hear His name back in the song.

It's really a very interesting topic. One night they intentionally leave His name out of the song. The next night they put His name back in! This is what I call riding the fence. It's a commitment to not being committed. Last I checked fence riding was not a professional sport but there are a lot of pro's involved. I wonder how many people sing about Jesus on Sunday but dare not speak His name on Monday?

In case you haven't noticed I will always try to make a spiritual application. Why? Because I believe that the lessons we learn in the natural world can be applied to the spiritual part of our lives. American Idol does not lay claim to being pleasing to God. However, we as believers do. I don't expect American Idol to bring praise to God, but a follower of Christ should.

Jesus said, "For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him will the Son of Man also be ashamed when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels." Matthew 8:38. When I hear these words it sounds as though Jesus is speaking directly to this generation. These are very piercing words. The problem with many people is that we are too busy trying to sing two different songs. We are trying to sing the song of the world while at the same time singing the song of the Lord. We are trying to sing good songs that are pleasing to men while also trying to sing songs that are pleasing to God.

The Bible teaches us that this world is at emnity with God. That is, this world fights against God and the knowledge of Him. We are not to love this world. However, we easily get caught up in the snares of this world. What happened on American Idol the last couple of days is a visual illustration of Sunday Christianity. Once again I want to say that I don't expect American Idol to be about Christ. This is a message to those who call themselves Christians. When given the opportunity will you speak, sing, or even preach the name of Christ. Or are you going to do everything but speak His name?

Thanks to American Idol for putting Jesus back into the song. And for the record last night's performance was much better. Jesus makes the difference. To the believer I say: Keep Jesus at the center of your song. Don't change the words because you will change the meaning. Jesus should be the central figure in all you do. He is our Strength, our Shelter, our Lord. Jesus makes the difference.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Take Note Of What You Give

Last night on "Idol Gives Back" there were some very interesting performances. It truly has become a star-studded event. Among the celebrities were Brad Pitt, Miley Cyrus, and Robin Williams. This fundraiser over the last couple of years has raised some serious money to help with needs all over the world.

This season for American Idol has been interesting when it comes to song choices. There have been several songs performed with refrences to Jesus. Dolly Parton performed "Jesus and Gravity", the Clark Brothers performed "This Little Light of Mine", the idol contestants themselves have performed various numbers with reference to God, and last night the contestants as a group sang "Shout to the Lord". However, their performance was different from the original song.

Unless you are familiar with the song you may not have noticed the clear omission of the name of Jesus. Yes, during the last performance of the night, Jesus' name was deleted from one of the greatest praise songs of all times. The performance was safe, the vocals were o.k., the song choice was perfect, but I did not like the arrangement. Why? Because it failed to connect with the true power of the song. Shout to the Lord has been sung in many churches over the years, concerts, and conferences. It is one of those songs that is anointed of God. But last night the Anointed One was cast out.

Please understand that I always take note of Jesus' name when it occurs. This season on Idol Jesus has come up time and time again, but it's usually through the song of a guest performer. And in the closing moments of last night's fundraiser "political correctness" took over. Interesting that you can sing about a Shepherd, Comforter, Tower of Refuge, Strength, and Savior; but Jesus cannot be uttered in a song that is clearly about Him.

Don't get me wrong...I don't expect American Idol to preach the gospel. But please, please, PLEASE don't intentionally remove Him. This is why I say that the song was just o.k. and the performance was safe. It lacked the power that the original song always held. It lacked the conviction that was intended when it was written. And I'm a firm believer that it was because Jesus was taken out of the song.

You see Jesus is what separates true faith from ecuminical faith. Ecuminical faith is all inclusive - universal. Jesus is Lord. American Idol simply pandered to the policy of not offending any non-Christians in the audience. I also found it interesting that after the performance, at the end of the show, Ben Stiller came out and did some little comedy skit where they had to bleep out portions of his monologue. That's how the enemy gets our attention off of God. I guess he was afraid that even without the mention of Jesus' name the song was just too much to handle.

They wouldn't say it so I will... "My Jesus, my Savior, Lord there is none like You!!! My Comfort, my Shelter, Tower of Refuge and Strength. Let every breath, all that I am, never cease to worship You." Notice the difference? It's amazing what Jesus will do for a song, but even more amazing what He will do for you.

I'm grateful for Idol Gives Back. I think it's important for people in that kind of position to use their influences for the greater good of man. But take note of what you give. Make sure that you give God His rightful place in all things.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Still Gotta Praise Him

I experienced something this week with my daugther that was a first. Haley is our oldest and has always been a very mature little girl. She's very smart - almost too smart at times. Last August she was very sick with some type of stomach thing. Since that time she constantly complains about her stomach hurting and thinking she's going to "throw-up".

