Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Giving An Answer

Peter instructed the Church to "honor Christ the Lord as holy (in your heart), always being prepared to make a defense (give an answer) to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you." He also adds this statement: "Yet do it with gentleness and respect." 1 Peter 3:15

A lot has changed with the Christian faith over the centuries. What was once seen as a ragtag group of individuals that exploded into a large portion of the known world's population, faith in Christ has become the greatest religious affiliation in the world. What was once the most persecuted faith in the world, has become one of the most accepted (at least within the hearts of common people). While many of our brothers and sisters still continue to be persecuted, the reality is that the majority of professed Christians have experienced nothing like the Early Church. Peter's instruction is to remind these men and women that a time will come when they must provide an answer, a defense, for the hope that is in them in the face of ungodly violence. Rather than denounce the faith, these men and women made a bold proclamation of why they trusted in Jesus.

Certain translations use the word "defense". Others tells us to "give an answer." How you position yourself in that moment matters to those who are listening. Carrying yourself with gentleness and respect makes all the difference.

While there are plenty of churches and individuals who take a defensive posture, there are plenty who carry the message in love, confidence, peacefulness, and respect for others. While we hold the answer to genuine and abiding life, we are not arrogant. Even though we know the way, the truth, and the life, we are not disrespectful. Though we believe that Jesus is the only way to salvation, the only way to know the Father, and the only means of our reconciliation, we learn to carry the message with the same meekness of our Lord. Strong, but under control. Knowing who we are, but willing to humble ourselves. Filled with confidence in our Father, yet willing to submit ourselves.

I have been on both sides of this equation. I spent a lot of years in arrogance. I filled my arsenal with scriptural weapons. I shot down every person who came across my path. I was right. I knew I was right. And I believed it was my job to tell them how wrong they were. Since that time, after discovering the love of God as an abiding reality of my life, I have learned what it means to carry the message in meekness, love, grace, and mercy. Knowing the love of the Father for all mankind, I don't see enemies - I see brothers who are lost in the estrangement they feel from God. My heart goes out to those who are ignorant of the truth. Rather than enter into a debate, I choose to enter into a conversation. I want them to experience the heart of our Father. I want them to encounter the living Christ. I'm still ready to give an answer, but my sword has been turned into a plowshare and my spear into a pruning hook.

Some have asked me for the reason for the hope that is in me. Especially those who have watched my conversion over the last decade. Why am I filled with so much hope? Why do I talk about the unconditional love of God so much? How can I possibly preach with no condemnation, no judgement, and without shame? To those questions, I am more than willing to give an answer.

I believe...
In a God who is love above everything else.
In the One who created us out of love for relationship. The One in whom we live, move, and have our being.
A God who placed His image and likeness in frail humanity.
A Father who saw the Fall of His first Son Adam before it ever took place and made arrangements to bring us back into fellowship.
In the One who demonstrated His love fully at the Cross. Eliminating any doubt that He would go to great depths to reconcile us.
In a God who has judged the world in love.
In a Father who pleads with us to be reconciled in our own hearts.

I believe...
In a humanity that is to carry this image and likeness throughout the Earth.
In Brothers and Sisters who are meant to partner with our Father to see His Kingdom established in every corner of the globe.
We are a Kingdom of Priests, a nation set apart for His goodness, and a people who carry the Father's heart.
That we are ministers of reconciliation. Ambassadors of Christ who represent His Kingdom in everything that we say and do.

I believe...
That we are meant to walk in love, peace, and harmony with one another.
That the Church was meant to be the re-presentation of Christ in the Earth.
That the love we possess for one another is the means through which the world will know that we are His.
And that He has provided everything we need, placed it within us through His Spirit, so that we will not come short in this endeavor.

I believe...
As we mature and are conformed into the image of Christ, that we will fully manifest the nature of our Father.
That His Kingdom will be firmly established, and Jesus will be enthroned among us.
That until then, we are sent as the firstborn Son was sent - to be the representation of our Father to all of His children.
To extend His love, justice, and acceptance to all without prejudice.

I believe...
The Holy Spirit is our guide in this endeavor. Empowering us with all that we would need.
That He goes before us to prepare the hearts of every man.
That His job is to convince the world of all that was accomplished in Christ, and to soften their hearts to believe the Gospel.
That the Lord walks with us, regardless of our frailty.
That He encourages us to continue in the journey.

I believe...
In a Father who never stops looking for His children.
In a Father who readily accepts us back into full fellowship and relationship.
In a Father who loves even those who reject Him. Whose heart is broken to see them suffer in the consequences of their actions.
In a God who is not willing that any of them should perish, but all would come to change their minds about Him.

I believe...
The Gospel is the most incredible message in the Earth.
That the Gospel reveals the heart and mind of the Father concerning us.
That the Gospel itself has the power to save us from the alienation we carry. To illuminate our hearts to His love.
That the Gospel is not the news of what you can do, but the beautiful message of what He has done.

This is my answer. At least in part. This is the hope that I carry within me. This is the reason for the changes within my own perception. To quote the Apostle John, "I have come to KNOW and to BELIEVE the love that God has for us." It has changed my life. It has allowed me to see the world through a Kingdom lens. It has softened my heart to humanity. It has allowed me to believe the best about my Father, myself, and the world that I live in.

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