Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Faith + Action = LOVE

What are you doing for the Lord?
.....How are you serving Him?
..........Are you putting your faith to work?

Somewhere along the line, you have probably been asked one of these questions. I mean...faith without works is dead...RIGHT? Of course, I'm referring to James' statement to the early church (you find it in Chapter 2). A statement that is often used to question the integrity of people's faith (at worst) or to stir them into action (at best). It's the verse that often propels our ministry to the poor or the down & out. What if James isn't talking about acts of service? Don't get me wrong. He does mention feeding the hungry & clothing the naked. But what if this statement is meant to take us deeper into relationships?

If you being reading at the first verse of chapter 2, you will discover that James is instructing the church to not show partiality to the rich. The conversation deepens as he stresses the importance of how we treat our fellow man. He gives a reference to those who would rather extend judgment rather than mercy. Then he goes into the "acts of service" portion of faith, but he does something very interesting. He talks about our brother who is hungry, naked, & cold.

Faith without works is dead. But you need to understand the "works" that James is speaking of in this verse. The work - that thing which is performed - has to do with how we treat one another in relationship. We don't belittle the poor man among us to make an impression upon the rich. We understand that the "Love your neighbor" thing is the fulfillment of all the Law. We see the importance of mercy over judgement, and the act of feeding & clothing a brother over speaking a blessing into their life. Faith looks like something. And when FAITH is combined with ACTION, it looks like LOVE.

I wonder how many people have worked themselves senseless just trying to make sure that their faith is alive. I wonder how many have neglected the emotional, relational, & physical needs of others just so they could prove to God their faith is real. While I am not against us serving in any capacity, I'm just reminded that Jesus pointed out to the Pharisees their willingness to tithe but their lack of mercy. At some point us being rightly related to one another has to matter. That's where faith comes in. It recognizes the image of God among the brethren. It doesn't matter if they are poor, hungry, naked, etc. All that matters is that we see them & we will not neglect them.

The Gospel that we believe has been extended to every member of the human race. Their reconciliation to the Father came from the same place as ours. Their invitation to rise up & take their place as sons is the same invitation we have received. Do you want to see your faith in action? Then love your Brother. Want to see your faith come alive? Then forgive someone who has wronged you. Do you want to know what it is like to live with a vibrant & active faith? Have compassion for those God places before you. It may look like feeding someone, but it could also show up in a hug or a word of encouragement.

What good is it to say you have faith but you don't love your neighbor?
What good is it to say you have faith but you don't forgive?
What good is it to say you have faith but you show partiality?
What good is it to say you have faith but you never extend mercy?
What good is it to say you have faith but you lack compassion?

I believe that this is what James meant when he wrote about faith & works. If faith doesn't work for us in how we treat one another, then our faith is dead (without life). I think it's time for us to show the world a faith that produces, sustains, & emanates life. His nature is within us to make it happen. Let's journey with Him!!!

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