Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The With-ness of the Father

Before Jesus ascended to the Father, and after commissioning His disciples, He made them this promise: "Behold, I am with you. Even to the end of the age." This promise would carry them through so many difficulties. It allowed them to endure persecution, rejection, displacement, & even death. This promise would lead to a continual experience of His presence regardless of the circumstances. What about us? Are we experiencing the "With-ness" of the Father?

Being in ministry means that I have experiences with people during the continual swing of the pendulum. Some are having amazing experiences with the Lord, while others feel as though He has left them to their own resources. Some are somewhere in the middle. They have just come out of one or the other & are waiting for the shoe to drop. The challenge is to see the Father WITH us regardless of the situation. It's our awareness of His presence that makes all the difference.

Have you ever stopped to ask the question: Where is the Father in this?
Most people will automatically say that He is in them, but my challenge is to take it a bit further. God can be in you & in the situation. In other words, you can experience the reality of His presence within yourself, and at the same time see what He is doing around you. It's not an either/or experience. He can be doing things in you, and doing things in the people & circumstances that surround you. This is the with-ness of the Father. Always with you. Always for you. Always present. Always working things for your good.

How often do we see prayer become a knee jerk reaction? How often does the Bible get flung open in hopes that the written Word will unveil some secret to my current situation? How quickly do we fall into superstition rather than carrying a real, abiding, faith? I realize that we all have things that happen suddenly. Things that we aren't necessarily prepared to go through. Things we could not predict. However, I'm a believer in the practical nature of our faith that carries us through even the most difficult of things. It's the practice of His presence (His with-ness) in everyday life that will provide the greatest resource for us in the chaos.

We say we believe that God is everywhere present. Why do we rarely carry that mentality into our own personal lives? If HE IS everywhere present then HE IS everywhere present with us. As you practice His presence in everyday life, when the chaos comes, all you need to do is remind yourself of this truth. This is the "Be Still & Know" moment of your faith. It's the reminder that God doesn't need a flurry of activity to reveal Himself to you. He doesn't need you to grab hold of Him like the lucky rabbit's foot. Your stillness is enough for Him to get your attention. Not the other way around.

You do realize that God is not surprised by what you are going through don't you? This is the same Father that spoke through His Son by saying "I AM with you always..." Your situation does not alter His with-ness. Even if what you are experiencing is your fault, it doesn't push God further away. He knows our frame. He recognizes our weakness. His isn't far off, on vacation, or relieving Himself. He is always with you. So intimately acquainted, in fact, that in Him you live & move & have your being. This is the awareness that you need to carry. This is you being fully present with a Father who is always near.

I encourage you to begin this awareness right now. As you read these words, I want you to hear the Father say "I AM with you." I want you to wake up in the morning with this realization. I want you to know Him in every breath you take, every interaction with your family, every conversation with your friends. He may look like laughter. He may be wrapped up in a hug. He could be in the cheerful "Good Morning!" or "How are you?". The challenge is to see Him THERE while recognizing that He is HERE.

The with-ness of the Father does not change. The psalmist would declare "Where can I go from your presence?" If I am experiencing peace & tranquility - He is with me. If all that surrounds me is noise & chaos - He is with me. In the good, the bad, the great, & the not so great - nothing alters the presence of the Father. Be still & know that He is here & He is for you. It's all part of the journey. A journey of with-ness. You are not alone.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Daily Renewal

Not enough has been written, taught, or spoken concerning the need to renew our minds. There's plenty of material out there that focuses upon behavioral modification, but not enough to deal with what you do mentally. I can honestly say that after years & YEARS of trying to change my behavior (some of it successful - most of it not), the moment I began to change the way I think was the beginning of the greatest transformation in my life.

The verse out of Romans always comes to mind when we start talking about renewing our minds. You will find it in chapter 12 verse 2, " transformed by the renewing of your mind." Renew (to make new again is always how I hear it), actually means to resume (an activity) after an interruption, to re-establish, or to repeat (an action or statement). When you renew a lease, it means to start all over again. The verse from Romans tells to "not be conformed to this world but be transformed..." There is a renewal that needs to continually take place in our lives. The renewal is in our mind.

