Monday, July 5, 2010

Celebrating FREEDOM

How did you celebrate your freedom?

Time at the lake?
Vacation for the family?

Did you pause at any time during the day to give a word of thanks for those who paid the ultimate price for your freedom? I pray that we never forget that the freedom we enjoy in America came at a great price.

This year July 4th fell on a Sunday. At PBC we baptized 4 people who celebrated a freedom of a different kind. They celebrated the fact that they had been set free from sin through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ! This freedom came at a great price as well. It cost God the life of His Son.

As a believer I get to celebrate two types of freedom:
The Freedom that comes from being an American citizen.
And the Freedom that comes from being a follower of Jesus Christ.

I hope that everyone enjoys their time off from work, the fellowship of family and friends, and the joy of living in a free nation. I also hope that everyone will enjoy the freedom that God has granted to each of us through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. The freedoms of America are enjoyed by being born (or becoming) an American citizen. The freedoms of a believer are enjoyed by being born again.

The Declaration of Independence for America has already been signed and acted upon. Your Spiritual Declaration of Independence has already been paid for - the question is will YOU act upon it? Will you be willing to repent of your sins and accept Jesus as Lord and Savior?

Freedom is waiting for you.

You have a chance to celebrate the greatest freedom of all: the freedom that comes from knowing that you have been forgiven!

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