Thursday, May 21, 2009

Blessed be my Rock!

I was listening to some praise music this morning when I heard these words during a moment of spontaneous praise, "He can't stay away when I sing His name."

One of the awesome aspects of a relationship with God is His constant presence in our lives. The Word promises that His Holy Spirit indwells every believer. And if I ever get to a place in my life when I think that God is "far from me", all I have to do is sing His name.

God indwells the praises of His people. That is, God indwells the spontaneous, heart-felt song of His people. This is the praise that rises up from a heart that is thankful, needful, worshipful, expressive, hungry, etc. I don't know about you but there are times when I am overwhelmed by His goodness or I simply need God to come into my circumstances. The greatest way to get His attention is to worship. Jesus told us that the Father is seeking worshippers that worship Him in spirit and in truth. Open your spirit to Him. Worship Him in truth - not your truth but His - and wait upon the comfort, peace, and presence of Almighty God.

May the God of my salvation be exalted!

TD Jakes tells his congregation to "Praise Him like you've lost your mind." I love this expression. Far too often it is our mind that gets in the way. It's our mind that says we cannot praise God when we are sad. It's our mind that says we cannot praise God when there is great difficulty in life. It's our mind that says we cannot be too expressive in front of others. It's our mind that says we shouldn't dance, shout, run, lift our hands, bow name it. But God is looking for worshippers. Will you be a worshipper today? Will you leave your logic on the sidelines for just a moment and express your love to God.

My brother used to have a sticker that said, "Caution: Driver has fits of praise!" Shouldn't that be true of each of us? I'm not saying that you have to cause a traffic accident but I do think there are times that people ought to look at us funny at the traffic light (ever happen to you?).

Regardless of how you FEEL, God is worthy of our praise. Psalm 18:46, "The Lord lives! Blessed by my rock! May the God of my salvation be exalted!" If I don't do anything else today, I want to exalt the God of my salvation. I want to bless the Rock in my life. I want to do what Jonathan David Helser said in one of his most recent songs, "Waste my time with the angels." They are constantly worshipping around the throne. Can I give Him 5 or 10 minutes? I know that I will be better off!

May you find a place of praise wherever you are today. When you do - "Praise Him like you've lost your mind."

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