As I was preaching this Sunday, the Lord reminded of Colossians 3:10. Paul was talking about the believers putting on the "new man" which was a reference to their newly found life in Christ. He said that this new man was being renewed in the knowledge after the image of his Creator. This statement rocked my world. Rather than simply focus on behavioral changes, Paul was focusing on the knowledge of the image. The very image & likeness that we were created in. In other words, if you want to see a true & lasting change in your life, then your knowledge needs to be renewed in the area of image & likeness.

The Father chose, in the beginning, to create humanity with something very distinct & very unique. We would carry His image & likeness. Within the DNA of every human being was the Light of all Lights. There would always be a quality about us that was Divine in nature. Of course, the fall of Adam brought a brief interruption (if can call thousands of years brief) to that. Mankind was lost & their minds were darkened. What was once a very thriving & intimate relationship with the Creator became a religious exercise to appease a God that was distant, estranged, & separated. Jesus came to destroy this notion. He reminded us of what humanity & divinity looked like in bodily form. He came to represent the true nature of the Father & to represent the true nature of man. What was lost was found, redeemed, and we were reconciled. The faith that is called upon in the New Testament is not a faith that makes all of this true, but a faith that firmly accepts this reality.

The struggle that you are experiencing is that you have yet to distance yourself from your past. To be sure, all of us have had our failures. All of us have made our mistakes. All of us have misunderstood the nature of our Father. We lived in ignorance of what the Father has done for us, and our pride just made matters worse. However, if you want to be free from all of that stuff then you need to learn how to get your mind focused. You need to set your thoughts upon the finished work of Christ, God's declarations of who you are, and return them to the image & likeness that you were created to carry. As you begin to believe that you are God's child, your behavior will follow. As you begin to accept that you are loved unconditionally, you will stop trying to earn His love. When you fully accept that God's dealings with humanity are all wrapped up in Christ, you will discover a freedom & acceptance that you have never known. You will also begin to see yourself in a new light.

Image & likeness is not only important for how you see yourself, but how you see others. When I look out into the world now, I don't see people who are different. I see people who bear the image & likeness of our Creator. I see my brothers & sisters who have forgotten who they are or don't know the goodness of our Father. They are trapped in a vicious cycle of trying to gain His attention, failing, creating chaos in their relationships, and falling victim to the patterns of this world. Many of them have never heard the story of Father's love. But there is something deep within them that continues to tell them there is something more.

As sad as all of that sound. What is even more sad is that there are many people who claim to know the Father and yet live like orphans. They may have accepted Christ, but they have yet to repent of their ideas about God. They continue to feel inadequate, separated, and so unlike their Father. They have become the victims of religion. A religion that keeps us guessing. A religion that is wrapped up in insecurity. A mindset that elevates an Old Testament perception of God over the Abba of Jesus. These are the ones that should continually carry the love, joy, & peace of the Father. Many of them attend church every Sunday but it still doesn't ease the pain or answer the questions deep within.

The answer? Be renewed in the knowledge of the image of your Creator. This is the likeness you were meant to carry. This is the key to you being (and feeling) rightly related to the Father. At the core of your being you will discover Him. It may take some time & you will definitely have to renew your thinking over & over again. But you will experience the abundant life that Jesus promised in the process. Enjoy the journey!!!

Friday, January 23, 2015


Several years ago, two brothers trying to break into the t-shirt business came up with some artwork & a slogan that radically changed their life. What they did not realize at the time was that they cashed in on something that people desperately wanted to see, convey, & experience.

Maybe you own one of these shirts, a coffee mug, hat, or a wheel cover. Maybe you don't. Regardless of your personal affiliation with this brand, I want you to take in the response of so many others around the world. What is it about this brand that makes it such a huge success? What is it about the simple logo that makes it so appealing? What lesson can we learn from Bert & John Jacobs (don't forget Jake) spread of optimism?

I believe people are tired of negativity. Many of them don't even watch the news because they are done having others prey on their fears. While life is not perfect, I think the majority of people enjoy life. And obviously, based upon the sales of merchandise, LIFE IS GOOD rings true in the hearts of so many.

