Friday, May 29, 2009

Parental Discipline

Anybody just ever blow it as a parent? Maybe I'm the only one.

Scripture has so much to say in regards to raising children. Usually we only quote part of those verses. Most of you know that scripture teaches that we aren't to spare the rod or we will spoil the child. Others will use the quote "Obey your parents..." These are all valid verses but if all we ever do is discipline the child without being disciplined ourselves, what will we accomplish?

I have found that there are some days that I should have just stayed in bed! Well...maybe what I really needed to do was have some time with the Lord before I had time with the kids. It's far to easy for us parents to jump to conclusions, rush to judgements, and deal harshly with things rather than think through our parental processes. Fact is: We often need more discipline than the children!

Listen to scripture: "Children, obey your parents because you belong to the Lord, for this is the right thing to do. 'Honor your father and mother.' This is the 1st of the Ten Commandments that ends with a promise. And this is the promise: If you honor your father and mother, 'you will live a long life, full of blessing.' And now a word to you fathers. Don't make your children angry by the way you treat them. Rather, bring them up with the discipline and instruction approved by the Lord." Ephesians 6:1-5 NLT

If I read scripture correctly, it seems that I need as much (if not more) discipline as my children. I have to be disciplined in how I discipline. I have to show self-control. I have to be able to control my tongue, my temperament, my attitude, my anger, etc. James Dobson has said that it takes more work to actually discipline a child properly rather than spanking them AND HE IS RIGHT!

Have you ever had to be honest with your child and say, "I blew it!"? I don't know of anything more humbling than sitting in front of my son or daughter to ask for forgiveness in how I handled a situation. I have had to apologize for being too critical, spanking before speaking, or raising my voice beyond a "reasonable" tone. The reason I'm willing to do this is simple: 1st of all - I'm not always right. I know that some fathers/mothers don't recognize this but I do. 2nd - It teaches my kids that when I don't get it right that I'm willing to acknowledge my failures.

If we as parents aren't willing to acknowledge that our little parenting experiment, with it's hypothesis, doesn't always have the proper conclusion; all we ever teach our children is that the home is ran by a tyrant who can never be questioned. All must bow down to the all powerful parent. I want to teach my kids honor over fear, respect over obedience, and submission over slavery. It comes down to one question: What is my heart in parenting? Am I trying to get my kids to do what I want OR am I trying to bring them up in the fear and admonition of God?

So today I acknowledge my weakness. There is more that I need to learn, more that I need to control, and more that I need to submit to God as I seek to be the father that he wants me to be. For the sake of my children I need to get this right. I'm seeking to raise up the next generation of Christ followers. So they need to experience Him in the home.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Welcome Aboard!

It's been so busy since I returned from Alaska that I failed to mention that our church has a Youth Pastor.

Please give a warm welcome to Ernie (applause).

Ernie and his wife Erin have been members of Pioneer for a couple of years now. This picture was taken during our 1st Alaska trip and is a testimony to the growth we have seen in their lives. They are the parents of a beautiful baby girl.

When our church began looking for a youth pastor, we interviewed some individuals from our church body but did not sense God's direction for those we talked with. They were great people, godly people, but at that time we didn't believe God wanted us to go that route. We also interview some outside candidates ultimately choosing to bring one person before the church body. However, things didn't work out. This past spring I spoke with the leader of our search committee and asked him if he would like for me to be more involved with looking through resumes, etc. My thoughts were to pre-screen any and all that were looking for youth ministry positions. It was during a time of prayer that the Lord reminded me that He provides all things that the body needs. After that time of prayer I felt compelled to talk to Ernie about submitting a resume.

The rest...well, it's history. Ernie was confirmed through the search committee and brought before the church body as the selection for Youth Pastor. He was approved the Sunday before leaving for Alaska.

Ernie is driven, passionate, and solid in his biblical beliefs. He has a great heart for the youth of our community and nation. What I loved specifically about Ernie's approach to youth ministry was his desire to make disciples out of young people - to get them into the schools as a genuine witness for Christ.

I look forward to working with Ernie as long as the Lord allows. I believe that he will be a valuable asset to the ministry of PBC. It also allow Ron and myself to have that 3rd person in ministry here. (3 is the number of unity!)

