Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The With-ness of the Father

Before Jesus ascended to the Father, and after commissioning His disciples, He made them this promise: "Behold, I am with you. Even to the end of the age." This promise would carry them through so many difficulties. It allowed them to endure persecution, rejection, displacement, & even death. This promise would lead to a continual experience of His presence regardless of the circumstances. What about us? Are we experiencing the "With-ness" of the Father?

Being in ministry means that I have experiences with people during the continual swing of the pendulum. Some are having amazing experiences with the Lord, while others feel as though He has left them to their own resources. Some are somewhere in the middle. They have just come out of one or the other & are waiting for the shoe to drop. The challenge is to see the Father WITH us regardless of the situation. It's our awareness of His presence that makes all the difference.

Have you ever stopped to ask the question: Where is the Father in this?
Most people will automatically say that He is in them, but my challenge is to take it a bit further. God can be in you & in the situation. In other words, you can experience the reality of His presence within yourself, and at the same time see what He is doing around you. It's not an either/or experience. He can be doing things in you, and doing things in the people & circumstances that surround you. This is the with-ness of the Father. Always with you. Always for you. Always present. Always working things for your good.

How often do we see prayer become a knee jerk reaction? How often does the Bible get flung open in hopes that the written Word will unveil some secret to my current situation? How quickly do we fall into superstition rather than carrying a real, abiding, faith? I realize that we all have things that happen suddenly. Things that we aren't necessarily prepared to go through. Things we could not predict. However, I'm a believer in the practical nature of our faith that carries us through even the most difficult of things. It's the practice of His presence (His with-ness) in everyday life that will provide the greatest resource for us in the chaos.

We say we believe that God is everywhere present. Why do we rarely carry that mentality into our own personal lives? If HE IS everywhere present then HE IS everywhere present with us. As you practice His presence in everyday life, when the chaos comes, all you need to do is remind yourself of this truth. This is the "Be Still & Know" moment of your faith. It's the reminder that God doesn't need a flurry of activity to reveal Himself to you. He doesn't need you to grab hold of Him like the lucky rabbit's foot. Your stillness is enough for Him to get your attention. Not the other way around.

You do realize that God is not surprised by what you are going through don't you? This is the same Father that spoke through His Son by saying "I AM with you always..." Your situation does not alter His with-ness. Even if what you are experiencing is your fault, it doesn't push God further away. He knows our frame. He recognizes our weakness. His isn't far off, on vacation, or relieving Himself. He is always with you. So intimately acquainted, in fact, that in Him you live & move & have your being. This is the awareness that you need to carry. This is you being fully present with a Father who is always near.

I encourage you to begin this awareness right now. As you read these words, I want you to hear the Father say "I AM with you." I want you to wake up in the morning with this realization. I want you to know Him in every breath you take, every interaction with your family, every conversation with your friends. He may look like laughter. He may be wrapped up in a hug. He could be in the cheerful "Good Morning!" or "How are you?". The challenge is to see Him THERE while recognizing that He is HERE.

The with-ness of the Father does not change. The psalmist would declare "Where can I go from your presence?" If I am experiencing peace & tranquility - He is with me. If all that surrounds me is noise & chaos - He is with me. In the good, the bad, the great, & the not so great - nothing alters the presence of the Father. Be still & know that He is here & He is for you. It's all part of the journey. A journey of with-ness. You are not alone.

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