Friday, September 18, 2009


"Blind guides, who strain out a gnat and swallow a camel." Matthew 23:24

Does anyone else see the irony in this? I have to wonder if Jesus said this in the same tone that I would. I mean...the sheer madness of these efforts. Making sure that we take care of the "little" things but missing the big picture. But friends, that is what religion does to us.

I wanted to post the definition of irony but it's too wordy. Most of us understand what it means. However, to better educate us all let's look at situational irony - the disparity of intention and result: when the result of an action is contrary to the desired or expected effect. For the religious leaders of Jesus' day, the desired or expected effect of straining out a gnat was to keep them holy and yet they swallowed a camel. They put so much effort into the little things that they missed the big stuff. Jesus said it best (as He always does) when he said that they were careful to tithe everything but neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice, mercy, and faith.

To be quite honest with you - I have had it with religion! I'm sick of what it does to people. Religion is destroying churches, homes, families, and communities of faith. It seems as though every week I am involved in a conversation with someone who is dealing with junk in their church because of religion. Let me just go ahead and put this out there: If religion takes precedence over relationship then we have moved into idolatry! That's can make an idol out of your faith. If you don't believe me just look at what the Pharisees and Sadducees did to Jesus.

If I can be a champion of something in my life, I want to be the champion of freedom in Christ. I want to champion the need for a relationship with Jesus rather than religion.

I was sharing the Gospel with a young lady yesterday and was struck by her understanding of religion but her lack of understanding when it came to relationship. The sad part - she learned about religion from the church she grew up in but never saw the affect of relationship. She heard about how she should dress, act, talk, what music was appropriate, etc. But as far as I could tell none of these people ever impressed upon her the need for saving faith in Jesus. I'm sure the message was in there somewhere. However, she never heard it.

When will we stop expecting lost people to look and act like us? We have created too many barriers to faith. Since when did Jesus ever expect us to clean up the fish before we caught them?

I'm sorry if I'm rambling. This topic gets to me in a big way. Maybe I'm rebelling but it's going to be a righteous rebellion! Anyone with me? I'm ready for some reality.


Launch International said...

It really amazing what we teach our up and coming generations about "church", do this and that, dance, Bible translations...all the while leaving out the one part of the equation that we need to hear about most...RELATIONSHIP.

When do we teach a lost person that has just gotten saved about relationship? Is it when we're shoving the KJV ONLY down their throat? NO. Is it when we tell them that they can only sing hymns in order to please God NO!. Have we stopped teaching and training on the one thing Jesus taught us on?...RELATIONSHIP?

People are dying and going to hell everyday because all they have seen from the church is religion and rules. They think Jesus looks big book of regulations...not the cross. There's no way anyone can ever feel free under the law. We sit around and wonder why our country is the way it is? We don't understand when our youth fall away what went wrong?

Perhaps we need to change how we teach and what we teach and let it look more like the teachings and actions of Christ rather than the Pharisees. Good post Neal!

Neal Hawks said...

Go ahead and get you some Ron! Love it.

trish herndon said...

I heard a talk/sermon recently and was very impressed with the point of this talk. We (Christians) are quick to let others know that they are sinners and in need of salvation but we don't provide the "cure", "the answers" - just condemnation. As an example, this pastor said he was talking to a former prostitute and asked her why she didn't go to church prior to her salvation. She quickly answered that she felt bad enough about her life/status/condition and didn't need church people to make her feel worse.
The best part/aspect of Pioneer is that we KNOW the love of GOD and his amazing grace & forgiveness. We share this will all who will listen. I believe our church gives the gift of acceptance in GOD's will & love. The cure/answer is wonderful salvation thru Jesus Christ and the walk he gives all of us.
I'm sure I'm not being very clear but you know what I mean.
Trish H.