Wednesday, May 6, 2009

God's Facebook Status

Just last week I joined the masses on Facebook. That's right, I crumbled to the pressure. I really didn't want to have to keep up with "one more thing" but too many people (friends in ministry in particular) asked me to join. So - "I'm out there Jerry and I'm lovin' every minute of it!"

What I find so interesting is the appeal of facebook. What is it that draws people to connect in this way versus email or other forms of communication? Does it have something to do with seeing a picture of the person you are speaking with? Probably so.

I was also thinking about the need people have to connect with others. We seek out relationship with individuals from our past and the present. We like to fellowship and share life with others. Some people are now friends with folks from high school that they weren't friends with "back in the day." things change.

If God were on facebook his relationship status would be "seeking a relationship." When God created Adam & Eve the Bible says that he would come down to fellowship with them. Until sin entered the world it wasn't uncommon for God to "hang out" with His creation. But sin changed everything. It changed God's approach toward us but just as dramatic it changed our approach to God. When Adam and Eve ate of the fruit from the tree of knowledge they realized they were naked and made coverings for themselves. Then when God came down for fellowship they ran and hid. From that very moment until now people have been running from God rather than running to Him.

He is still seeking relationship. That my friends is what the cross is all about. God took care of our sin problem by allowing Jesus Christ to be crucified as payment for our sin. We were separated from God by sin. Jesus' blood is the only things that can remove sin from our lives. His perfect sacrifice payed for our atonement so that we could once again fellowship with our Creator.

I wonder: Is God still seeking a relationship with you? Have you accepted Jesus' death on the cross for you sins and made Him Lord and Savior of your life? Or are you still running/hiding from God?

If God showed up on your facebook page would His status still say "seeking relationship" or would it read "in relationship"? That part is up to you! Turn your life over to Jesus. He is mighty to save!

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