Wednesday, September 2, 2009

"Ask Me"

One of the greatest hindrances to evangelism is the dreaded "how do I start?" question. Most of us have been in that situation. We know that we want to share, yet we don't know how to steer a conversation with someone.

Before I get started allow me to share some general rules:

#1 - Don't force your way in the door.

Most people don't want the door kicked in - it startles them. It's always best to look for the opportunities that God provides.

#2 - Listen before you speak.

It is always apparent to people when you are not listening to them. Who knows where some conversations may lead, but it's always best to allow people to share what is going on in their lives. A good evangelism presentation will be short-lived if the people don't think that you are genuine in what you are sharing.

#3 - Be sensitive to the Spirit of God.

God will always give us the timing. It will always be perfect.

In the past I have worn a button that I got through Living Waters ministry. It had two words: Ask Me. You would be amazed how many people will walk up to you and say, "Ask you what?" The door has been opened! I tried this on Facebook the other day and I only had to wait just a few moments before a friend of mine bit (in her words) hook, line, and sinker.

I don't think the best option is to walk up to someone and say "Jesus Loves You." It always comes out as awkward as it sounds. Talk to people, learn to ask questions, and be ready.

We have a young man in our congregation whom God has used greatly in the area of evangelism. His mission field is his workplace. Taking the time to speak to those around him, sharing his love for God and missions, and being ready to share the Good News have proved vital in the experiences that God has given him. In fact, just last week he was able to lead someone to Christ. His story is truly inspirational.

One of the greatest problems with evangelism in the church is that we are always waiting for the next person to do it. Last time I looked on our roll "Somebody Else" was not on the list. It requires each of us who know Christ to be ready, willing, and able to communicate the truth of the Gospel if we want to see people saved.

Folks, there are just too many tools available for the church of today for us to not be equipped. "Way of the Master", "Share Jesus Without Fear", "Faith", "Evangelism Explosion"...and some of them don't require a lot of memorization. And if none of those tools fit your personality then use the time tested method of sharing how Jesus saved you. It really is that easy.

A lady walked up to a pastor one Sunday and said, "I don't like your method of sharing the Gospel." The pastor replied, "Well I don't like your method of not sharing." What could be said of our method? I would much rather someone make a comment about "how" I share rather than saying something about how I don't.

Happy Sharing.

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