Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Let Peace Reign

Colossians 3:15 says to "let the peace of Christ rule (reign) in your hearts." A verse that I have been focusing a lot of attention upon in the last few days. It's a reminder of His continued presence, favor, and work in my life. Substance for my soul.

The Dove has been an enduring symbol throughout the world of peace. According to archaeology, before the Cross rose to prominence in the 4th Century, the Dove was one of the symbols that represented Christianity among the brethren. Those familiar with our faith heritage can recall Noah using a dove to ensure the flood waters had receded. We also remember that at the baptism of Jesus the Holy Spirit rested upon Him as a dove. Over and over again in Scripture we see the imagery and are forced to understand the symbolism. Doves were also used within the sacrificial system of Israel as a guilt offering, and a means of purifying oneself after a period of ritual impurity (including the birth of a child). Which carries considerable implication when you think of the finished work of Christ.

As I drove up to the church property this morning, I was greeted by a dove sitting on top of our fellowship hall. She didn't move when I pulled up and came to a stop. Didn't flinch when I got out of the vehicle to gather my things. She stood tall and secure in her place. I'm typically not one to just grab at every little thing as a means of encouragement. However, this dove represented something to me. I knew her place on top of that building was a gentle reminder of the Lord's presence among our people. I felt the peace of this moment.

Yesterday I put up a status on Facebook that read: "Pay attention to when & how the Lord encourages you. Sometimes He is subtle. Sometimes He is extravagant. But He is ALWAYS faithful." It was that thought that entered into my mind this morning as I watch this dove. An encouragement that I needed in this moment. A reminder of His peace that I'm allowing to reign in my heart.

If I can be completely honest with you all, many people don't know the things that a pastor often goes through. Our lives seem to be seen through the lens of everything is perfect. We seem to have it all together don't we? While we may experience some tough seasons, for the most part people believe that we have it all together. Our emotions are never out of balance, our families are always in tune, and our thoughts are always pure. At least...to those looking in. I can tell you from personal experience that this isn't always the case. The Apostle Paul spoke of the things he endured and the constant weight he carried concerning the church. I'm sure there were times that his heart was heavy. Physical ailments, exposure to so many perils, and the needs of these new believers that he constantly ministered to. Where do we find our strength? Who leads the leaders? Who pastors the pastor?

I'm here to tell you that the Lord is faithful! I'm continually amazed at the people who come alongside me for the purpose of bringing encouragement. I'm blessed to know men and women who care about my own well being. Notes, cards, emails, and texts are some of the ways the Lord continues to bring encouragement into my life. I have a great spiritual family. But then there are those moments like today. Along with moments that I have experienced over the last couple of weeks where the Lord really shows Himself. Moments when you hear that still small voice echoing within your spirit. Oh, how His peace can reign in our hearts.

The dove I saw this morning was a natural phenomenon. What it did in my heart was profound. I could hear the Lord saying, "My peace is upon this fellowship." There were no fireworks. No trances. No weirdness. Just absolute reassurance of His goodness.

What has the Lord been saying to you lately?
How has He been trying to get your attention?
Are there areas in your life where you need to know His peace?
Rest assured that the Lord will encourage you. Allowing His peace to reign in your heart.
Until then, why not allow the peace He has already given you to take its place? May your heart not be troubled. He is with you.

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