LIFE IS GOOD should be a message that the church carries. People should hear it from us, experience it through us, and be invited to participate with us. The phenomenon that we have witnessed over the last several years should be a wake up call for us. People want optimism. They want to experience the fullness of life. They want to smile, enjoy relationships, and drink every drop from life. Rather than escape life, they long to embrace it. They want to learn how to smile through the difficulties. They want to be able to sing, dance, & laugh. They should be able to find this kind of life with us.

I want to say that we have what they want. However, I know far too many professing Christians who are not experiencing abundant life. I know far too many who are more concerned with escaping. One of the most valuable aspects of our faith has been lost to the future - a day we hope to experience - causing us to miss out on what the Gospel means for us here & now.

I don't mean to beat a dead horse, because I talk about this a lot, but I want the world to know that our faith in Him makes a difference in our everyday lives. I want them to know that it's filled with love, peace, confidence, abundance, grace, mercy, joy, & just about everything else you could ever need. The question is whether or not they will experience this life through us.

Where did we ever get the idea that God doesn't want us to enjoy life? Where did we ever conceive the thought that somehow it's our will to start a family, have relationships, work, have a home, enjoy vacations, have parties, etc., and that somehow this is a bad thing? I believe that YOU living life to the fullest brings God great joy. I believe that YOU enjoying your family, being fully present in their lives, and cultivating a happy home brings Him great pleasure. I believe that YOU having everything that you need, and even things that you want, is not in opposition to the Father's will. Life was/is the gift that He has given us. Relationship with others is something that He created. Fullness is something that He wants us to live in. LIFE IS GOOD was/is the original plan of the Father.

Genesis 1:28 reminds us of the blessing that the Father bestowed upon humanity: "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth..." Be fruitful. Grow. Expand. Spread your wings. Increase. Bear the fruit of His image. I cannot help but to imagine the joy in the Father's heart as He blessed His children. I hear these words not as a command but as a blessing (which they are). He is genuinely excited about seeing His creation walk in the freedom He has created for them. He's anticipating all that man will be. He's looking forward to the relationship that we will have together. This IS the meaning of life. This IS where we find our fulfillment. It is IN HIM that we fully discover that LIFE IS GOOD & that it is a good thing to be alive. Therefore, our shared life together should carry this same energy, this same excitement, & this same joy.

Of course, there are some people who do not share in this optimism. There are those who despise the LIFE IS GOOD brand, the lifestyle that would be associated with it, and the idea that faith in Christ would actually produce this kind of enjoyment of life. But this is what you were created for. You were not made for some religious experience but a living, breathing, relationship with the Father. A relationship where everything that is in Him is available. A life that is to be enjoyed in the world that He created. He wanted us to be full of joy. He wanted us to experience relationships. He wanted us to create life out of these relationships. This is what He wanted for us. This was the dream of His heart.

This is one of the reasons I love gatherings of friends/family. I absolutely love getting together with people & enjoying life together. We share stories, we laugh, we cry, we share in the provision of food, we are thankful, & we take it all in. I enjoy these times because I see the Father in them with us. He is not detached from us. In fact, He is in the enjoyment of life. It is our joy to find Him there with us. the weekend is upon us...and even some possible wintry weather...ENJOY!!! Gather around the fire. Enjoy the laughter of your family. Embrace everyone. Make some soup. Watch a movie, play a game, and/or talk with one another. These are the moments you were created for. Everyday life matters. Every moment you share love matters. Every bit of laughter, every tear, & every kind word matters. This is a part of your fruitfulness in the Earth. It's a part of your design. There's no need to escape. You can embrace this life fully & discover the glory of God in it. LIFE-IS-GOOD. Enjoy the journey!!!

Friday, January 16, 2015


Yesterday I was able to celebrate with a couple the birth of their first child. A son. I looked into the face of innocence & majesty. I beheld one who was created in the image & likeness of His Creator. We congratulated the family, we gave thanks to our Heavenly Father, & our hearts are full.