May the Lord bless Ernie in this new ministry. May God use him to lead thousands of young people to a thriving relationship with Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Fellowship of the Unashamed

Several years ago, as a young believer, I came across a creed (if you will) to something called the Fellowship of the Unashamed. I was so impressed by it that I decided to cut it out and paste in the front of my Bible and continue to carry it to this day. I hope you make it your own.

"I am a part of the 'Fellowship of the Unashamed.' The die has been cast. The decision has been made. I have stepped over the line. I won't look back, let up, slow down, back away or be still.

"My past is redeemed, my present makes sense, and my future is secure. I'm finished and done with low living, sight walking, small planning, smooth knees, colorless dreams, tamed visions, mundane talking, cheap giving and dwarfed goals.

"I no longer need preeminence, prosperity, position, promotions, plaudits or popularity. I don't have to be right, first, tops, recognized, praised, regarded or rewarded. I now live by faith, lean on His presence, love with patience, live by prayer and labor with power.

"My face is set, my gait is fast, my goal is heaven, my road is narrow, may way is rough, may companions are few, my Guide is reliable, and my mission is clear. I cannot be bought, compromised, detoured, lured away, turned back, deluded or delayed. I will not flinch in the face of adversity, negotiate at the table of the enemy, ponder at the pool of popularity or meander in the maze of mediocrity.

"I won't give up, shut up, let up or slow up until I have stayed up, stored up, prayed up, paid up and spoken up for the cause of Christ. I am a disciple of Jesus. I must go till He comes, give till I drop, preach till all know and work till He stops me.

"And when Jesus comes for His own, He will have no problem recognizing me. My banner is clear: I am a part of the 'Fellowship of the Unashamed.'"

Author Unknown

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Amy's Song

Johnathan David Helser has released another wonderful worship album. "Walk through the Walls" has some great music along with powerful lyrics. You also get to enjoy some spontaneous worship throughout.

I'm sharing the lyrics today of the last song on the CD called "Amy's Song." I'm referencing this song today because Jennifer called to let me know that her little cousin Emily had passed away last night after a lengthy battle with cancer. I truly believe that she would sing this song to her mom and dad.

Verse 1:
"I was awakened last night
To the sound of dancing fee above me
I thought they were on my roof
Till it struck me that they were on golden streets

"Opened my eyes and saw
What I thought was an angel dancing
She was a perfect child
She looked at me and smiled - and sang this song

"Mama can you hear me
Daddy can you feel me
I'm made whole
I'm at home
I'm dancing on streets of gold
Don't stop holding on

"This is Amy's Song
This is Amy's Song
From her streets of gold
She is singing you a song
Singing you a song
Don't stop holding on

Verse 3:
"Can you see her at His throne
With her hair of gold?
She is holding - holding on
To the threads of His robe
She is singing you a song
She is singing you a song
She is singing you a song of hope

"Hope is being born in you
Hope is being woven
Don't stop holding on."

You can listen to the song by copying and pasting this link in your browser:

Hear those words: "Don't stop holding on." I can think of so many people that I know who have gone on to be with the Lord. I know that each of them would say, "Hold on. It's worth it!" Little Emily is now one of those who dance around His throne! She has joined the elders in lifting up the One who sits enthroned. There is no more sickness, no more death, no more pain. Her life was short on this earth but now her joy is made complete!

Pray for her family. Johnny and Melinda are no doubt crushed by her passing. May God provide the comfort that they need.

**Sorry that I didn't post the 2nd verse, however, I couldn't make out all the words. I was unable to find the lyrics to this song and had to listen to the CD to pass them to you. Verse 2 simply talked about her golden hair looking like it was woven from the very streets she danced upon and how she was dancing, laughing, smiling, and singing this song.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Don't Miss This!!!

Luke 19:41-44, "Now as He drew near, He saw the city (Jerusalem) and wept over it, saying, 'If you had known, even you, especially in this your day, the things that make for your peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes...because you did not know the time of your visitation.'"

This blog was established so that I could share with you the things that are on my mind. After spending the morning at the doctor's office getting a check-up on Hayden's arm (bones haven't moved - so far so good), this is what I have been meditating over. I'm not going to go into great detail but what I have to share is something that you don't want to miss.

