Friday, May 8, 2009

Is This Effective Change?

Proverbs 33:12, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord..."

Today I'm calling into question the authenticity of our president's faith. That's right...I'm saying it out loud. As a follower of Christ I am not ashamed of the Gospel as Paul stated because I know that it is the power of God unto salvation. Jesus also told us that if we denied Him before man then He would deny us before His Father. With all that being said, how does our president go around the globe proclaiming that we aren't a Christian nation (while trying to defend his own "faith") then only paying lip service to the National Day of Prayer?

I'm sure that my questions will upset a few people out there but folks I don't like the idea of the leader of our nation not having the humility to bow before God in prayer even though he is willing to bow before Muslim kings. The sheer arrogance of this whole things is astounding. If we do not honor prayer during these times when should we do it?

Now Obama did issue a proclamation yesterday, but really folks it's only because he is legally bound to do it (IMO). I'm sure there would be some who would say that we shouldn't spend the money to have such elaborate services as George W. Bush did when he was president, but I think if we did away with some of the White House parties there would be plenty of resources to gather people together and acknowledge God's sovereignty. I'm sure that humility is something that is hard to come by in Washington these days. We see the truth of that everyday. But what is our nation coming to when the President can't take the time to organize a prayer gathering?

Our nation needs prayer in many ways more now than ever. We have an economy that is teetering, decisions to make in the war on terrorism (yes - we are still fighting that one), a nuclear Iran - North Korea - and possible Taliban that we are going to have to deal with, as well as the safety and future of this country. Oh, what shall we liken this generation to?

I'm not asking our president to go out and wave the Christian flag but I do hope that he would at least give more than lip service to the Creator who endowed us with the rights we possess in this country.

May God have mercy on us and may He forgive our arrogance. May we acknowledge His sovereignty and petition for His grace. Amen.

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