A saw a child that was born sinless, perfect, and without any separation to the love of God. An infant whose very life, movement, & being is found in Him. He knows nothing of fear. He knows nothing of right or wrong doing. He is a blank slate that awaits the words of his life to be inscribed. What comes next for this little guy is what his parents put into Him. Everything that he will know will need to be taught. In light of the enormous responsibility, I have meditated upon this little guys existence.

This child was born as a part of the New Creation in Christ. The old creation in Adam has been done away with. He can be raised to walk in the fullness of relationship with his Heavenly Father.

There is no Old Covenant to keep & no Law to bear. The Law was fulfilled in Christ for every person. The only "Law" that will be passed on to him is the Law of Liberty in Christ Jesus.

Sin was condemned in the flesh of Christ LONG before this child came into the world. All sin - for all time - for all people - has been dealt with - PERIOD. We cannot read Paul's letter to the church of Rome nor the letter to the Hebrews and come away with a different understanding. There is no other sacrifice for sin, nor does there need to be one.

As I meditate upon the reality that this child was born into, I offer a prayer to the Lord. It is my prayer that this little guy, along with many others, will grow up in this understanding. That they will know they are LOVED by God & never be introduced to (or taught) fear. That they will never be reduced to anything less than their Divine image. I pray that they will grow up into the perfect & unconditional love of the Father. That they will discover their life in Him.

A child has been born. I believe a true son will arise. This is what Jesus came to redeem to us. This is what the Gospel declares.

Far too long we have allowed the dogmas of religion to dictate how we understand the finished work of Christ. We have strayed away from the beautiful Good News that the early church carried. We have struggled under the weight of separation that we carried in our thinking. These children represent the greatest opportunity to change all of that. They won't have to re-learn the Gospel. It will be a part of their lives from Day 1 - considering that they are given this truth from the beginning.

Today I was reminded of 1 John 4:16. I want you to really think upon these words. Allow them to become the mantra of your life.
"We have come to know and have believed the love which God has for us."
In other words, this was something that they had to learn. This wasn't what they were taught from the beginning. In fact, much of their religious system revolved around SIN. Whenever there was an issue, the question would be asked, "Who sinned?" Coming out from under that culture, these disciples had to learn the love of God. Thankfully for them, there was One they walked with for 3-3 1/2 years who knew it full well.
What they have come to know has now become a part of who they are. Their faith was fully convinced. Their hearts became fully fixed. You could not force John to ever question the love of God for him ever again. It was an experience. It came through relationship with Him who was perfect love.
Take it all in. Really meditate in these words. The love which God has for us. It's almost unbelievable. I'm sure we could give God plenty of reasons to not love us. I'm sure we could protest & say we really are not worthy. He loves us nonetheless. It's who He is.

May these children always be persuaded of His love. And may you, the reader, always be enamored with/by His love for you. You will never be the same.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

A Forward Vision for the Church

Most of us in the church have heard phrases like "We never did it that way before." It's usually spoken by an older member of a congregation in response to new ideas. While not all new ideas are necessarily better ideas, the reality is that the church needs to adapt. I believe that the greatest challenge in the church is remembering that what we build today is for future generation. In other words, it needs to outlast us & our generation. This requires some forward thinking. It also requires that we not become fixated on what equates worship to us.

If there is one thing that we understand about humans, it's that they struggle to change. Very often, in the church, the "Way" we do things becomes almost as important as the "Why" we do things. This phenomenon is not only present in the church, but it can be found in corporations & political systems. In the church, unfortunately, God gets tied to a "thing." And when you stop doing (or using) a particular "thing" then some people believe that God is no longer a part of the equation.

This means that the church must always have a forward vision. It means that we must understand that the next generation will carry what we have started. It means that our ceiling becomes their floor. It is my hope & desire that the next generation will look back upon our lives & say "Well Done. We will take it from here."

I have some family that are a part of a local congregation. Over the years I have watched this congregation slowly but surely die. One by one. It's sad really. What was once a very active church with a good showing in the community, has been reduced to a very aged congregation that still does church they way they have always done it. Of course young people moving out of the community has helped facilitate this slow fade. However, one of the other problems that exists is that they never considered handing over the reigns to the next generation. It's a common problem. The church desperately needs to father the next generation in the church so that she can continue to grow, advance, and become a lasting fixture in the community.

