Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Dad Chronicles

The World's #1 Dad wasn't available to do the blog so bear with me! Seriously...if there is one thing that has come out of this past week (Jenn and Haley being in Alaska) is that it has prompted me to think about my relationship with my son. What follows is some of the lessons learned.

#1 - I don't have to be the "#1 Dad in the World" I just need to be #1 for my kid(s).

#2 - The argument isn't Quality vs Quantity but about making the most out of all the time together.

#3 - Being a father means getting over myself.

#4 - I'm not really pulling myself away from something important to spend time with my kids.

#5 - Being a dad is awesome!!!

Sure...I could have made a much longer list but let's be reasonable. If we can "get" these 5 right we have done a pretty good job.

I didn't give much thought to how Hayden and I would handle being alone together for an entire week. Although I have never considered myself the "best", I think I have done a decent job so far. Another thing I had working for me was this idea that I can handle anything - BRING IT ON! What did I discover?

I discovered that my son considers all time quality time.
I discovered 30 minutes in a batting cage can change an entire day.
I discovered that pizza, hot dogs, bbq, and deer meat brings a smile to my sons face (as it does mine as well).
I discovered that regardless of how good a job I do - I will never replace his mother (nor do I want to replace her).
I discovered that I don't have to be so hard on him.
I discovered that a .22 and a target makes for a happy boy.

These are just a few of my discoveries. Not that all of them were new but I see them in a new light. I have always enjoyed the "quality" time that Hayden and I get together but this time around I saw the importance of time in general.

I'm thankful that through the grace of God I can have more opportunities to write my entries into The Dad Chronicles. Who knows what other discoveries might be made along the way? One thing is for sure - I'm going to enjoy every minute of it!

1 comment:

Zac and Brandy said...

Hayden is a special guy! You're right... our time is our most valuable asset and on the soul level our kids feel valued when we are "all there" and spending it on them.

Raising children keeps one humble.