Friday, October 31, 2008

Friday - Trick or Treat?

Good Friday to all of you. I took our South Africa team to the airport yesterday. It was exciting to see them off. 3 out of the 7 were taking their 1st trip while 4 out of 7 were making their 1st overseas trip. It does my heart well to send them off to do God's work.

O.K. - It's Friday and there is only 4 days left until election day. Are you ready to vote? It will be good to watch TV and not have to see all of these campaign commercials. I'm also looking forward to watching something other than political commentary shows. Nothing against Hannity & Colmes but after this election I will be focusing on other things.

Tonight, our church will be hosting the annual Harvest Party. This is our Halloween alternative and normally very successful. I always find it interesting how many people are looking for something different than Halloween. We try and provide a safe and fun environment and hope that the kids will take more candy home than if they went door to door. It also keeps these families off the street.

Fall weather is here - and the mountains are beautiful. With the opening of muzzle loader season tomorrow there will be a lot more hunters in the woods. Pray for their safety. This is my favorite time of the year. I enjoy the hunting but I also enjoy being out in God's wonderful creation. I don't understand how anyone could enter into the beauty of this world and ever consider that it's all an accident.

I know that my thoughts are random today but that is how my mind is working this week. It's been one of "those" weeks but God is good and He has been always.

I hope and pray that all of you enjoy a wonderful weekend. Be in prayer about this upcoming election. Many of our freedoms are on the line as well as our economy. The fate of unborn children rest upon this election, as well as the sanctity of marriage. Our national defense rests in the balance dependent upon who we elect on Nov. 4th. Pray...pray...pray. Remember - God is in control.

P.S. I look forward to getting back to some normalcy with the blog next week. Especially with this election coming to a close, you can look forward to different entries. Thanks for allowing me to share my thoughts.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Face of Missions

In Acts 16:9-10 we read about Paul's vision of a man from Macedonia waving to him and asking for help. This portion of scripture reminds us of a very important point: Missions work has a face.

I shared a little of this with our church Sunday evening during a commissioning service for our South Africa Team. This is something that each of us need to remember. It's all too easy to think of missions and only see the people we send. Rarely do we have an image of the ones we are trying to reach.

When you think about China - do you only see an image of the flag or are you able to peer into the eyes of an empty soul? When you think about Africa - is the first image in your mind that of a jungle or do you see the millions of people groping in darkness waiting to hear the good news of Jesus? The picture I share with you today is from our Alaska trip in June and it's a reminder to me of the types of people we encounter when we decide to go.

After sharing this message with our people, one of the team members going to Africa shared with me a story from his trip to Ukraine in July. Scot told me that a brother from Nigeria (who was ministering in Ukraine the same time) found out that we were sending a team to South Africa. He also found out that Scot was going on this trip as well. This brother went to Scot and said, "Go and tell my people about Jesus." WOW! It sort of gives us a different understanding about missions work doesn't it?

Please pray for the PBC Trailblazer team as they board a plane tomorrow and head to South Africa. Pray for the anointing of the Holy Spirit upon their lives and their witness. We trust that God will go with them and that we will see and hear the reports of a great harvest among the African people.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I Haven't Forgotten...

Dear Friends,
I'm so sorry that I was unable to get to the blog today. I had a meeting around lunchtime and I'm scheduled to pick the kids up from school. I hope to get back with you all tomorrow.
I do appreciate all of you who check in with PBC Voice...many of you on a daily basis. It's always encouraging to think that some people will actually read what I write!
I hope that you're week is going well.
In Christ,

Monday, October 20, 2008

A Quick Note

I hope that everyone has had a wonderful weekend.
Of course I'm rarely able to post on Mondays since I don't have "high speed" at home (and I don't dare try to labor through dial-up). I guess I will have to wait until Obama is president since he has assured me that broadband will go global under his energy plan.

Anyway...I'm going to be out of office for the better part of this week. So today's focus on the blog is to share some thoughts about a very important person in my life.

Jennifer and I are preparing to celebrate 13 years of marriage next month. Married life in all has been wonderful. We both agree that the difficulties could never outweigh the benefits. As I get older - and we remained married longer - I can see how blessed I am. I told a group in our church last night that I used to think of Jenn as a compliment to my ministry. Today, I can honestly say that she does so much more than fact, she completes the ministry that God has given us.