We finally decided that it was time to do something. After talking to her doctor they wanted to run some tests. The tests were simple enough. They had her drink some barium and took pictures of her digestive system to make sure everything looked normal.

As I was explaining to Haley everything she would have to do she became very concerned. You have to understand Haley...she doesn't like anything to do with doctors, medicine, or tests. It's all we can do to get her tested for strep. It was during that conversation that Haley looked at me and said, "What if it's cancer?" Not the words I expected to hear from my 10 year old. She then said, "I don't know why God made me this way..." Something else I did not expect to hear from my 10 year old. But it got me to thinking.

How often do we fail to praise God for the good things and then immediately blame Him for the bad? Job gives up a wonderful example of how to handle life's difficulties. His wife had just given him some bad advice. He said to her, "Shall we indeed accept good from God, and shall we not accept adversity?" I love that verse. Talk about great perspective. Should we expect anything less? This is the same man who said, "The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord."

My point is whether we are experiencing the great blessings of life or the great distresses of life - God is worthy of praise. In fact, I'm a firm believer that God enjoys the sacrifice of praise over the required praise of His people. The praise of the broken carries more weight than the praise of the whole. Please understand that God enjoys all praise. But praise from the valley has a little different tone than the praise from the mountain top.

The good news with Haley, so far, is that the pictures looked fine. We have not spoken with the doctors but the initial reports were good. Praise God! But I have to remember the words of Henry Blackaby during these times. "We must place everything against the backdrop of the cross." In other words, we must always view things from the perspective that God loves us unconditionally. And regardless of whether the report is good or bad, it does not change the love of God toward us.

The Bible teaches us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. However, we live in a sin sick world. Our bodies often pay the price. Cancer is a reality, sickness is a reality, and pain is a reality. Even in the midst of these things God's character never changes. He is still worthy of praise.

I don't know your situation in life, but God's situation is still the same. He is still seated on the thone. He is still in absolute control. He's still God. We still gotta praise Him. He's worthy. I want you to remember that praise to God is not dependent upon what we experience but upon who He is. Praise Him today even if you have to muster the strength to do so. Find reason to rejoice today in Him. If for no other reason than the fact that you are saved from your sin. He's worthy!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

A Good Read

The following is an excerpt from "Streams in the Desert" by L.B. Cowman. "Steams in the Desert has 366 daily devotional readings.

"I will stand at my watch and station myself on the ramparts; I will look to see what He will say to me." Habakkuk 2:1

"Without watchful expectation on our part, what is the sense in waiting on God for help? There will be no help without it. If we ever fail to receive strength and protection from Him, it is because we have not been looking for it...

There is an old saying: 'They who watch for the providence of God will never lack the providence of God to watch for.' And we could turn the saying around as well and say, 'They who never watch for the providence of God will never have the providence of God to watch for.' Unless you put the water jars out when it rains, you will never collect the water.

We need to be more businesslike and use common sense with God in claiming His promises. If a man were to go to the bank several times a day, lay his check at the teller's window, and then pick it up and leave without cashing it, it would not be long before the bank would have him ordered from the premises.

People who go to the bank have a purpose in mind. They present their check, receive their cash, and then leave, having transacted real business. They do not lay their check on the counter, discuss the beauty of the signature, and point out the lovely design on it. No, they want to receive money for their check and will not be satisfied without it...

Unfortunately, a great many people also play at praying. They do not expect God to give them an answer, so they simply squander their prayer time. Our Heavenly Father desires us to transact real business with Him in our praying." - Charles H. Spurgeon

Monday, April 7, 2008

Talking 'bout my Generation

The book of Judges is one of the most interesting Old Testament books. It's an acount of the children of Israel following the death of Joshua. Joshua was the man God had chosen to lead Israel after the death of Moses. Joshua picked up the mantle left by this great man of God and carried Israel to new heights. Israel is now living in the "Promised Land". However, they continually went back on their covenant with the Lord.

Before Joshua's death we heard those words that are often quoted today, "As for me and my house we will serve the Lord." Not only did Joshua make that statement but the Israelites joined him in the declaration. But in the book of Judges we find in chapter 2 verse 10 that "another generation arose after them who did not know the Lord nor the work which He had done for Israel."

Here's the problem: The generation that has come to power did not know the Lord. Not only that, but they had no clue as to what God had done for the previous generations. This verse provides a great warning for those of us who are following the Lord now. We need to ensure that we are passing the knowledge and blessings of God to the next generation of believers.

