Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Living On Purpose

There's at least one Old Testament verse that speaks to the life of every person. One verse that remedies our disagreements and stances. One verse that puts the ball squarely in our court and points to a greater human existence. "Do justly, Love mercy, Walk humbly with your God." [Micah 6:8]

This verse answers the age old question, "What does God want me to do with my life?" It reminds us that a life well lived is wrapped up in simplicity. That so much of our faith is expressed in what is often viewed as the small things. Things like humility, justice, and mercy. It also reminds us that is all too easy to get our focus on things that really don't matter. That living a life on purpose requires a little more concentration.

I'm always amazed at how difficult we make this. How often have we turned to our kids and said, "You know what the right the thing to do is." We never give it a second thought. But when we are placed in a situation where people on each side of the equation will be affected, we struggle to make the decision.

There comes a time in each of our lives where we have to trust our conscience. That little voice inside of us that always speaks to the value system we carry. Our conscience along with the Holy Spirit are incredible guides into Truth. Typically when we are struggling it's because to do the right thing means we have to change our focus. We have to alter the way we look at things. We have to be willing to give of ourselves.

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" has to be more than a nice mantra.
"Love one another as I have loved you" has to be more than a lofty ideal."
This is where the rubber meets the road. Are we willing to do what is right?

Not just the experience of mercy, but the expression of mercy.

There's not a one of us reading this blog right now who is not thankful for the mercy we have received from our Heavenly Father. Then why would we every withhold it from someone else? Why would we retain bitterness, envy, or jealousy? Why would we want "justice" for someone when we would rather have mercy in our own life? Think about it.

"I forgive you"
"I hold nothing against you"
"I choose to love you and bless your life"
Are all incredible expressions of mercy. All wonderful experiences of mercy that we have received. There's grace for this. We can give just as we have received. Freely.

Would anyone doubt that humility was a well noted characteristic of the nature of Christ? Why would the church that bears His name be any different?

Humility is the great peacemaker. Which very well may be the reason why there is a lack of it among so many. Our need to be right, first, and followed often trumps this powerful tool. I have often wondered who I lost when I won an argument? How many bridges get burned in the process? What would the outcome have looked like if I would have humbled myself?

Humility with God recognizes who He is.
Humility with others recognizes who they are.
While most of us would shrink back from the idea that we would put ourselves on the same playing field as God, that is exactly what pride does in our life. In each instance. Our view of self gets out of control. Relationships are left lying in the wake. Humility with the Father is seen in our humility with one another.

What does all of this have to do with living on purpose?

It's simple really. When we choose to live this type of life, we discover a grace that is all too willing to empower us. To do what is right is never questioned. To withhold mercy isn't even an option. To walk humbly with God is our practice.

Over the years I have shared from this verse in different ways. Usually handling each category individually as I did above. However, I'm starting to see that they go together seamlessly.
To do what is right is to love mercy and walk humbly with God.
To walk humbly with God is to do what is right and to love mercy.
To love mercy is the right thing when we are walking humbly with God.

All a part of the life that the Father wants us to enjoy. All an expression of a simple faith. All an experience of a life lived on purpose. In the end, do you really believe that God would have a problem with you acting in justice? Do you believe that your Heavenly Father will scold you for giving too much mercy? Don't you believe that He would enjoy you coming before Him in humility and simply seeking to walk with Him?

This is the life you were meant to live. This is the life of a person devoted to the nature and character of God. This is image and likeness on full display. All things our Heavenly Father has been willing to do on our behalf. Now they are finding expression in you.

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