Friday, October 3, 2008

Last Night News

If you were paying attention last night the "Big Event" was the VP Debate featuring newcomer Governor Sarah Palin & longtime senator Joe Biden.

This had to be one of the greatest debates that I have watched in a long time. I'm sure that some of it had to do with questions over how Gov. Palin would do in her first national debate. My opinion: She won hands down. Why? Was it her ability to detail all government policies? Was it her ability to string names & countries together? No. In fact, Gov. Palin admitted at the beginning of the debate that she may not answer the questions the way the moderator wanted but would answer the way she deemed right and display her track record as governor. The reason I think she won this debate is based upon her ability to talk straight to the American people.

Political pundits today are sharing their differing opinions. Most of them will say that Biden won on substance and Palin won on style & personality. What that means in the mainstream media is that they think she's an empty skirt. She looks good and sounds good but she doesn't have the "stuff." I'm trying to be as bipartisan in this as I can but to quote Laura Ingram, "They continue to raise the bar for her everyday." What Ingram noticed is that every time she meets their standard the liberal media changes it. Palin did what Reagan was able to do - connect with the everyday American while bypassing the media. If you find politics the least bit interesting then this debate should have got your attention.

Frank Lutz, pollster, has been collecting focus groups who are evenly divided between support of Bush & Kerry in 2004. When asked who won - almost unanimously the group said Palin won this debate because of her ability to connect with Americans. They found her refreshing and exciting. The New York Post had this today: "Pit Bull Sarah Shows Her Bite."


Bill O'Reilly had Barney Frank (D) on the "Spin Factor" last night and it was something to behold. O'Reilly has shown his anger over the financial crisis blaming both parties in Congress and the administration for not warning the American people. Last night he called for Frank to step down as chairman of the House Financial Service Committee.

This is one of those great moments in TV when someone is able to vent their anger & frustration directly to an individual they deem responsible. Barney looked less like a Senator and more like a chump as O'Reilly called him a coward for not owning up to his responsibility in this mess and for his continual blaming of everybody else. Frank said just a few years ago that he didn't see any problems with Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac - you gotta hate the Internet cause they can't hide anymore. The real question here is what was Barney Frank thinking? Did he actually believe he could go on O'Reilly's show and make his case? Bill told him, " presided over the biggest financial collapse (this country has ever seen)..." OUCH! This was an O'Reilly knock out.

I am particularly happy about both of these events because I feel as though Americans were represented well. You had Palin on stage showing that in America the average "hockey mom" can hold her own with grit and determination. And you had O'Reilly saying to a member of Congress what every American was wanting to say.

Small Victories for the "little people."

Let me close with this statement:
"Let us never forget that government is ourselves and not an alien power over us. The ultimate rulers of our democracy are...the voters of this country." - President Franklin D. Roosevelt

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AMAN BROTHER! You said it all very well! I watched until 12 just to see how the media would comment. CNN had a very difficult time admitting that Palin did a good job -- Fox News was much more positive.

Bill was wonderful -what a brave man!