I can honestly say that my wife is my favorite person in the world and my best friend. As much as I enjoy spending time with "the boys" I enjoy my time with her so much more. Proverbs tells us to "rejoice in the wife of your youth..." How often do you hear men say that they enjoy their wives?

I am a blessed man with a wonderful wife who is a good mother, a loving person, and an enduring friend. Sure - we have problems like a lot of couples. There have been dark times in our 13 year history. However, every day that we are together we learn more and more of what it means to be one in Christ.

Let me say to the husbands out there - LOVE your wife. That is the most basic command that God could ever give to us. It's a command because we struggle with it. Maybe we don't consider it manly enough. We would much rather read "provide for", "instruct", or some other command that required our strength. But God's Word is clear on this: "love your wife as Christ loved the church..." Only under the supernatural power of God can we ever hope to be willing to lay down our lives for our wife.

To the wives: RESPECT your husband. One of the greatest needs your husband has is for you to respect him. It is a part of his love language. Most husbands don't doubt the love of their wife but many do doubt if their spouse respects them. Once again I will say that the reason God gives this command to the wife is because it's the area of their greatest struggle. Therefore, only under God's power can a woman give respect to her man.

What we have seen in our society over the years is a reversal of these commands. It's easy for a husband to respect his wife for all she does - care for the kids, care for the home, working a job. On the other hand it's easy for a wife to love her husband - she's more emotional that way. But God's command goes directly to the love language of each individual.

This is something that each of us need to be reminded of every day. If we are married there is no greater ministry that the ministry we have together. If someone is planning to get married they must consider the weight of these words. We can only have a fruitful marriage by choosing to sow the right kind of seed.

May each of you have a blessed week and may you learn to enjoy your spouse.

Friday, October 17, 2008

An Ordinary "Joe"

If you haven't heard of Joe the plumber - where have you been hiding?

Joe made national headlines after asking Obama about his tax plan should he become president. It all happened while the camera was rolling. Joe explained that he has been a plumber for 15 years and that he was wanting to buy the business he has worked for but was worried that Obama's plan to increase taxes on people who made more than $250,000/year would hurt his business. Obama likes to use that number by saying a quarter of a million dollars (sounds like a lot doesn't it?). The Senator's reply was that he was looking out for people who were behind Joe and wanted them to be able to live where he does. He went on to say that he believes that spreading the wealth around works better for everyone.

Joe was simply in the right place at the right time to ask this least, in some respects. After he became a big issue in the last debate he might be thinking it was the wrong place. In fact, if you look at how the media has handled this guy you would think that he made a death threat against Obama. Reporters have been going through his income tax returns, the "local" plumbers union has no idea who Joe is, some have suggested that he was planted there to ask that question by the Republican National Committee, Joe the Senator has said that he's not anything like the plumbers he knows, and even the "View" has chimed in. This is ridiculous! These reporters have spent more time investigating the past of Sarah Palin & Joe the plumber than they have Obama's ties to Wright or Ayers.

The neat thing about Joe is that he put a face on everything McCain has been trying to say during the debates and on the campaign trail. Now everyone can see someone who is hurt by raising taxes on the evil rich. It has definitely made for some interesting news.

Here's the deal: If McCain wins the presidency he will owe it to two people in particular - Joe the plumber & Sarah the Maverick. Joe ought to be appointed as the Secretary of Labor. Why? Because he gets it!

Maybe he's not just an ordinary Joe.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Moving Forward

O.K. - The last debate is over and now it's left up to people to educate themselves about the issues and then go out and vote for the presidential candidate who will best lead our nation.

I could spend a lot of time breaking down all of the differing views that came out of this debate but I would rather focus on the major "moral" issue that came up. I was really surprised that Obama called abortion a moral issue. If it's a moral issue then why are we still debating it? Either abortion is morally wrong or it's morally right! Our nation is not falling on the side of morality when it comes to abortion.

The facts: Obama is pro-abortion. McCain is pro-life. Obama supports partial birth abortion. McCain does not. Obama voted against physicians giving medical care for children born after a botched abortion. McCain supports physician assistance in this instance. Over and over again, when it comes to dealing with the unborn - Obama and the Democrat party has been wrong. And according to Obama's own words they are morally wrong.

I really wonder how many people discuss their decision with their families or spiritual leaders? I don't know of too many spiritual leaders who would say "Go ahead and have the's your right." And on top of that the Constitution before Roe v Wade did not allow for a right to have an abortion.

