Monday, July 19, 2010

Looking Back

A small notebook sits on the corner of my desk. Inside you will find quotes, Bible passages, and random thoughts from mission trips. This particular notebook was used when I flew to Alaska and Ukraine last year.

As I thumbed through the pages, I came across this entry: "Tell them I love them." It was written on Saturday, April 25, 2009. I remember getting up pretty early that morning to read, pray, and meditate upon God's Word. Below is more from that entry:

"God woke me up today in a very special way...'Tell them I love them.' I heard this over and over again while listening to the song 'How Great is Our God' being sung by Alberto & Kimberly Rivera..."

I remember being blown away by how the Spirit of God spoke to me that morning. I also remember those words touching the hearts of the people in a significant way when I preached on Sunday morning. "Tell them I love them."

If I can encourage you with something today it would be this: Never allow God's love for you to become a common thing. Always remember that God's love for you was displayed openly on the cross through the death of His Son. "Tell them I love them."

As I think upon this one brief moment in time, I'm moved by the thought that I get to share the message of God's unfailing love. WOW! To think that God has entrusted me with that message. "Tell them I love them."

It's hard to explain what it means to hear the heart of God for a people group that you are trying to reach with the gospel. And what I have realized is that wherever I go, and whatever people group it my be, God is saying, "Tell them I love them." Whether I am at home or abroad He says, "Tell them I love them."

Do you know the love of God? Have you discovered His love for you in the Cross? You are treasured above all other creation. He gave to you the most precious gift He could have given: Jesus Christ. Why not accept that love today?

Won't you join me? "Tell them I love them."

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