Friday, September 25, 2015

Walking in Reality

"Now faith..." How often have we heard this verse quoted? How often have we focused on what we do not yet see? While faith is an absolutely essential part of our spiritual life, there is also a need to walk in the reality of the Kingdom. Walking in Faith should eventually lead to Walking in Reality.

The best religion can do is keep you plugged into the machine. Keep you tied to the types and shadows of things rather than the reality of them. Even though Jesus Himself announced the arrival of the Kingdom, and even though Hebrews tells us that Christ was the substance of these things, there are so many within the Church who have yet to experience the realities. All of their hope is tied to the future. Quoting Bible verses (at least part of them) that talk about eyes not seeing and ears not hearing what God has promised. Missing out on the remainder of the verse that says that God has revealed them to us through His Spirit.

The Spirit of the Father longs to reveal what is within His heart. He doesn't want us always looking forward to the Kingdom but actually realizing it here and now. He wants this Kingdom to manifest. He wants it to advance. There is a reason why Jesus told His disciples that the Kingdom of God was/is within them. "On Earth as it is in Heaven" is more than a prayer. It's an awareness.

When ministering to others, our focus needs to be upon the manifestation of the Kingdom in the situations we face.
When walking into work, dealing with things in our families, and gathering with other believers, this Kingdom readily available.
Faith allows us to see it, which is necessary. However, faith should also move us toward an actual encounter.

Some people don't like this approach. They aren't quite as comfortable in moving people towards an experience. The fear of nothing happening cripples them. Imagine if we took that approach to the sharing of the Gospel. While most people would find that abhorrent, when it comes to the manifestation of the Kingdom we easily shrink back. "If it comes it comes." "If something happens it happens." And this approach has kept us from being bold in our expectancy.

Walking in the reality of the Kingdom is no different than walking in the assurance of the Gospel. What did Paul say about that? "I am not ashamed of the is the power of God unto salvation." He recognized that within the Gospel was the power to bring wholeness. It wasn't in himself. It wasn't in his delivery. The power is within the Gospel itself. The Kingdom is no different. Our assurance is not in us, but in a God who loves to reveal Himself in our midst. A Father who enjoys seeing His children experience the reality of His domain.

We need faith. We need hope. These are essential. However, we also need the realities. Which is why it is vitally important that we walk in the maturity of sons. Knowing our Father, Knowing who we are, and Knowing that the Kingdom of God is within are all part of the journey. The world needs a manifestation, and this manifestation comes through us as we partner with Him. Walking with the awareness that from Heaven to Earth is possible.

Many of the things that I challenge you with in this blog are nothing more than manifestations of His Kingdom.
Allowing Him to rule and reign in our hearts gives Him permission to exercise His dominion. He has chosen to partner with us. He always has. Yes, there will be a time when the Kingdom is fully visible. Until then, we are the laborers in His field. May we walk in His reality and make it our own. May we do more than see and hear. May we fully realize this Kingdom. The Earth is groaning for the sons to be revealed. Let's do this!

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