This is the real civil rights battle of our generation. Who will stand up for the rights of the unborn?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I Just Cannot Help Myself...

I told myself that I wasn't going to do this. I thought that I would take a week to think about different issues and find some other interests to talk about. But I just cannot help myself today. Tonight is the last and final debate between McCain & Obama at Hofstra University. What will we learn?

I'm not sure how all of this will play out. It seems to me that I obviously think differently than the majority of people being polled in America(that's not uncommon). I do hope that the issues that Americans want to hear will come out in tonight's debate. According to most news outlets the important topic is the economy. So if it's the economy I'm curious if McCain will be able to shed light on Obama's economic plan.

This morning on Fox News there was a discussion on how 80% of the top CEO's in the nation favor McCain's economic plan over Obama's. In fact, 6% fear that an Obama administration with his policies would bankrupt America within a 3 year period. One CEO went on to say that Obama has show his inexperience in many of his ideas - one of which is the increase on capital gains tax. Today the Obama campaign came out with the witty reply by saying that basically this is laughable since this year not many people are seeing capital gains.

I chose to share all of this with you because it's relevant to this election. If the vast majority of America's CEO's see an Obama presidency along with his economic policies as dangerous to the economy shouldn't someone besides FOX News be talking about it? Are they discussing this on NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, or MSNBC? Or are you simply hearing that most people say that they trust Obama on the economy more so than McCain? It makes sense since a Rasmussen poll recently learned that a majority of Americans favor increasing taxes on the top 5% and redistributing their wealth to the middle & lower class. This is simply amazing to me.

If it's about the economy then why don't people have a better understanding of McCain & Obama's policies? I was talking to my father the other day and he said, "Well, they say McCain is going to start taxing health insurance..." All I could say was that the statement was untrue and that I had looked it up. You see, my dad doesn't have cable. He cannot watch something like FOX News to hear both sides of an issue. No - he's stuck with the networks who have been in the tank for some time. What McCain's policy does say it that all American taxpayers will receive a tax credit {$2,500 per individual/$5,000 per family}. This will allow people WHO CHOOSE to buy their own health insurance coverage rather than having their insurance tied to their employer. McCain's plan will start taxing the money that your employer takes out of you paycheck for health insurance (this is the change) but according to the Tax Policy Center the new credit more than covers the additional taxes, leaving you with the insurance you have now, and with a little more money in your pocket come tax time (between $700 and $1,600). In the end, should you choose to pay out of pocket for health insurance [which is what my family does] you have as much money as your employer does to pay for your insurance. Ask yourself this question: How many people do you know that are tied down to a job they hate simply because of "benefits"?

McCain also wants to eliminate taxes on unemployment, allow retirees to keep their money in 401k's longer, drastically reduce capital gains taxes, and allow for shopping in the health care market. In the end what this means for the taxpayer is less government and more individual responsibility and freedom. A recent analysis of the McCain health care plan by Roger Feldman and Health Systems Innovation found that it would reduce the number of uninsured Americans by 27 million - well over half of the present total and all without forcing anyone who now likes their coverage to lose it.

There is no doubt in my mind that Obama is more articulate that McCain. And there is a large group of people in this country who want a president who looks good and speaks well. However, shouldn't this election come down to policy rather than popularity? I think so! Obama's economic plan is socialism - plain & simple. McCain's plan is to allow people to keep more of their money and reduce government spending instead of making government bigger and the deficit larger.

Let's make this very clear: You have a choice come November 4th. What kind of leader do you want? What kind of economy do you want? I think the choice is clear. If you are undecided and this is all about the economy then you must look at the facts. But let me also say that this election is also about national security and winning the war on terror and finishing the job in Iraq. Look at the policies and the records and vote on principals.

Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Great Article on Lame Christian Media

Allow me to share with you a recent article by Doug Giles. Doug is the voice for Clash Radio and a featured writer with town hall a conservative website. His latest article that came to me via e-mail talks about (in his words) the lame Christian media and it's lack of voice about our cultural corruption.

"If our nation goes down the secular crapper, then I lat a lot of the blame on the limp-wrist Christian media. Yep, I condemn Christian TV, Christian radio stations and Christian publishers that have the power and the audience to pump truth to the masses but have instead chosen to peddle spiritual candy rather than the unvarnished verities that the church and our nation need."

Giles go on to say that Christians who don't speak, sing or write to the serious issues of their day then they have become useless (I said it a little nicer than he did!).

