Thursday, July 22, 2010

Resting in God's Unconditional Love

1 John 4:8 tells us that "...God is love." The Greek word translated love is "agapē" - the highest expression of love known to man. This is what we often term as unconditional love. I want you to pay careful attention to what God is saying about Himself in His Word: He IS Unconditional Love!

What you and I need to understand is that love isn't just something that God does, it's not just a part of who He is, but according to God's own word it is His very nature to be love. You have heard it said many times in this blog that the greatest demonstration of God's unconditional love is the Cross (according to Romans 5:8). We must settle forever the question of God's love in our life. If we cannot - we will always question God's intentions, our circumstances, and even our blessings.

Have you settled the question of God's unconditional love in your life?

I'm learning. Trust me when I say that I'm not perfect in this respect. It's one thing to speak of God's love but quite another to live it out. If you don't believe me then how do we respond when we fall short? How do we react when bad things happen? What do we do when plans don't work out the way we think? And how quick are we to give love? These are all valid questions. Have I settled for myself that God dealt with my sin (past, present, and future) at the Cross? Am I learning to rest in God's unconditional love?

The greatest example I can give is my relationship with my children. I have done all I know to do to convey my undying and unending love for them to them. Everyday they hear the words "I love you" coming out of my mouth. Everyday that I can my love is expressed in a hug or pulling them close. I do what I can to spend time with my children so that they will never question the priority they are in my life. When all is said and done, I want my son and my daughter to know (without a shadow of a doubt) that they are loved by me. Has God done any less in my life to communicate the same truth to me? Does God not speak His love continually in my life through His Word? Can I not say with Paul that God's grace is sufficient for me?

This life holds a lot of questions. I don't know when my journey on this earth will end. I also don't know what will unfold through my days. But one thing I am sure thing I never have to question is the love of God for me through Jesus Christ. He is the anchor of my soul! I simply need to learn to rest in His unconditional love.

I believe that someone reading this today needed to hear that. For whatever reason you have doubted God's love. Maybe it's because of your circumstances. Could it be that some of the decisions you have made in life have cast a shadow on God's love. Whatever the reason - stop and thank your Heavenly Father that His love for you is never in question. Praise Him for taking care of your sins, providing for your every need, and blessing you in countless ways. Although your life on earth isn't perfect, His love is perfect!

Then take His love and "Tell them I love them!"

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