Thursday, October 16, 2008

Moving Forward

O.K. - The last debate is over and now it's left up to people to educate themselves about the issues and then go out and vote for the presidential candidate who will best lead our nation.

I could spend a lot of time breaking down all of the differing views that came out of this debate but I would rather focus on the major "moral" issue that came up. I was really surprised that Obama called abortion a moral issue. If it's a moral issue then why are we still debating it? Either abortion is morally wrong or it's morally right! Our nation is not falling on the side of morality when it comes to abortion.

The facts: Obama is pro-abortion. McCain is pro-life. Obama supports partial birth abortion. McCain does not. Obama voted against physicians giving medical care for children born after a botched abortion. McCain supports physician assistance in this instance. Over and over again, when it comes to dealing with the unborn - Obama and the Democrat party has been wrong. And according to Obama's own words they are morally wrong.

I really wonder how many people discuss their decision with their families or spiritual leaders? I don't know of too many spiritual leaders who would say "Go ahead and have the's your right." And on top of that the Constitution before Roe v Wade did not allow for a right to have an abortion.

This is the real civil rights battle of our generation. Who will stand up for the rights of the unborn?

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