"Aside from Dobson and his crew at Focus and a smattering of other luminaries, you don't hear many of the overt Christian writers or talking heads speaking even mildly to the sassy secularists who are hell-bent on wrecking this land...Y'know, I appreciate O'Reilly, Hannity, Beck and others who go to bat on behalf of Christian principles, but it would be kind of nice to see some more pastors in that mix also. Ted Nugent brings more truth to the table than most pastors and priests do on radio, TV and in print."

He goes on to say, "No matter how you want to slice your silence, Christian ministers and corporations, your mute mouth is cowardice of the highest order and a betrayal of our nation's Christian heritage."


I don't want to steal all of his thunder so if you want to read more then you need to check out his website and search for the article. He's right you know...there has been a lack of noise among our brethren. How can believers sit back and take everything on the cheek when we have been given the freedom to speak out? I must also agree with his assertion that political correctness is the overwhelming reason for the lack of voices on the issues of our day.

If there is one valuable lesson we should have learned from the days of prayer being taken out of our public schools it should be that Christians cannot sit idly by and think it could never happen. Think about some of the things that are going on in our world today. Just yesterday I heard a report out of (all places) San Fransisco where 1st Graders took a field trip to City Hall to celebrate the "marriage" of their lesbian teacher this past Friday. Where is the outrage from the church?

We must regain our voice for the moral issues of the day or our silence could be seen as acceptance. It's times like this that I truly miss Jerry Falwell. Whether you liked him or not at least you knew where he stood. Oh, how our churches need pastors who are not afraid to offend.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Some Good News

A few blogs ago I told you about the movie "Fireproof" starring Kirk Cameron.

I have some good news concerning the movie. It has been doing very well at the box office of which I am very grateful. However, what I want to share today has eternal significance.

A couple of weeks ago Kirk Cameron & Ray Comfort were holding one of their "Transformed" conferences here on the East Coast. After the conference Ray & Kirk went to a showing of the movie. They entered the theater with only about 30 minutes left in the movie. When the movie concluded, Kirk stood up and introduced himself. According to Ray " could have heard a pin drop."

Kirk spoke about some of the highlights of the movie, and explained that the woman he kissed in the movie was not his on screen wife, but his real wife who was flown in as a "stunt double". Kirk went on to introduce Ray Comfort who took the opportunity to preach the gospel.

Once Ray finished the duo thanked the crowd for the opportunity to share with them and attempted to make a quick exit. As they were leaving a tall man in his 30's ran after them and said that he wanted to surrender his life to Christ.

I love this story for several reasons: #1 - It shows that sharing the gospel isn't just something that Ray & Kirk talk about but something they do consistently. #2 - It shows the power that media can have when presenting the gospel. #3 - Ultimately, it demonstrates the power of the Gospel when it is shared. We cannot expect the gospel to simply jump off the pages of scripture. We are the vehicle that God uses to put the Gospel in the hands of the people who need to hear it.

May the Lord bless you this weekend and may you respond to the opportunities that God gives you to share the Good News.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

The "NUT" Doesn't Fall Far...

The Big News of the Day is (you guessed it) political. It seems that a particular community group is being looked at over voter registration fraud. ACORN has actually admitted to voter fraud through their registration efforts though they don't necessarily blame themselves. We are hearing reports out of Ohio, Nevada, and other battleground states. What you may not know about ACORN is their ties to Barack Obama.

Back in the early days of Obama's career he was asked to train leaders of ACORN in the efforts they are taking part in today. Not only that, but he serves as their attorney to handle the cases that were coming against them. This group is aggressive and the latest news I heard is that there are 10 states where ACORN's activity is being questioned. Listen to what some have said about this group: "They will follow buses...follow you doesn't matter what you tell them...they don't even put addresses on the forms..." Through the efforts of ACORN many Cowboys fans will be glad to hear that Tony Romo is now registered to vote in Nevada and in Ohio a cat was registered to vote in the 2008 election. Yes friends, they are voting early & often in this years election.

One of the huge problems that we are seeing out of all of this is not just Obama's association here but Obama's associations with several other radical people during his political career. Here's a list: Bill Ayers - Domestic Terrorist, Tony Rezko - corrupt businessman who is getting ready to go to jail, supported Obama's campaign, and got him a sweet deal on the lot next to him in the neighborhood. (As a note I would hate to live in that neighborhood since you have a liberal Senator living next to a corrupt businessman and down the street a known terrorist. And we cannot forget that Obama also has a working relationship with Rashid Khalidi - who has shown a hatred for Jewish people, Father Pflanagan - who has made several Anti-American remarks in his sermons, and of course his pastor Jeremiah Wright who thinks that God should damn America rather than bless it.