There is a part of me that wants to blame Israel's problems on the current generation. However, when I understand this verse I recognize that the previous generation failed them. The reason they did not know what the Lord had done is because it had not been passed along to them. Dear friends, the next generation will not know if we do not tell them. We can sit back and blame all our problems on a new generation if we choose, but we better start looking in the mirror. The reason we have a new generation that does not honor the Lord is because we have not taught them. The reason that we have a new generation that lives for itself is because that is what they have seen in us.

We must pass along the knowledge of God's Word, God's blessings, and God's standards. We must pass along the testimony of God's faithfulness in our generation if we ever expect a new generation to know what God can do in their generation.

I'm a firm believer that we are seeing a generation coming up that is hungry for the things of God. They want to encounter the God of the Bible. They want to see signs and wonders. They want to experience His presence. We should lead the way. They ought to experience all of these things through us so that they will experience Him one day without us. We are the ones responsible for shaping and molding the next generation. We cannot allow them to grow up in a society that does things that are right in their own eyes.

The book of Judges shows us that God had to raise up men and women to bring Israel back to Himself. They were the ones who would bring deliverance to their generation. People like Othniel, Ehud, Shamgar, Deborah, and Gideon were the ones that God brought forward to bring Israel back to God. Our generation has witnessed the passing of men like Adrian Rogers, Jerry Fallwell, and James Kennedy. These were men of great character and vision. These were men God has used to bring about change. Whom will God raise up next? It could be you.

One thing is for certain. Each of us are responsible for our own homes. Each of us are responsible for our church. Will we be up to the challenge of bringing forward a generation that is pleasing to the Lord? The future of our faith and our nation is at stake. It has been said that we are no longer a "godless" nation but rather a nation with many gods. It's up to us to ensure that we are a nation under the one true God. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The God who has revealed Himself in nature and the Bible. The God who sent Jesus Christ into this world to die upon the cross for the sins of humanity. This is the God we need to preach. This is the God we need to remember and pass along to the next generation.

Friday, April 4, 2008

A Friend at all Times

Proverbs 27:17 teaches us that just as iron sharpens iron - so a man can sharpen another man.

I want to put out a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Ron Gibson. Ron serves Pioneer Baptist Church as Worship and Missions Pastor. He is officially older than me today. LOL!

You might be asking yourself why I'm using today's blog to talk about this. Well, I'm glad you asked. Ron has been at Pioneer for several years now. When he came to this church he was at one of his lowest points. His life had been devestated by some personal blows and he was searching for God in the midst of his mess.

It was through those unfortunate circumstances that I was able to be acquainted with someone whom God would use in great ways in the life of this church. Ron joined our fellowship, immediately involved himself in the ministry of the church, was healed in so many areas of his life, and is now a staff person with PBC. His story is unique, but not uncommon. It's a testimony of what can happen in any of our lives when we submit ourselves to God and seek Him out in our daily lives.

God has used Ron to transform the way we worship as a church body. He has also used Ron to become a partner in the vision of our church. When PBC took it's first trip overseas - Ron was a part of that process. And now, because of God's work in his heart, Ron helps others acheive the dream of doing missions.

The reason I'm telling you this is because of I Cor. 16:18. Paul wrote to the church about Stephanas, Fortunatus, and Achaicus. He said, "For they have refreshed my spirit and yours. Therefore acknowledge such men." So to Ron we say thanks for refreshing the spirits of the membership of Pioneer Baptist Church. Thanks for your partnership in the gospel ministry. Thanks for your friendship in every circumstance of life.

Happy Birthday Ron.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Missing Peace?

Luke 19:42, "If you had this your day, the things that make for your peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes"

I wonder how many times we have missed peace in our lives because we missed the things that God was showing us? Can you think of a time when everything should have been better than it was? I mean, those times when you were where you thought you needed to be and yet you were still missing the peace that God has promised?

Jesus made it very clear to the Jewish people. They missed the things that make for their peace because it was hidden from their eyes. What has God been trying to point out to you? What has God put His finger on in your life to say - "If you will remove this from your life you could have peace" - but you still hang on to it?

Is it pride? Is it a critical attitude? Is it a lack of faith? It may not be what we would call a "gross sin", but rather it could be a bad attitude. Be careful of anything that will hinder your peace. Be careful of anything that exalts itself against the knowledge of God in your life. Don't miss the piece that makes for your peace.

There have been times in my life when I felt so sure that I was doing the Lord's will, I was following His Word, I was fulfilling His calling on my life but there was something missing. I did not have the joy that I should have had, I did not have the peace that passes all understanding, I did not have that stillness of soul that comes from obeying God. Why? Because I continued to "carry" things in my life that the Lord had pointed out. I was unwilling to change my attitude. I was unwilling to cast out the sin in my life. Therefore, I could not enjoy what was new in my life because I was still holding on to the old.

