Thursday, September 10, 2015

Growing Up Into Him

Below you will see an image with a quote from Francis Chan. "What is the point of all of this if you aren't going to let it change you?" Powerful quote. When we talk about faith, being conformed into the image of Christ, and/or growing up into Him in all things, are you experiencing any of it? Have we come to the place within many of our churches where Christianity is nothing more than a ritual or routine without any lasting change in our lives?

There's a couple of things I want to say about this before we proceed.
#1 - I believe that all change comes from the Lord. This is the work of God's grace in my life. Too often we set out to change themselves in our own strength. It's ambitious, but what happens when you get tired?
#2 - I believe that we create the environment for change within our heart. I've always said that nobody changes unless they want to. Whenever there is resistance to change in a person's life, then change will not happen.

What I love about many of the Bible verses that we can look to for encouragement in this area, we discover that the grace of God is the agent of change within our lives. Being Conformed Into The Image Of The Son, Growing Up Into Him In All Things, Being Filled With The Fullness of God, are all a part of the work of our Heavenly Father. Being Transformed By The Renewing Of Our Mind is ours.

Renewing the mind is all part of creating the environment. The Holy Spirit works within our lives to remind us of our identity in Christ. He points out the reality that we can experience. As we renew our mind to these truths, we give the grace of God an open door to work out what Jesus has already worked within us. He brings these things to the surface so that we flesh out what our faith has believed. It's a beautiful thing.

Last night we were discussing the "Milk" and "Meat" of the Word. We took time to identify certain topics in each area. It was a wonderful discussion. We talked about the necessity of both in our lives depending up the season we find ourselves. Both work to bring us toward maturity. As we finished up, I asked the group about some of the meaty things they have been chewing on lately. It was fascinating to hear the things they were thinking upon, praying over, and seeking the Lord about in their lives. As they continue to meditate upon these things, and as the Lord gives them understanding, the natural process is that they would begin to change in these areas. The Holy Spirit begins to call these things forth in their lives. It's not enough that they know the information. The Lord longs to bring us into the experience of truth. This is His work allowing us to Grow Up into Him in all things.

The challenge we often face in this area is when we begin to get frustrated. Some actually believe the Lord is frustrated as well. But I have discovered Him to be incredibly patient in our lives. How can we frustrate someone who knows exactly what we will do? Knows exactly how long it will take for us to have a revelation? Knows exactly what He is doing to conform us into the image of His Son? When you believe that Lord is continually working in your life, and you trust that He will give you the understanding, then maybe you will also learn to give yourself a break. Maybe you will learn to be patient with your own development. The thing you need to focus on is that you want to grow, you want to change, and you want to come into His fullness. This is what you control.

One of the problems within the Church right now is that there are some who don't want to change. Knowing they are forgiven seems to be enough for them. Going through the motions seems to bring some sort of satisfaction. Is it an identity thing? Is it the way that we present the faith? Is it just laziness? I don't know that I have the complete answer. All I know is that when you know that you are a son of God, it definitely changes the atmosphere around you. Being a child in the faith can no longer satisfy. Wanting to mature, take on a greater role in the family, and experience more of Him should be the norm for every believer. Could it be that fear keeps so many from pressing in? Scared that God will ask them to do something they really don't want to do? I'm not sure. I just know that with so many professing Christians in the world, we should be making a bigger dent with the Kingdom all over the planet.

The good news in all of this: the Spirit intercedes for you according to the will of God.
I read this verse again today and it excited me. For all the things I want to experience, the Spirit intercedes according to the will of God. For all the things I want to know, the Spirit intercedes according to the will of God. For all the things that I want to carry, to see happen in my own life, to see manifest in the Earth, the Spirit intercedes FOR ME according to the will of God. How can I fail? Think about it. If God is for us, who (or what) can be against us?

WE ARE growing up into Him in all things.
WE ARE being conformed into the image of Christ.
WE ARE being filled with all the fullness of God.
Will we allow ourselves to be patient with the Lord as He is patient with us?

It's an incredible journey. Let's enjoy it.

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