Here's the question that needs to be answered by Obama: We know that you want to be the Commander of Chief of the United States...why then are all your past associations anti-American? I know that they may be a hard question Senator but it does shed some light on comments by your wife that were made after you were nominated that she 'for the first time in [her] life is proud of America.' I would like an answer here. Some may say it doesn't matter. They will say this is just like people bringing up Clinton's alleged affairs when he was governor...Oh, wait, Bill did have an affair when he was president didn't he? Never mind.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Up to Date

Sorry there wasn't a blog yesterday...had a funeral.

I'm ready to talk about things other than politics but at the same time these are important times with important issues.

Let's look today at Obama's plan for the economy. He has said that 95% of the American people would get a tax cut. He has also said that he would raise taxes on anyone making $250,000 and above.

My in-laws have there own business. Today they would not be considered a small business. However, I cannot help but think how terrible Obama's tax increase on them can affect them and my family. It's not that hard for small businesses to make $250,000 a year. When you consider that taxes come off the gross income of small business.

Over the last several years we have heard that the greatest growth we have seen in our economy is from small business. They have been deemed the engine that IS driving our economy. If we raise taxes on small business they either have to increase their prices OR they will have to fire employees.

One other issue: This idea of health care as a right is ridiculous. As a father and a husband it is my responsibility to provide health care for my family. It is my privilege either through my work or my family budget to obtain health insurance for my family. It is not and should not be a right. As soon as the government decided to mandate health insurance and to fine companies for not providing it we will see unemployment shoot through the roof.

Folks, I understand the expense of health insurance. My family has health insurance only because I pay for it. It is a budget item in our household. I will pay for health insurance before the cell phone, dish subscription, Internet, etc. It is a priority for me while hundreds of thousands of others wait for their employer or government to hand it to them. Another reason we have decided to pay for health insurance is because it gives our family freedom. We are not tied down to a particular job simply because of benefits.

Get the point? Freedom to choose, freedom to dream, and freedom to follow our dreams and calling. There is no doubt in my mind that at some point in the future we will see government sponsored health care because the general public doesn't get it. Look at the housing market. We have allowed the government to be so involved that the mess is evident. Wait until they get their hands on health insurance.

For this election you must know the issues. The choice is clear: we can be dependent upon government to provide for us or government getting out of the way so that we can provide for ourselves. It's that simple.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Last Night News

If you were paying attention last night the "Big Event" was the VP Debate featuring newcomer Governor Sarah Palin & longtime senator Joe Biden.

This had to be one of the greatest debates that I have watched in a long time. I'm sure that some of it had to do with questions over how Gov. Palin would do in her first national debate. My opinion: She won hands down. Why? Was it her ability to detail all government policies? Was it her ability to string names & countries together? No. In fact, Gov. Palin admitted at the beginning of the debate that she may not answer the questions the way the moderator wanted but would answer the way she deemed right and display her track record as governor. The reason I think she won this debate is based upon her ability to talk straight to the American people.

Political pundits today are sharing their differing opinions. Most of them will say that Biden won on substance and Palin won on style & personality. What that means in the mainstream media is that they think she's an empty skirt. She looks good and sounds good but she doesn't have the "stuff." I'm trying to be as bipartisan in this as I can but to quote Laura Ingram, "They continue to raise the bar for her everyday." What Ingram noticed is that every time she meets their standard the liberal media changes it. Palin did what Reagan was able to do - connect with the everyday American while bypassing the media. If you find politics the least bit interesting then this debate should have got your attention.

Frank Lutz, pollster, has been collecting focus groups who are evenly divided between support of Bush & Kerry in 2004. When asked who won - almost unanimously the group said Palin won this debate because of her ability to connect with Americans. They found her refreshing and exciting. The New York Post had this today: "Pit Bull Sarah Shows Her Bite."


Bill O'Reilly had Barney Frank (D) on the "Spin Factor" last night and it was something to behold. O'Reilly has shown his anger over the financial crisis blaming both parties in Congress and the administration for not warning the American people. Last night he called for Frank to step down as chairman of the House Financial Service Committee.