Is it possible that YOU could miss the time of YOUR visitation?

Jesus was approaching Jerusalem and was so moved by the condition of the people's hearts that he wept. They were missing out on the things that would bring them peace. They were missing out on the visitation of God. They were missing out on HIM! I want to remind you that Jesus isn't talking to a foreign culture. He is speaking to the Jewish people.

The "children of God" missed God.

Take some time today and ask God to help you recognize His time of visitation.

**Please be praying for our Park Day event that starts tomorrow morning at 10:30 am.
This is our largest outreach event of the year and we are trusting that God will use us to lead many to saving faith in Jesus Christ.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Blessed be my Rock!

I was listening to some praise music this morning when I heard these words during a moment of spontaneous praise, "He can't stay away when I sing His name."

One of the awesome aspects of a relationship with God is His constant presence in our lives. The Word promises that His Holy Spirit indwells every believer. And if I ever get to a place in my life when I think that God is "far from me", all I have to do is sing His name.

God indwells the praises of His people. That is, God indwells the spontaneous, heart-felt song of His people. This is the praise that rises up from a heart that is thankful, needful, worshipful, expressive, hungry, etc. I don't know about you but there are times when I am overwhelmed by His goodness or I simply need God to come into my circumstances. The greatest way to get His attention is to worship. Jesus told us that the Father is seeking worshippers that worship Him in spirit and in truth. Open your spirit to Him. Worship Him in truth - not your truth but His - and wait upon the comfort, peace, and presence of Almighty God.

May the God of my salvation be exalted!

TD Jakes tells his congregation to "Praise Him like you've lost your mind." I love this expression. Far too often it is our mind that gets in the way. It's our mind that says we cannot praise God when we are sad. It's our mind that says we cannot praise God when there is great difficulty in life. It's our mind that says we cannot be too expressive in front of others. It's our mind that says we shouldn't dance, shout, run, lift our hands, bow name it. But God is looking for worshippers. Will you be a worshipper today? Will you leave your logic on the sidelines for just a moment and express your love to God.

My brother used to have a sticker that said, "Caution: Driver has fits of praise!" Shouldn't that be true of each of us? I'm not saying that you have to cause a traffic accident but I do think there are times that people ought to look at us funny at the traffic light (ever happen to you?).

Regardless of how you FEEL, God is worthy of our praise. Psalm 18:46, "The Lord lives! Blessed by my rock! May the God of my salvation be exalted!" If I don't do anything else today, I want to exalt the God of my salvation. I want to bless the Rock in my life. I want to do what Jonathan David Helser said in one of his most recent songs, "Waste my time with the angels." They are constantly worshipping around the throne. Can I give Him 5 or 10 minutes? I know that I will be better off!

May you find a place of praise wherever you are today. When you do - "Praise Him like you've lost your mind."

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Daily Concerns

What started out as a day of celebration ended up being an evening of concern. This past Saturday during Hayden's birthday party there was an accident and he walked out of it with a broken right arm. I have to give it to was nasty. After going to the ER we found out that he had broken both bones just below his wrist and it would require surgery to fix. We left WCCH late that evening and drove to Radford. Sunday morning around 8:30 am (something like that) Hayden was taken back for surgery. Thankfully, the doctor was able to do a closed reduction which meant that he wouldn't require pins, screws, or plates.

Needless to say, all of this has produces a little stress in our lives. We were given doctor's orders to keep him as immobile as possible {you do realize my son is 9?} and to keep his arm elevated. He's not even supposed to move his right arm without first grabbing with his left. Hayden is doing well and we trust that God will allow him to heal quickly.

It would be really easy to enter into pity party mode through all of this. You know, "Why me?" or "Why now?", but I have come to realize that IT COULD BE MUCH WORSE. I could be the parent of a child taking chemo seeing no results from treatment. I could be trying to care for a dying parent. I could be going to the hospital everyday for dialysis. There are so many more problems that we could have in life. So as for me and my house, we are truly blessed.

