Friday, July 9, 2010

Documentary Review

Several months ago, I watched a preview of a new documentary entitled: "Lord Save Us From Your Followers" by Dan Merchant. To say that as I was skeptical would be understating my preconceived ideas about what this documentary would be like. However, after watching (and listening) I was forced to look into my own life and ask some serious questions.

The following is a synopsis that can be found on the website:

"If you were to meet ten average Americans on the street, nine of them would say they believe in God. So why is the Gospel of Love dividing America?

"Dan Merchant put on his bumper-sticker-clad jumpsuit and decided to find the reason. After talking with scores of men and women on streets all across the nation, and also interviewing many well-known activists in today’s “Culture Wars,” Dan realized that the public discussion of faith doesn’t have to be contentious.

"From its opening Talking Heads sequence through its touching look at faith in action, Lord, Save Us From Your Followers is a fast-paced, highly engaging documentary that explores the collision of faith and culture in America while opening up this important conversation to all of us."

After watching the preview, I thought that this would be a great documentary for people in the church. After seeing it in it's entirety, I know it's a great documentary for people in the church. The only question is: Are we able to handle the world's view of American Christianity? Are we willing to be honest enough with ourselves to answer some difficult questions?

You will not hear Dan say that the church must alter her convictions. In fact, as a believer, he has some very strong convictions. But how does the church handle faith, morality, and the "hot-button" topics within the public square? How do we defend what we believe without condemning those around us? What you will find is that you can disagree without being disagreeable. Not only that, but you will discover that many people are willing to have a conversation when we are willing to talk about the issues.

Within the documentary you will find compelling interviews, humor, and some in-your-face truth. Sure...some of the clips will make you angry while others will make you cry. You will be offended but you will also be challenged. In the end, I think Dan has done a wonderful job of dealing with how Christianity is perceived in our country.

"Lord Save Us From Your Followers" isn't for everybody. Why? Simply because not everybody can "handle" it. But for those who are willing to ask the tough questions then I recommend this documentary you.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the review. I have heard about the film, but I didn't know that much about it. I just added it to my Netflix Queue to watch. thanks again.

Anonymous said...

I found the poll concerning how God speaks to be concerning. Do people not read God's Word? When he speaks in "various ways" do they check it with the scripture? I do absolutely believe God speaks in all kinds of ways but it must always be held up in light of His Word.

Neal Hawks said...

Mike - Glad I could give some insight. The documentary is great.

Anonymous - I agree that the way God speaks to us should be illuminated in light of His Word. In other words, God's revelation of Himself and how He leads will be consistent with what we see in His Word. The reason why this is true is because the Holy Spirit is consistent. We must not forget that it is the Spirit of God (according to Jesus) who will remind, reprove, and rebuke.