This is one of those great moments in TV when someone is able to vent their anger & frustration directly to an individual they deem responsible. Barney looked less like a Senator and more like a chump as O'Reilly called him a coward for not owning up to his responsibility in this mess and for his continual blaming of everybody else. Frank said just a few years ago that he didn't see any problems with Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac - you gotta hate the Internet cause they can't hide anymore. The real question here is what was Barney Frank thinking? Did he actually believe he could go on O'Reilly's show and make his case? Bill told him, " presided over the biggest financial collapse (this country has ever seen)..." OUCH! This was an O'Reilly knock out.

I am particularly happy about both of these events because I feel as though Americans were represented well. You had Palin on stage showing that in America the average "hockey mom" can hold her own with grit and determination. And you had O'Reilly saying to a member of Congress what every American was wanting to say.

Small Victories for the "little people."

Let me close with this statement:
"Let us never forget that government is ourselves and not an alien power over us. The ultimate rulers of our democracy are...the voters of this country." - President Franklin D. Roosevelt

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Bail Outs & Wooden Arrows

Surprise, Surprise...the Senate voted to pass the BAIL-OUT BILL. I know they are calling it a rescue plan but nothing has changed in this bill other than the name. Wait a minute - there were a few additions.

Crammed into this 400+ page report are some tax breaks for the "middle class." So if you own a stock car, racetrack, work to develop clean energy, & make wooden arrows designed for children then this plan is for you.

I have to wonder who's looking out for the little guy? Who's the senator who has a constituent who makes wooden arrows for kids? Now I know why this thing took so long. It's takes days and days to cram this 3 page bill with over 400 other pages. This my friends, as Harry Reid said, is their bill. And when you read through this thing it's easy to see.

I'm curious if they got rid of the mark to market practice? I wonder if they were willing to cut capital gains tax? How about insurance for sub prime bonds/mortgages? What about those "golden parachutes" for All CEOs EXISTING & FUTURE? There may have been a hint of some of this but not all of it - I guess they ran out of paper.

Of course there was the insurance by the FDIC that was addressed. Now you are covered up to $250,000 which is a change from the $100,000 mark. I think that 250 number is interesting since Obama's tax increase starts for those who make $250,000/year.

The Federal Government has now become the "Get Out of Debt Free" company. Free for the banks but not for the American Taxpayer. They talk about the money being a loan and I can only hope that it will be returned to the treasury. We'll see.

One other tax break of note is 8 billion for victims of natural disaster in the Midwest, Texas, & Louisiana. What about the people in Maine who have endured intense flooding over the past year? How's that for taxation without representation.

Folks, I understand that the federal government had to do something. Most major CEOs agree. But this plan was not the best one.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A Sign of the Times

Bill Maher - comedian, political analyst, and blasphemer is making his rounds on several shows to promote his "documentary" Religulous. Personally, I have not seen the movie nor do I plan to see it. This isn't a documentary but rather a slam against any and all religion.

From the reviews that I have read Religulous mocks religion as ridiculous. Maher goes so far as to portray people of faith as crazy and even dangerous. According to one review this so-called documentary is nasty, condescending, small-minded, self-amused, & self-defeating. It's only accomplishment is to make atheists look bad.

Maher claims to be taking a logical and reasonable look into religion to combat fallacies. However, you can see in the previews that the only thing he uses is sarcasm & humiliation. Case in point: "The View" invited Maher to come on the show to talk about the movie. During a conversation with Sherri Shepherd, Maher called her irrational because she believes the story of Noah's Ark. Sherri asked him if he had ever talked to God himself and asked God what he thinks. Maher's reply was to ask Sherri if God had ever talked to her. When she said yes, he said they needed to call Bellevue because if she's hearing voices then she needs psychiatric help.

The problem with Maher isn't his atheistic stance - no, the real problem is that he thinks he is God. One of the posters shows his face in the clouds or burned on a piece of toast. I'm sure they will write this off as trying to be funny but for Maher to go around and insist that religion is ridiculous tells me that he has a god-complex and everyone should bow down to his ideals.

Jude 18 speaking of the apostles, "...they told you that there would be mockers in the last time who would walk according to their own ungodly lusts."

Folks, I just don't get it. People like Maher who is a comedian are trying to portray themselves political commentators, news anchors, and sincere researchers into what Americans need to here. The fact of the matter is that he is a just another liberal atheist trying to deceive anyone who will pay attention to his rantings. Why do people take him seriously? It's just a sign of the times.