If you read 2 Corinthians 11:28 you will come across these words, "besides the other things, what comes upon my daily: my deep concern for all the churches." Paul wrote these words to the Corinthian believers after he had shared accounts of being beaten by rods, being stoned and shipwrecked. He also spoke of weariness, toil, sleeplessness, hunger, thirst, fasting, cold, and nakedness. Added to all of that, Paul said, was his deep concern for ALL the churches. In other words, Paul never had a day off from the daily concerns of life. News Flash: neither do you.

Why do you think God's Word teaches us to be anxious for nothing but in all things by prayer and supplication to make our requests known unto the Lord. God knows that we will have daily concerns and he teaches us to take those concerns to Him. When we don't make this a habit of daily life that is when we become anxious. I'm going to say something that may sound a little strange but it is true: God is in control even if my son breaks his arm. What do I have to be anxious about? It's not easy but God has been with us every step of the way.

I thank all of you for praying for Hayden. He definitely has a story to tell about his 9th birthday. Jennifer and I are appreciative of the phone calls, cards, gifts, etc. Hayden will be healed in a few weeks and our lives will return to some normalcy. In the meantime we will acknowledge God's sovereignty in our lives and keep on living for His kingdom.

May you experience His peace today as you turn all of your daily concerns over to His grace.

***After reading this blog entry, please take time to participate in the poll just under the ABC's of salvation.***

Friday, May 15, 2009

Thanksgiving Offering

There's a hymn we used to sing called "Count Your Many Blessing". Well, I don't know that I can count them all on here but I do want to give an offering of thanks to Jehovah.

Hayden turns 9 tomorrow. When I first came to Pioneer he was getting ready to turn one. My how time flies when you are having fun! I'm so thankful for both of my children.

I'm thankful that at PBC we have seen 11 people accept Christ and 15 who followed the Lord in baptism this year already (14 people over the past 5 weeks). Not only that, but since Resurrection Sunday we have had around 225 on average attend our Sunday Worship Service. **Pray that God gives us wisdom in how to handle the growth that we are experiencing.

As I mentioned briefly yesterday, Ron & Sarah had their baby girl on Wednesday. I'm so thankful for what God has done in their life. I'm glad that I obeyed the voice of the Lord when he began to prompt me to pray for Sarah to conceive. Their little girl is a child of promise!!! Praise His name! (For those of you who don't attend PBC, we have seen 5 babies born this year and have 2 more that I know of who are expecting).

I'm thankful for what God is doing in the membership of our church. We have seen much growth already this year and already have at least 2 more couples going through the membership class. 10 people have joined our church in 2009!

I'm thankful for "Bob and Sally Trailblazer" as Ron calls them who are serving in East Asia. These are members of the body who felt called to join God on mission to reach a lost world. They are such a blessing to us personally but also to the body of believers here at PBC. **Pray for their effectiveness in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I'm thankful to have the opportunity to serve on the Executive Board of the SBCV. This past week I was able to sit in on two church planter interviews. It is so awesome to hear about how God is moving in the hearts of people who feel called to plant churches here in the state of VA. **Let us pray for a church planting movement within our state, and while we are at it let us pray for the established churches in our state that they will experience a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

I'm thankful for a church family that understands the need to give to the community without expecting anything in return. On May 23rd we will be holding our annual Park Day event. I'm already looking forward to posting some pics from that one! Last year we saw God blow the lid off of our faith as we basically doubled in turnout by feeding 1200 people. I was talking with one of my neighbors (Wesley) yesterday and he was blown away this past Sunday as we shared what Park Day was all about and how God has used us to do this ministry. ***For those who don't know - we rent the recreation field in our community and put on a big block party with free food, entertainment, and moonwalk type attractions for the kids. Please pray for this year's event as we seek to share the Gospel with everyone who will give us an ear.

God is so Good (all the time)! Praise Him for His marvelous works. Praise Him for His provision. Praise Him for His salvation.

I'm also thankful for those of you who take the time to read PBC Voice. This blog has been a tremendous blessing to me and I hope that it is for you as well.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I'm Working...

Good Morning to Everyone.

Sorry that there will be no blog today (at least not this morning).

I'm helping conduct some church planter interviews.