This isn't a new problem. You can read about this same mindset in the Old & New Testaments. Look at the people that Jesus rubbed the wrong way. It was the religious leaders - the elders who had grown accustomed to the rituals, traditions, and legalities of the faith. They were convinced that they were right & that this rebel who ate with sinners & tax collectors had it all wrong. They would rather go into their Temple & pray for the Messiah to come. They missed their visitation because He came in the wrong kind of package.

There is a story in 2 Kings 18 where you will find Hezekiah cleaning house. Literally. He destroyed all the high places. He cut down the Asherah poles. All things that particular leaders in Israel had done before to help God's people regain their focus upon the Lord. What's interesting about this story is that he took the bronze serpent that Moses had made (remember that story?) and broke it into pieces. Why? He broke it up because people had begun burning incense unto it. They actually worshiped the bronze serpent. Hezekiah decided it need to go.

That story is important for us as a reminder that we can get our focus on the wrong thing(s). We can actually begin to worship the thing that God used rather than worshiping Him. When I think about this, it comes across my mind in this way: The Lord may use a thing, but that thing is never the Lord. What the bronze serpent was in Moses' day was useful for that particular time. However, we never read about it being used at any other time in Israel's history. The only other places where you find it mentioned is here in 2 Kings & Jesus' reference to it in John 3. Why this sudden fascination? I don't know. But why do we have any fixation on what God has done versus what He is doing now?

I grew up in a church where hymns were used for worship. Many of us did. I wonder how many people realize that there was a time when hymns were cutting edge? There were plenty of church leaders who didn't like them at all. Heck...there was even a time when a piano was cutting edge & certain leaders would go to other church buildings where there was a piano & utterly destroy them. Fast forward to today's time & you have some churches still engaged in "Worship Wars" - a term given to the dispute between hymns & modern praise/worship music. The challenge & struggle is real. I wonder if the introduction of the baptistry into a church building was a hard pill to swallow?

Personally, I love the fact that God often says in the Old Testament: "Behold, I am doing a NEW THING..." He knows He has to get our attention. He also knows that for us to move forward requires doing something new. I believe He wants us to discover what He is doing in the next generation. In this way, the church doesn't become a relic or a museum. She is able to be the living, breathing, ever maturing Bride of Christ.

May we honor the past, walk in the present, & build for the future generations.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Being ME & Reaching THEM

A friend of mine used to conduct personality profile tests for the company in which he was employed. Just for fun, I decided to take the test. The results baffled my friend. Rather than just a clear cut description of my personality, what he discovered is that (in his words) I contradicted myself. While I was strong (or weak) in a certain area, I was just as strong (or weak) in the opposite. To be sure, there was a particular personality trait that was dominate, but it wasn't as clear as he thought it would be. My response to all of this? I said, "I don't contradict myself. I compliment myself." It wasn't an arrogant statement. I have just been in a place where I am confident in my identity.

The Apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthian Church about the fact he could be all things to all people. The following verses you can find in chapter 9 of 1 Corinthians (verses 19-23):
"Even though I am a free man with no master, I have become a slave to all people to bring many to Christ. When I was with the Jews, I lived like a Jew to bring the Jews to Christ. When I was with those who follow the Jewish law, I too lived under that law. Even though I am not subject to the law, I did this so I could bring to Christ those who are under the law. When I am with the Gentiles who do not follow the Jewish law, I too live apart from that law so I can bring them to Christ. But I do not ignore the law of God; I obey the law of Christ. When I am with those who are weak, I share their weakness, for I want to bring the weak to Christ. Yes, I try to find common ground with everyone, doing everything I can to save some. I do everything to spread the Good News and share in its blessings."

Paul had a genuine sense of identity. He knew who he was in Christ. While he was more than willing to live in that freedom, he understood the importance of meeting people where they lived. It didn't matter if he needed to honor the Jewish Law while reaching out to those in his faith background, or if it meant living without the Law among the Gentiles. He didn't feel the need to insert himself into the equation. He was still himself but he saw their needs as more important than his liberty.

