Friday, July 30, 2010
Ruined for the World
"Remember that if you are a child of God, you will never be happy in sin. You are spoiled for the world, the flesh, and the devil. When you were regenerated there was put into you a vital principle, which can never be content to dwell in the dead world. You will have to come back, if indeed you belong to the family." ~ Charles Spurgeon
I want you to give some thought to what Spurgeon has said here: "You are spoiled for the world, the flesh, and the devil." Do you find that to be true?
If we are honest with ourselves, I think we will find that Spurgeon has hit the nail on the head. Whenever we have wandered away from our convictions or willfully sinned against the Lord - life has lost its luster. We discover that the pleasure of sin IS "only for a season" and regardless of how hard we try to feed our flesh (sinful desires) nothing can satisfy.
The Lord said of Gomer in the book of Hosea that He would hedge up her way with thorns. She may pursue her lovers but she would not be able to overtake them. In other words: regardless of how hard she tried, she wouldn't be able to follow through with the intent of her heart. God has a way of keeping us doesn't He? And what we experience in these fruitless attempts is an agonizing reminder that we are not our own; we have in fact been bought with a price!
The loneliness of sin is almost unbearable. If you have been "born again" it is also unreasonable to think that you can live away from the Lord's standard. It's like walking in the forest after dark. We stumble, fall, and get dirty. All the while there is a voice calling inside of us. "Come Home!"
This is what it means to be ruined for the world. Once you have "tasted" of the Lord and seen that "He is good" - our soul craving can only find one source of fulfillment. I share this with you today because many of us know someone who has walked in light but the cares of this world has choked the Word of God out of their lives. I can assure you of this: if they truly belong to God then He is pursuing their heart.
Maybe this is you today. You don't know why you stopped by to read this blog. For whatever reason you landed at PBC Voice looking for something...longing for something. Could it be that you were raised in a Christian home where you experienced the love of God but have walked away? Or have you accepted Christ but it's been a while since you were in fellowship with God's people? When was the last time that you were able to satisfy the aching in your heart? Oswald Chambers said, "There is only one Being who can completely satisfy to the absolute depth of the hurting human heart, and that is the Lord Jesus Christ."
Can I encourage you? I don't want you to look at your sin or consider how far away you have been. I want you to look at Jesus! God's love for you is perfect. Look at the Cross! God's love for you has been demonstrated. Call out to Him. Answer that tugging in your heart. Realize that everything you are looking for in life is found in Him! You have been "spoiled to the world." "You cannot be content to dwell in the dead world." God is offering life to you NOW!
Choose life.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Shaken Places
Acts 4:31, "And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the Word of God with boldness."
"Shaken Places" - This title came to me as I thought about the church's experience in Acts 4. Can you imagine finishing up a time of prayer and the building you were in actually being shaken? I don't know about you but I would be pleased with the rest of the verse: "...all filled with the Holy Spirit...spoke the Word of God with boldness." Can I get an "AMEN!"?
In his book "And The Place Was Shaken", John Franklin writes, "If we are to see a spiritual awakening, a reversal of the headlong rush into the moral cesspool in which we currently swim, then there must be fervent, intense prayer meetings sprouting up all over this land. If your church would see the power of God in supernatural ways, if the power of God is to descend so that Christians are renewed and the lost come under conviction of sin, then you must lead your people to pray."
Here's the deal: We will never see the church building become a place of prayer until God's people become (once again) a people of prayer! Although I could list several items where I believe we fall short as churches, this one probably takes the prize. Where the church (the body not the building) is anemic, weak, and powerless; it's usually the result of our lack of prayer. We may seem powerful in worship, dynamic in our preaching, or loving in our fellowship, but our lack of depth in the area of prayer strips the church of all she is capable of doing.
As you think about this subject, I want you to consider your home as well. As goes the family so goes the church. How often do we pray together as families? (I have to ask myself this question) Forget about the church building being shaken - how many of us could handle God shaking our own home? We have many homes represented where dad may bring in the bacon but can he bring down the glory of God into his children's rooms? We see mothers who are great care-givers but do the feel confident in the comfort of prayer over their little-ones?
I am not sharing all of this with you to guilt you into prayer. Nor do I expect to shame you into anything. I simply want to call to our attention the power of prayer in the life of the believer. Prayer is vital to our walk with Christ, our families, and to the body of Christ. If we neglect prayer, we neglect the opportunity to see God at work.