Congrats to Ron and Sarah on the birth of their baby girl yesterday! Mom and baby are doing well.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Downhere - "Cathedral Made of People"

I recently received a new CD that I'm very excited about. The group is called Downhere and I want to share with you the lyrics of "Cathedral Made of People." This isn't a new band since they have been around for 7 years. However, I think this album may be the one that allows them to "break out" from obscurity.

For more info & to here the album you can go to


"If they shut down the churches
Where would you go?
If they melted all the stain-glass windows
Replaced every sanctuary with a condo
Where would you go?
Where would you go?"

"We are a cathedral made of people
In a kingdom that the eye can't see
We're a house, we are the bride
Where God's Spirit lives inside
And nothing ever could stand against her."

"If they burned every Bible
What would you know?
If they tore your marked-up pages
How would you grow?
And declared your devotion to be criminal
What would you know?
What would you know?"


"When they throw you in prison
What will you do?
When they hate you for the things
That you know are true
They can tear down this temple
But they can't touch you"

We are a cathedral made of people
In a kingdom that they eye can't see
We're a house, we are the bride
Where God's Spirit lives inside
And nothing ever could stand against her"


I see this group becoming one of the great bands in Christian music. Their lyrics are solid, their music is distinct, and their message is clear. I encourage each of you to check out DOWNHERE. If you were a fan of DC talk you will love their sound!


Side note for all you PBC people: Ron & Sarah are at the hospital!!! Last time I talked to Ron they were resting. Please consider this when trying to contact them and pray that God will give Sarah grace through delivery. We are trusting Him for a safe deliver and a healthy baby.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Matthew 6:33 "Seek 1st the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you."

I spoke this past Sunday on "Dealing with Distractions." There is no doubt that today's generation of believers can be even more distracted than those of the past. We have so much more "stuff" that pulls us away from living with God's kingdom in mind. If you look at Matthew 6 you will find that the distractions described as "these things" are common to our everyday life. Food, Drink, and Clothing are all important necessities of life, but God's Word promises that if we will focus ourselves on His kingdom and His righteousness in our lives that He will provide the necessities.

To put it simply: Our job is to take care of God's business while His job is to take care of ours.

The best plan to accomplish this purpose is to wake up everyday and ask God: How can I join You in kingdom work today? I really is that simple. Then we go out into our day sensitive to the events and people around us. Who asked me about my faith? Who asked about our church? Who needed to talk about important issues in their lives? In each of these examples we should be moved to act, listen, speak, and even pray with others since it could mean that God is accomplishing His kingdom work through us.

If we take this approach we will also cease to walk away from conversations saying, "I wish that I would have ____________________" Allow your schedule to be open to the interruptions of the Holy Spirit. God may use you today to bring someone into the kingdom, encourage another believer, or open doors for other opportunities.

I challenge each of us (try it for a week!) to seek God's kingdom 1st in all things. Just wait and see the opportunities that He provides. You will also see God provide the needs in your own life as well. He has promised and He is faithful.

One other note: Stop trying to control the things you cannot control. Allow God to be God in your life. You simply enter each day as a servant.

Be Blessed!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Is This Effective Change?

Proverbs 33:12, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord..."

Today I'm calling into question the authenticity of our president's faith. That's right...I'm saying it out loud. As a follower of Christ I am not ashamed of the Gospel as Paul stated because I know that it is the power of God unto salvation. Jesus also told us that if we denied Him before man then He would deny us before His Father. With all that being said, how does our president go around the globe proclaiming that we aren't a Christian nation (while trying to defend his own "faith") then only paying lip service to the National Day of Prayer?

I'm sure that my questions will upset a few people out there but folks I don't like the idea of the leader of our nation not having the humility to bow before God in prayer even though he is willing to bow before Muslim kings. The sheer arrogance of this whole things is astounding. If we do not honor prayer during these times when should we do it?

Now Obama did issue a proclamation yesterday, but really folks it's only because he is legally bound to do it (IMO). I'm sure there would be some who would say that we shouldn't spend the money to have such elaborate services as George W. Bush did when he was president, but I think if we did away with some of the White House parties there would be plenty of resources to gather people together and acknowledge God's sovereignty. I'm sure that humility is something that is hard to come by in Washington these days. We see the truth of that everyday. But what is our nation coming to when the President can't take the time to organize a prayer gathering?