Here's what I love about this approach & why I believe we need to see more of it in culture today:
- It simply rejects the US vs THEM mentality. In Paul's view, it was all about them. He could be in their culture & yet be true to his own.
- It reminds us of the VALUE of each person.
- It reiterates what we already know: Those who do not know Christ, live accordingly.

When you are confident in who YOU are, then you will be able to help people discover who THEY are.
You will be able to reach out to those who live with a legalistic approach to God. You will be able to minister to those who live with no regard to the Father. You will be able to lay down your "RIGHTS" for those who are weak. There is a common ground for each group so that they can come to the knowledge of God's love for us in Christ.

This also tells me that there is no clear cut method for reaching people with the Good News. Each people group require something different. Each culture requires a different approach. The same equation in each endeavor was the Apostle Paul's willingness to meet them where they live. He could honor their traditions, appreciate their values, and move freely in life just so they could be introduced to the Gospel.

Sometimes I think we forget what it's like to be on the other side. Years of living in a culture that has been saturated with the Gospel is not a bad thing, it just means that we have to remember that some people to know the Truth yet. They haven't encountered the love of God. They know nothing of Jesus & what His coming meant for them. They don't know who they are & why they were created. This is why they desperately need you - confident in your identity - to step in among them. WE can be OURSELVES while reaching THEM.

Why is this important? Why do I continue to stress the need for being yourself? It's quite simple really. The world doesn't need cookie cutter religion. They don't need mindless followers of some type of tenants of faith. They need to experience real, living, breathing, followers of Jesus. They need to experience sons who recognize their place in the family & the freedom they possess in Christ. This kind of thinking is hard for those who have a more religious approach to life but it's true. How many walls are broken down when you can sit with someone who is having a drink without being offended (or even sharing a beer with them)? How many lives can be touched when you are willing break down cultural barriers? How many people could be reached when we set aside our prejudices, our pride, & our preconceived notions? I'm not saying that you have to engage yourself in an activity that you would deem unholy. What I am saying is that we learn how to meet people where they are without judgement, shame, or condemnation.

I can be ME reaching out to THEM so that they can discover who THEY really are in Christ.
When you have an understanding of the finished work of Christ, you realize that there is no US vs THEM. There is only US. WE have all been affected by the love of God in Christ. WE have all been touched by the atonement. HUMANITY has never been the same since the death, burial, resurrection, & ascension of Christ. The only thing that separates US from THEM is the fact that WE believe & THEY have yet to believe. As Graham Cooke says, "They are Pre-Believers." Encountering the reality of the Gospel in & through our lives will make a difference.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Faith + Action = LOVE

What are you doing for the Lord?
.....How are you serving Him?
..........Are you putting your faith to work?

Somewhere along the line, you have probably been asked one of these questions. I without works is dead...RIGHT? Of course, I'm referring to James' statement to the early church (you find it in Chapter 2). A statement that is often used to question the integrity of people's faith (at worst) or to stir them into action (at best). It's the verse that often propels our ministry to the poor or the down & out. What if James isn't talking about acts of service? Don't get me wrong. He does mention feeding the hungry & clothing the naked. But what if this statement is meant to take us deeper into relationships?

If you being reading at the first verse of chapter 2, you will discover that James is instructing the church to not show partiality to the rich. The conversation deepens as he stresses the importance of how we treat our fellow man. He gives a reference to those who would rather extend judgment rather than mercy. Then he goes into the "acts of service" portion of faith, but he does something very interesting. He talks about our brother who is hungry, naked, & cold.

Faith without works is dead. But you need to understand the "works" that James is speaking of in this verse. The work - that thing which is performed - has to do with how we treat one another in relationship. We don't belittle the poor man among us to make an impression upon the rich. We understand that the "Love your neighbor" thing is the fulfillment of all the Law. We see the importance of mercy over judgement, and the act of feeding & clothing a brother over speaking a blessing into their life. Faith looks like something. And when FAITH is combined with ACTION, it looks like LOVE.

