Friday, January 23, 2015


Several years ago, two brothers trying to break into the t-shirt business came up with some artwork & a slogan that radically changed their life. What they did not realize at the time was that they cashed in on something that people desperately wanted to see, convey, & experience.

Maybe you own one of these shirts, a coffee mug, hat, or a wheel cover. Maybe you don't. Regardless of your personal affiliation with this brand, I want you to take in the response of so many others around the world. What is it about this brand that makes it such a huge success? What is it about the simple logo that makes it so appealing? What lesson can we learn from Bert & John Jacobs (don't forget Jake) spread of optimism?

I believe people are tired of negativity. Many of them don't even watch the news because they are done having others prey on their fears. While life is not perfect, I think the majority of people enjoy life. And obviously, based upon the sales of merchandise, LIFE IS GOOD rings true in the hearts of so many.

LIFE IS GOOD should be a message that the church carries. People should hear it from us, experience it through us, and be invited to participate with us. The phenomenon that we have witnessed over the last several years should be a wake up call for us. People want optimism. They want to experience the fullness of life. They want to smile, enjoy relationships, and drink every drop from life. Rather than escape life, they long to embrace it. They want to learn how to smile through the difficulties. They want to be able to sing, dance, & laugh. They should be able to find this kind of life with us.

I want to say that we have what they want. However, I know far too many professing Christians who are not experiencing abundant life. I know far too many who are more concerned with escaping. One of the most valuable aspects of our faith has been lost to the future - a day we hope to experience - causing us to miss out on what the Gospel means for us here & now.

I don't mean to beat a dead horse, because I talk about this a lot, but I want the world to know that our faith in Him makes a difference in our everyday lives. I want them to know that it's filled with love, peace, confidence, abundance, grace, mercy, joy, & just about everything else you could ever need. The question is whether or not they will experience this life through us.

Where did we ever get the idea that God doesn't want us to enjoy life? Where did we ever conceive the thought that somehow it's our will to start a family, have relationships, work, have a home, enjoy vacations, have parties, etc., and that somehow this is a bad thing? I believe that YOU living life to the fullest brings God great joy. I believe that YOU enjoying your family, being fully present in their lives, and cultivating a happy home brings Him great pleasure. I believe that YOU having everything that you need, and even things that you want, is not in opposition to the Father's will. Life was/is the gift that He has given us. Relationship with others is something that He created. Fullness is something that He wants us to live in. LIFE IS GOOD was/is the original plan of the Father.

Genesis 1:28 reminds us of the blessing that the Father bestowed upon humanity: "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth..." Be fruitful. Grow. Expand. Spread your wings. Increase. Bear the fruit of His image. I cannot help but to imagine the joy in the Father's heart as He blessed His children. I hear these words not as a command but as a blessing (which they are). He is genuinely excited about seeing His creation walk in the freedom He has created for them. He's anticipating all that man will be. He's looking forward to the relationship that we will have together. This IS the meaning of life. This IS where we find our fulfillment. It is IN HIM that we fully discover that LIFE IS GOOD & that it is a good thing to be alive. Therefore, our shared life together should carry this same energy, this same excitement, & this same joy.

Of course, there are some people who do not share in this optimism. There are those who despise the LIFE IS GOOD brand, the lifestyle that would be associated with it, and the idea that faith in Christ would actually produce this kind of enjoyment of life. But this is what you were created for. You were not made for some religious experience but a living, breathing, relationship with the Father. A relationship where everything that is in Him is available. A life that is to be enjoyed in the world that He created. He wanted us to be full of joy. He wanted us to experience relationships. He wanted us to create life out of these relationships. This is what He wanted for us. This was the dream of His heart.

This is one of the reasons I love gatherings of friends/family. I absolutely love getting together with people & enjoying life together. We share stories, we laugh, we cry, we share in the provision of food, we are thankful, & we take it all in. I enjoy these times because I see the Father in them with us. He is not detached from us. In fact, He is in the enjoyment of life. It is our joy to find Him there with us. the weekend is upon us...and even some possible wintry weather...ENJOY!!! Gather around the fire. Enjoy the laughter of your family. Embrace everyone. Make some soup. Watch a movie, play a game, and/or talk with one another. These are the moments you were created for. Everyday life matters. Every moment you share love matters. Every bit of laughter, every tear, & every kind word matters. This is a part of your fruitfulness in the Earth. It's a part of your design. There's no need to escape. You can embrace this life fully & discover the glory of God in it. LIFE-IS-GOOD. Enjoy the journey!!!

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