Our nation needs prayer in many ways more now than ever. We have an economy that is teetering, decisions to make in the war on terrorism (yes - we are still fighting that one), a nuclear Iran - North Korea - and possible Taliban that we are going to have to deal with, as well as the safety and future of this country. Oh, what shall we liken this generation to?

I'm not asking our president to go out and wave the Christian flag but I do hope that he would at least give more than lip service to the Creator who endowed us with the rights we possess in this country.

May God have mercy on us and may He forgive our arrogance. May we acknowledge His sovereignty and petition for His grace. Amen.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Love Your Enemy

"If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you?...And if you do good to those who are good to you, what credit is that to you? your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, because He is kind to the ungrateful and wicked. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful." Luke 6:32-36

As I read these verses this morning I couldn't help but think of how our faith in Christ would really stand out if we were willing to live by such a simple yet challenging rule. Love those who are unloveable...Do good unto those who never (and may never) do good unto mercy to the unmerciful...the reward: sons of the Most High.

Think about it - Jesus came unto His own and they didn't receive Him. He showed love, compassion, and mercy to the very same people who would crucify Him. While being nailed to the cross He said, "Father, forgive them for they don't know what they do." And yet we go on loving those who love us back, doing good to those who will return the favor, and only lending to those who will most assuredly pay us back in the end.

Can we give without reservations and expectations? Are we willing to be spent in order to assure eternal life for someone even if we may never see the results with our own eyes? Will we ever be so totally obsessed with God that we can sit at the table that He has prepared for us in the presence of our enemies (Psalm 23)? These are some hard questions. However, if we would be willing to part with our worldly value system and begin to see even our enemies through the eyes of God, maybe just maybe we will be able to lead someone to Christ.

Jennifer was flipping through the channels yesterday evening and Dr. Phil was talking with several different families. I listned in horror as I heard a lady telling a child that she was always angry with her and didn't have any positive feeling for her, etc. I'm not sure the situation but it sounded like an extedned family type deal. What blew me away was the unwillingness of this woman to be able to look beyond her own feelings. This lady was so caught up in herself that she couldn't reach out to this teenager with any affection. It was sad. But what I saw in this lady is too often par for the course. Can we reach out with a hand of love even if it means pulling back a nub? Jesus did!

Make an effort today to love the unloveable. Do good to those who have never deserved it. Be merciful just as God has shown mercy to us. You can be assured that your faith will stand out.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

God's Facebook Status

Just last week I joined the masses on Facebook. That's right, I crumbled to the pressure. I really didn't want to have to keep up with "one more thing" but too many people (friends in ministry in particular) asked me to join. So - "I'm out there Jerry and I'm lovin' every minute of it!"

What I find so interesting is the appeal of facebook. What is it that draws people to connect in this way versus email or other forms of communication? Does it have something to do with seeing a picture of the person you are speaking with? Probably so.

I was also thinking about the need people have to connect with others. We seek out relationship with individuals from our past and the present. We like to fellowship and share life with others. Some people are now friends with folks from high school that they weren't friends with "back in the day." things change.

If God were on facebook his relationship status would be "seeking a relationship." When God created Adam & Eve the Bible says that he would come down to fellowship with them. Until sin entered the world it wasn't uncommon for God to "hang out" with His creation. But sin changed everything. It changed God's approach toward us but just as dramatic it changed our approach to God. When Adam and Eve ate of the fruit from the tree of knowledge they realized they were naked and made coverings for themselves. Then when God came down for fellowship they ran and hid. From that very moment until now people have been running from God rather than running to Him.

He is still seeking relationship. That my friends is what the cross is all about. God took care of our sin problem by allowing Jesus Christ to be crucified as payment for our sin. We were separated from God by sin. Jesus' blood is the only things that can remove sin from our lives. His perfect sacrifice payed for our atonement so that we could once again fellowship with our Creator.

I wonder: Is God still seeking a relationship with you? Have you accepted Jesus' death on the cross for you sins and made Him Lord and Savior of your life? Or are you still running/hiding from God?

If God showed up on your facebook page would His status still say "seeking relationship" or would it read "in relationship"? That part is up to you! Turn your life over to Jesus. He is mighty to save!