I wonder how many people have worked themselves senseless just trying to make sure that their faith is alive. I wonder how many have neglected the emotional, relational, & physical needs of others just so they could prove to God their faith is real. While I am not against us serving in any capacity, I'm just reminded that Jesus pointed out to the Pharisees their willingness to tithe but their lack of mercy. At some point us being rightly related to one another has to matter. That's where faith comes in. It recognizes the image of God among the brethren. It doesn't matter if they are poor, hungry, naked, etc. All that matters is that we see them & we will not neglect them.

The Gospel that we believe has been extended to every member of the human race. Their reconciliation to the Father came from the same place as ours. Their invitation to rise up & take their place as sons is the same invitation we have received. Do you want to see your faith in action? Then love your Brother. Want to see your faith come alive? Then forgive someone who has wronged you. Do you want to know what it is like to live with a vibrant & active faith? Have compassion for those God places before you. It may look like feeding someone, but it could also show up in a hug or a word of encouragement.

What good is it to say you have faith but you don't love your neighbor?
What good is it to say you have faith but you don't forgive?
What good is it to say you have faith but you show partiality?
What good is it to say you have faith but you never extend mercy?
What good is it to say you have faith but you lack compassion?

I believe that this is what James meant when he wrote about faith & works. If faith doesn't work for us in how we treat one another, then our faith is dead (without life). I think it's time for us to show the world a faith that produces, sustains, & emanates life. His nature is within us to make it happen. Let's journey with Him!!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

A Compassionate Father

Over the last couple of weeks, I have been meditating on this thought: It's the mercy of the Father that understands our frame. It's the grace of the Father that understands the finished product.

Psalm 103 has become one of my all time favorite Psalms. It is rich with incredible truths about the nature of our Father. It is here that we discover the compassionate kindness of Jesus' Abba. It is within these verses that we are reminded that He knows our frame.

The more I understand the goodness of God, the more I experience. He is always gracious, delights in mercy, and continually compassionate toward us. He recognizes our weakness & has provided everything that we need. Should we fall, His mercy remains. Should we need strength, His grace is always available. He never leaves. He never forsakes. He is committed to seeing us conformed to the image of His Son. There are times in each of our lives when we need to be reminded. To, as the Psalmist says, FORGET NOT ALL HIS BENEFITS.

As I am reminded of the benefits of knowing Him, my heart comes alive:
He delights in mercy
His grace is sufficient
His steadfast love endures forever
He is gracious & full of compassion

And the list goes on & on.

What are we to make of our Heavenly Father? I ask you, if your child was weak, how would you handle him/her? If your child was in need, how would you respond? It seems to me that there are many people within the church who believe that they are much better parents than God. What do I mean by that? Listen to some of the sermons that come out of our pulpits. The belief that God would create the AIDS virus to punish the gays. The belief that God would bring an earthquake to a region because of a particular group of people who live there. The belief that cancer (or any type of sickness), financial ruin, fires, etc. are valid responses by God towards His creation to bring correction. This type of thinking is a slippery slope. It paints a picture of God as an abusive Father. Is this how you would treat your child?

Psalm 103 has created a portrait of the Father that is beautiful. I see the Abba of Jesus through His words. Did not the Son reveal the Father as full of compassion? Did He not demonstrate His willingness to heal, extend mercy, show love, and provide redemption. Jesus coming to us in our need gives the greatest expression to our compassionate Father. He has shown us what GOD is truly like. Not one who is bent upon destruction. Not one who is ready to bring judgement. But rather a Father who has come to the aid of His children.

I don't know what you are going through right now. I don't know what you have previously believed about the nature of God. I don't know how you handle your failures or where you get your strength. All I know is that I can point you to a Father who is compassionate towards you. I can point you to a Father who provides everything you need for life & godliness. I can point you to a Father who doesn't do abandonment or abuse. I can point you to the One who has demonstrated His incredible love for humanity through His Son. Jesus is the revelation of God that we desperately needed. He was the light in our darkened understanding of our Creator. And it is Him that we discover the summation of all things.

You never need to run from God ever again. How could you? It is in Him that we live, & move, & have our being. You never need to hold anything back from Him either. He knows your frame. Instead, you can fully trust His goodness in your life. His compassions fail not. It's time to come home.

