Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Pray with Lifted Hands

1 Timothy 2:8, "Since prayer is at the bottom of all this, what I want mostly is for men to pray--not shaking angry fists at enemies but raising holy hands to God." - Message

Last week I shared with you about our missionaries in East Asia. This morning I have found out that they ARE traveling to Thailand for medical reasons. It seems that they want the wife to be checked out by doctors there to see if she needs surgery to fix the complications from the appendectomy.

I must admit that this has been hard for me as their pastor. How can I comfort them? How do I assure them that we are thinking of them often? What must their hearts, minds, and faith be going through?

That is when I am reminded of 1 Timothy 2:8. We can shake our hands at the enemy or we can lift our hands to God in prayer. This couple told me that they felt the prayers of God's people. They have seen God at work in the midst of this difficulty. Rather than being upset at the enemy I will be comforted in the healing power of God, His constant presence in their lives, and the ministry of the Holy Spirit in each of them.

Take some time today to pray. However, don't just bow your head in reverence - lift your hands up to God. I can't explain it but there is power when we pray according to Scripture. Get alone if you must, turn your face to heaven, lift up your hands, and go boldly to the throne of grace. God will grant mercy to this couple in their time of need.

You can be sure that we will spend a lot of time in prayer tonight for this couple in our prayer meeting. I'm curious to see how God will use this time of trial in them. Remember this: When our faith is being tested (how we view it) that God is actually purifying our faith. It must go through the fire. Fire separates the impurities from the precious metal. I'm excited to see the brilliance of their faith when they come out on the other side.

Thank you all.

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