How are we going to see God shake us out of complacency?
How can we expect God to be at work in our communities?
How can God grab the attention and hearts of our children?
It is through prayer!!!
If I believe that God is able to work in any situation then why wouldn't I pray about it? I'm thinking right now of certain situations where it seems that all hope is lost but that is only if the hand of God doesn't become involved. I don't know about you, but I'm asking God to intervene. I'm trusting that God can change the situation and the hearts involved. And the only reason I have this confidence is because I read about a God who shakes places (things) when I (we) pray.
I pray that our homes become Shaken Places!
I pray that our marriages become Shaken by the power of God rather than the problems of the world!
I pray that our churches become Shaken Places! the end...we will look and sound like the people in Acts 4 who were filled with the Holy Spirit and speaking the Word of God with boldness.
Start with yourself. Tell God that you want to be a Place Shaken - filled with the glory of God!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
PBCuth Return
It's an exciting day! We are anticipating the return of our PBCuth mission team. The photo to the left is just one of the exciting moments that was captured. I look forward to hearing the rest.
Several years ago, our church body made a commitment to sending teams on short-term and long-term missions. This trip is the beginning of what we hope to see coming out of the youth ministry of PBC. It's our opinion that moments like this one have a greater impact on the life of a young person than what we would see in a camp environment. Nothing like being the hands, feet, and mouth-piece of Jesus in the world today!
I'm always amazed at what a mission trip does for the heart of those who "GO". Just a few ideas that come to mind:
Thankfulness - when you see how the rest of the world lives you are thankful for the blessings in your own life.
Contentment - at least with the things you have!
Discontentment - it's hard to be satisfied with the status-quo of life.
Hunger - to see God move in your world like you witnessed Him at work in others.
Awareness - it is one thing to hear the story of a missionary with a slide-show and quite another to be the one involved in writing the story!
I'm praying that moments like this one will radically impact the youth of our church (and adults as well). It's all about sounding an alarm to the next generation. Thing about youth being awakened for the Kingdom of God!
Maybe you are reading this and thinking that a mission trip isn't ideal. The good news is that you don't have to board a plane to impact the next generation. You can get your child (student) involved in feeding the hungry, clothing the needy, or providing a service to someone in your community. There are plenty of opportunities where we live to make a difference. Not only will you impact your "Jerusalem", but you will impact your family.
Regardless of where you serve (at home or abroad) - young and old can make a difference for the Kingdom. I pray that this picture of missions will challenge each of us today. May the Lord bless you as you follow hard after Him!
*By the way...this is just a couple of the young people we sent out with the mandate: "Tell them I love them!" Woo-Hoo!!!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
The Dad Chronicles
The World's #1 Dad wasn't available to do the blog so bear with me! Seriously...if there is one thing that has come out of this past week (Jenn and Haley being in Alaska) is that it has prompted me to think about my relationship with my son. What follows is some of the lessons learned.
#1 - I don't have to be the "#1 Dad in the World" I just need to be #1 for my kid(s).
#2 - The argument isn't Quality vs Quantity but about making the most out of all the time together.
#3 - Being a father means getting over myself.
#4 - I'm not really pulling myself away from something important to spend time with my kids.
#5 - Being a dad is awesome!!!
Sure...I could have made a much longer list but let's be reasonable. If we can "get" these 5 right we have done a pretty good job.
I didn't give much thought to how Hayden and I would handle being alone together for an entire week. Although I have never considered myself the "best", I think I have done a decent job so far. Another thing I had working for me was this idea that I can handle anything - BRING IT ON! What did I discover?
I discovered that my son considers all time quality time.
I discovered 30 minutes in a batting cage can change an entire day.
I discovered that pizza, hot dogs, bbq, and deer meat brings a smile to my sons face (as it does mine as well).
I discovered that regardless of how good a job I do - I will never replace his mother (nor do I want to replace her).
I discovered that I don't have to be so hard on him.
I discovered that a .22 and a target makes for a happy boy.
These are just a few of my discoveries. Not that all of them were new but I see them in a new light. I have always enjoyed the "quality" time that Hayden and I get together but this time around I saw the importance of time in general.
I'm thankful that through the grace of God I can have more opportunities to write my entries into The Dad Chronicles. Who knows what other discoveries might be made along the way? One thing is for sure - I'm going to enjoy every minute of it!