"And while he was still a long way off, his father saw him coming. Filled with love and compassion, he ran to his son, embraced him, and kissed him." - Luke 15:20

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The Visual Gospel

St. Francis of Assisi has been credited for this quote: "Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words." For years I believed that the only true approach to spreading the Gospel was through the preaching of it. I mean, the Bible talks about the heart believing what the ears hear...right? So what could have possibly changed my mind?

I grew up with Billy Graham on the television. Not that we ever watched him at home. I just remember flipping through the channels. In fact, I remember flipping through a lot of channels. There was always someone on TV. This phenomenon is even greater today with satellite channels dedicated to the proclamation of the Gospel. While I don't take issue with TV ministries (necessarily), I just realize that it took a personal encounter with someone living out the reconciliation of the Father to connect with me. His name was Pastor Neil. An older gentleman who pastored a church in our area. He reached out to a High School senior. He talked to me about my family, took me out to eat, & encouraged me. He provided a platform for the Gospel to come alive in my heart. And for that, I will always be thankful.

I realize that not everyone takes this same approach. In fact, much of our Gospel presentation is what I call the shotgun affect. We preach into the crowd & hope that everyone gets hit. While this may create some converts to our understanding of God, it may not always be the best approach to creating disciples of Jesus.

Would you be willing to consider with me that the Gospel is easily believed when lived out in our lives? Would you be willing to consider that when our churches become centered in love, have created a genuine culture of honor, and become visual aids to the Good News that we could reach more people than our words ever could alone? What if the hope we preach is actually seen through our lives? What if the reconciliation we talk about is actually seen in our relationships? What if the world did more than encounter our sermons, our witnessing tools, or our Gospel broadcasts? What if they actually saw Jesus through us?

I just watch a movie called "Ring the Bell" on Netflix. A faith based movie about a sports agent who travels to a small town to recruit a baseball player for the majors. What he encountered was a community of authentic believers who had a different approach on life. What he saw was faith on display for the world to see. One of my favorite lines (spoiler alert), was when this man was praying to the Father. He said, "God, I know you are real because I've seen you. I've seen you here. I've seen you in this place."

The Visual Gospel is just that - it's visual. It's easily seen. It's on display in the lives that we lead. It's in the love that we express. It's in the strong families we have created. It's in the community & culture that we have built. It's tangible. Rather than just hearing about Jesus, He is seen alive & well in our lives. He's in the encouragement that we give to one another. He's in the love that we give to everyone around us. He's in the ministry, in the charities, & in our dealings. He's not isolated to the Sunday gatherings. He's not trapped in our religious boxes. He is GOD WITH US, GOD IN US, & GOD THROUGH US.

This past Sunday I encouraged my Pioneer Family that I believe this year will bring an encounter with the person of the Lord like never before. In other words, we will do more than just learn about Him. We will go further than just a belief system. It is our looking unto Jesus - the Pioneer & Perfecter of our faith - considering Him - and encountering Him that will make all the difference. This revelation (revealing) of Jesus in our lives & through the lives of others will become the foundation of a culture centered upon Him. Scripture declares that when we see Him, we will be like Him. While many people have reserved the fulfillment of that verse to a future place, I believe that our lives are meant to be filled with encounters. Encounters that shape the way in which we live out our faith. Encounters that are more than just Sundayanity. Encounters that continually conform us to the image of the Son. As we learn about the person of the Lord, as we see His glory, we will be changed from glory to glory. Providing the world with an image of the invisible God in the same way that Jesus did. This is the visual gospel.

I truly believe that the greatest message you can preach does not come from your mouth. The greatest witness you can give to the Gospel is not wrapped up in words. While it is true that the ears hear & the heart believes, the best foundation for what is spoken is the life that carries the reconciliation of the Father. If the world see you, they will hear you. As you encounter the Lord in your journey, allow Him to take root. Don't be like the man who looks in a mirror, walks away, and forgets what he looks like. Instead, allow the Lord to be your mirrored in you. Be His reflection in the Earth. Allow others to encounter true & authentic faith through your life. It's time to get real. It's time for the world to encounter Him through us. When this becomes our approach then family matters, relationships matter, community matters, and how you live matters. You are the visual Gospel.

2015 is here. Enjoy the journey!!!