If there is one thing that I have figured out it's this: Deal with the things that God points out. Gladly remove those things that continue to bind you and "the sin which so easily besets you". You may not have realized it before, but you can carry things with you into every situtation that God places you in. And in that place you will once again be robbed of the joy and peace that God wants for you.

This is why pastors move from church to church. Every new situtation turns out the same as the old, because they have never dealt with the things that came up in the old situation. This is why church members hop from church to church. They think it's a church problem when it's really a personal problem. They carry with them this critical attitude, this hampering sin, and they can never find contentment in any church.

I pray that your eyes would be open. God wants to bless you, but you have to be willing to let go of some things. I hope that today you will see the things that make for your peace. I hope that you not only see them but act on them. May you enjoy the peace that God has for you.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

He's Coming Again!

I Thessalonians 4:13-18 speaks to us about the second coming of Christ. We are told that in that day Jesus will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. The dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.


Paul tells the believers that there is a two-fold purpose for writing these words. In verse 13 he tells them that he does not want them to be ignorant. Aren't you glad that Christianity is not a brain-less faith. God wants you to be educated in the truth. The other reason is found in verse 18 where Paul says to comfort one another with these words.

Do those words comfort you? Are you comfortable with the thought that at any given moment on any given day that Jesus Christ can and will return? If not, why? Why would you be fearful of His return? If you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior there should be an expectancy within you that looks forward to His coming.

His coming is the final fulfillment of salvation in our lives. We have been saved from our sin. We have been delivered from the sting of death. His return brings about our deliverance from the destruction of this world as we know it and ushers in the glory of the Kingdom of God.

I don't know about you, but I look forward to a time and place where Jesus sits on the throne. I look forward to a day when there is no sorrow, no pain, no death, and no tears. I look forward to a day when I don't have to deal with the struggle of sin. I look forward. That's what the Christian faith is all about. It's a looking forward with the understanding that we are pilgrims in this world. This world is not our home. That's why we are not to lay up treasures here.

Be encouraged today...Jesus is coming soon!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Grasping the Wind

Ecclesiastes 1:14: "I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and indeed all is vanity and grasping for the wind."

When I read passages like this one, I have to wonder why people don't think the Bible is relevant. If anything the Bible hits too close to home for me on most days. I don't see how you can live in today's society and not understand that the words of the preacher in Ecclesiastes ring true.

If you watch the daily news you will hear stories about rising gas prices, falling home prices, rising health costs, falling stocks, rising unemployment, and falling job opportunities. Up and down, up and down, and what we fail to realize is that it's all vanity. It's all empty.

"But you don't know my situation!" I don't have to know the particulars to understand that most of us have come to live a lifestyle that is well above our means. There are those in this world who are seriously struggling to get by. There are those in our country who are just trying to meet the most basic needs in their lives. However, I believe, the majority of people in America have tried to live the "American Dream" by financing it. We are caught up in the rat race of get, give me, and I deserve. We don't plan for major purchases. We don't think about the future - much less save for it. And we don't keep ourselves from what we want.

You have to know that the man who wrote Ecclesiastes had everything he could have wanted. He had great wisdom, he possessed great wealth, he lacked for nothing. And yet, in all of his stuff he found nothing that could satisfy him. Does that sound like you today? Ask yourself these questions:
Are you satisfied with your home?
Are you satisfied with your car?
Are you satisfied with your job?
Are you satisfied with your income?
Are you satisfied with your spouse?
Are you satisfied with your hobbies?

These are just a few areas of our lives where we always seem to look for more. We are trying to satisfy ourselves with stuff rather than be content with the things we have. Then we spend 80 - 90 years of our life grasping for the wind.

Steven Curtis Chapman wrote a song several years ago called "More to this Life." The chorus says, "There's more to this life than living and dying, more than just trying to make it through the day." How true those words are! But most people live their week saying, "Oh no, it's Monday - - - - thank God it's Friday." We are not satisfied, we wish our lives away most days, and everything we strive to obtain can be lost in a split second.

How many times do we have to hear the reports of natural disasters destroying homes and lives before we realize that could be us? Shouldn't we find something in this life that is more permanent? Something that has a little more meaning? Yes - we should. And there is only one thing you can invest your time, effort, energy, and devotion into that will always pay you back - and it's a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

Today, don't just focus on the now, do something that has eternal value. Share the gospel with a lost soul, give a helping hand without expecting anything in return, tell those around you that you love them, give encouragement to someone in distress. These things may not line your pocket, build up great wealth, or help your tax return; but at least they are things that have meaning and purpose.

Be Blessed in this day and stop grasping for the wind, instead be thankful for the resfreshing breeze.