Friday, July 23, 2010


After hearing his dad preach on some of the "ations" of Christianity (sanctification, regeneration, justification) a little boy was in Sunday School class when the teacher asked if anyone knew what procrastination was. He raised his hand and said, "I don't know what it means but I'm sure we believe in it!"

Truth is that many believers aren't sure what sanctification means for them. Is it something that I do? How do I achieve sanctification? 1 Corinthians 1:30 says, "But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God - and righteousness and sanctification and redemption" The word sanctification means to be holy and set apart. This isn't something that we accomplish but something that was accomplished for us! We cannot be sanctified anymore than we can be redeemed by our own effort. It's all in the finished work of the cross.

Oswald Chambers says that "Sanctification means nothing less than the holiness of Jesus becoming mine and being exhibited in my life." This isn't the holiness of Jesus imitated in our lives but imparted into our lives. All that we need to do to "flesh out" our sanctification is to walk in the light of Christ in us. It is "drawing from Jesus the very holiness that was exhibited in Him, and that He now exhibits in me."

The "how" of sanctification rests upon us being indwelt by the Spirit of God and walking accordingly. Am I willing to hand myself over to the Lord? So much of our life of faith is determined by saying "No" to self and "Yes" to Christ. We have been given victory of the power and penalty of sin. All we need for life and godliness is already available. We just need to live it out. It's not a question of whether sin is more powerful than my resistance. It's a question of whether or not I'm willing to submit to the love of God in my life.

The love of God results in my salvation, my justification (being made right), and my sanctification (being set apart). I find it interesting that Jesus made obedience all about love. "If you love Me keep my commands." Operating in love should not result in drudgery. Is is drudgery to keep myself true to my wife? Or am I set apart for her because I love her? This should be the same attitude and mindset of our walk with Christ. Do I love Him? If I do then my life is set apart for His glory.

I'm discovering more and more that the qualities of the Christian life are not a means to an end. Jesus has already accomplished for me all that I could ever try to achieve. I must walk in the finished work of Christ. If I could set myself apart then whey did He come? If I could save myself then why did He die? If I could overcome sin then why did He have to overcome the grave? Jesus paid it ALL! Not just for our salvation but for our sanctification as well. Rather than creating a list of "do's and dont's" that result in my holiness let's simply live in Him.

Live as those who are "...kept by the power of God..." (1 Peter 1:5) You can be sanctified. Actually, if you have accepted Jesus, you already are!!!

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