Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The Visual Gospel

St. Francis of Assisi has been credited for this quote: "Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words." For years I believed that the only true approach to spreading the Gospel was through the preaching of it. I mean, the Bible talks about the heart believing what the ears hear...right? So what could have possibly changed my mind?

I grew up with Billy Graham on the television. Not that we ever watched him at home. I just remember flipping through the channels. In fact, I remember flipping through a lot of channels. There was always someone on TV. This phenomenon is even greater today with satellite channels dedicated to the proclamation of the Gospel. While I don't take issue with TV ministries (necessarily), I just realize that it took a personal encounter with someone living out the reconciliation of the Father to connect with me. His name was Pastor Neil. An older gentleman who pastored a church in our area. He reached out to a High School senior. He talked to me about my family, took me out to eat, & encouraged me. He provided a platform for the Gospel to come alive in my heart. And for that, I will always be thankful.

I realize that not everyone takes this same approach. In fact, much of our Gospel presentation is what I call the shotgun affect. We preach into the crowd & hope that everyone gets hit. While this may create some converts to our understanding of God, it may not always be the best approach to creating disciples of Jesus.

Would you be willing to consider with me that the Gospel is easily believed when lived out in our lives? Would you be willing to consider that when our churches become centered in love, have created a genuine culture of honor, and become visual aids to the Good News that we could reach more people than our words ever could alone? What if the hope we preach is actually seen through our lives? What if the reconciliation we talk about is actually seen in our relationships? What if the world did more than encounter our sermons, our witnessing tools, or our Gospel broadcasts? What if they actually saw Jesus through us?

I just watch a movie called "Ring the Bell" on Netflix. A faith based movie about a sports agent who travels to a small town to recruit a baseball player for the majors. What he encountered was a community of authentic believers who had a different approach on life. What he saw was faith on display for the world to see. One of my favorite lines (spoiler alert), was when this man was praying to the Father. He said, "God, I know you are real because I've seen you. I've seen you here. I've seen you in this place."

The Visual Gospel is just that - it's visual. It's easily seen. It's on display in the lives that we lead. It's in the love that we express. It's in the strong families we have created. It's in the community & culture that we have built. It's tangible. Rather than just hearing about Jesus, He is seen alive & well in our lives. He's in the encouragement that we give to one another. He's in the love that we give to everyone around us. He's in the ministry, in the charities, & in our dealings. He's not isolated to the Sunday gatherings. He's not trapped in our religious boxes. He is GOD WITH US, GOD IN US, & GOD THROUGH US.

This past Sunday I encouraged my Pioneer Family that I believe this year will bring an encounter with the person of the Lord like never before. In other words, we will do more than just learn about Him. We will go further than just a belief system. It is our looking unto Jesus - the Pioneer & Perfecter of our faith - considering Him - and encountering Him that will make all the difference. This revelation (revealing) of Jesus in our lives & through the lives of others will become the foundation of a culture centered upon Him. Scripture declares that when we see Him, we will be like Him. While many people have reserved the fulfillment of that verse to a future place, I believe that our lives are meant to be filled with encounters. Encounters that shape the way in which we live out our faith. Encounters that are more than just Sundayanity. Encounters that continually conform us to the image of the Son. As we learn about the person of the Lord, as we see His glory, we will be changed from glory to glory. Providing the world with an image of the invisible God in the same way that Jesus did. This is the visual gospel.

I truly believe that the greatest message you can preach does not come from your mouth. The greatest witness you can give to the Gospel is not wrapped up in words. While it is true that the ears hear & the heart believes, the best foundation for what is spoken is the life that carries the reconciliation of the Father. If the world see you, they will hear you. As you encounter the Lord in your journey, allow Him to take root. Don't be like the man who looks in a mirror, walks away, and forgets what he looks like. Instead, allow the Lord to be your mirrored in you. Be His reflection in the Earth. Allow others to encounter true & authentic faith through your life. It's time to get real. It's time for the world to encounter Him through us. When this becomes our approach then family matters, relationships matter, community matters, and how you live matters. You are the visual Gospel.

2015 is here. Enjoy the journey!!!

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