Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Matthew 6:33 "Seek 1st the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you."

I spoke this past Sunday on "Dealing with Distractions." There is no doubt that today's generation of believers can be even more distracted than those of the past. We have so much more "stuff" that pulls us away from living with God's kingdom in mind. If you look at Matthew 6 you will find that the distractions described as "these things" are common to our everyday life. Food, Drink, and Clothing are all important necessities of life, but God's Word promises that if we will focus ourselves on His kingdom and His righteousness in our lives that He will provide the necessities.

To put it simply: Our job is to take care of God's business while His job is to take care of ours.

The best plan to accomplish this purpose is to wake up everyday and ask God: How can I join You in kingdom work today? I really is that simple. Then we go out into our day sensitive to the events and people around us. Who asked me about my faith? Who asked about our church? Who needed to talk about important issues in their lives? In each of these examples we should be moved to act, listen, speak, and even pray with others since it could mean that God is accomplishing His kingdom work through us.

If we take this approach we will also cease to walk away from conversations saying, "I wish that I would have ____________________" Allow your schedule to be open to the interruptions of the Holy Spirit. God may use you today to bring someone into the kingdom, encourage another believer, or open doors for other opportunities.

I challenge each of us (try it for a week!) to seek God's kingdom 1st in all things. Just wait and see the opportunities that He provides. You will also see God provide the needs in your own life as well. He has promised and He is faithful.

One other note: Stop trying to control the things you cannot control. Allow God to be God in your life. You simply enter each day as a servant.

Be Blessed!

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