Friday, September 11, 2009

Never Forget - Never Surrender

Today we remember the horrible attacks of September 11, 2001 AD.

On this day eight years ago, our nation awoke to a clear and bright day. None of us knew that just a few hours later that America would face the most horrific attack we had ever encountered on our soil.

Thousands of American lives were lost that day and the repercussions are still felt today. A nation that remembers the pain of the past will be better equipped to face the dangers of tomorrow. We must never forget AND we must never surrender.

To those families that are still suffering from the loss we extend our prayers of comfort to you. To those brave men and women who served others on 9/11 and to those who serve us today on the battlefield we give thanks to God Almighty for your sacrifice, courage, and willingness to defend the freedoms of America.

Almighty God,
We lift up those who are hurting today. For too many Americans the pain of 9/11 is still all too real. We ask that you give them the comfort and peace they need.
Father, we also pray for those who are defending the freedoms of this nation. We ask for their safety and the ability to win the fight against terrorism.
We also pray for our nation because we know that it is all too easy for us to lose our resolve. We understand through Your Word that the nation of Israel often forgot how Your hand had saved them. May we as Americans never forget how you have protected and preserved this great nation. Your providence was with us during the early days of America and Your protection has seen us through countless wars and battles. May You guide our nation so that America will continue to be a bright beacon of hope and freedom. May you grant unto our leaders the wisdom and resolve to understand that America is still one nation under God.
May we never forget Lord, and may we never surrender.
In Jesus' name,

I ask that you take some time today and pray for the unity of America. Pray for her leaders and her citizens. A nation that allows the Lord to be their God is a blessed nation according the His Word. May the Christians of this nation never forget that and may we never surrender our resolve to lift up America in this time of need.

May God bless each of you, and may God continue to bless the United States of America.

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