Friday, July 23, 2010
After hearing his dad preach on some of the "ations" of Christianity (sanctification, regeneration, justification) a little boy was in Sunday School class when the teacher asked if anyone knew what procrastination was. He raised his hand and said, "I don't know what it means but I'm sure we believe in it!"
Truth is that many believers aren't sure what sanctification means for them. Is it something that I do? How do I achieve sanctification? 1 Corinthians 1:30 says, "But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God - and righteousness and sanctification and redemption" The word sanctification means to be holy and set apart. This isn't something that we accomplish but something that was accomplished for us! We cannot be sanctified anymore than we can be redeemed by our own effort. It's all in the finished work of the cross.
Oswald Chambers says that "Sanctification means nothing less than the holiness of Jesus becoming mine and being exhibited in my life." This isn't the holiness of Jesus imitated in our lives but imparted into our lives. All that we need to do to "flesh out" our sanctification is to walk in the light of Christ in us. It is "drawing from Jesus the very holiness that was exhibited in Him, and that He now exhibits in me."
The "how" of sanctification rests upon us being indwelt by the Spirit of God and walking accordingly. Am I willing to hand myself over to the Lord? So much of our life of faith is determined by saying "No" to self and "Yes" to Christ. We have been given victory of the power and penalty of sin. All we need for life and godliness is already available. We just need to live it out. It's not a question of whether sin is more powerful than my resistance. It's a question of whether or not I'm willing to submit to the love of God in my life.
The love of God results in my salvation, my justification (being made right), and my sanctification (being set apart). I find it interesting that Jesus made obedience all about love. "If you love Me keep my commands." Operating in love should not result in drudgery. Is is drudgery to keep myself true to my wife? Or am I set apart for her because I love her? This should be the same attitude and mindset of our walk with Christ. Do I love Him? If I do then my life is set apart for His glory.
I'm discovering more and more that the qualities of the Christian life are not a means to an end. Jesus has already accomplished for me all that I could ever try to achieve. I must walk in the finished work of Christ. If I could set myself apart then whey did He come? If I could save myself then why did He die? If I could overcome sin then why did He have to overcome the grave? Jesus paid it ALL! Not just for our salvation but for our sanctification as well. Rather than creating a list of "do's and dont's" that result in my holiness let's simply live in Him.
Live as those who are "...kept by the power of God..." (1 Peter 1:5) You can be sanctified. Actually, if you have accepted Jesus, you already are!!!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Resting in God's Unconditional Love
1 John 4:8 tells us that "...God is love." The Greek word translated love is "agapē" - the highest expression of love known to man. This is what we often term as unconditional love. I want you to pay careful attention to what God is saying about Himself in His Word: He IS Unconditional Love!
What you and I need to understand is that love isn't just something that God does, it's not just a part of who He is, but according to God's own word it is His very nature to be love. You have heard it said many times in this blog that the greatest demonstration of God's unconditional love is the Cross (according to Romans 5:8). We must settle forever the question of God's love in our life. If we cannot - we will always question God's intentions, our circumstances, and even our blessings.
Have you settled the question of God's unconditional love in your life?
I'm learning. Trust me when I say that I'm not perfect in this respect. It's one thing to speak of God's love but quite another to live it out. If you don't believe me then how do we respond when we fall short? How do we react when bad things happen? What do we do when plans don't work out the way we think? And how quick are we to give love? These are all valid questions. Have I settled for myself that God dealt with my sin (past, present, and future) at the Cross? Am I learning to rest in God's unconditional love?
The greatest example I can give is my relationship with my children. I have done all I know to do to convey my undying and unending love for them to them. Everyday they hear the words "I love you" coming out of my mouth. Everyday that I can my love is expressed in a hug or pulling them close. I do what I can to spend time with my children so that they will never question the priority they are in my life. When all is said and done, I want my son and my daughter to know (without a shadow of a doubt) that they are loved by me. Has God done any less in my life to communicate the same truth to me? Does God not speak His love continually in my life through His Word? Can I not say with Paul that God's grace is sufficient for me?
This life holds a lot of questions. I don't know when my journey on this earth will end. I also don't know what will unfold through my days. But one thing I am sure thing I never have to question is the love of God for me through Jesus Christ. He is the anchor of my soul! I simply need to learn to rest in His unconditional love.
I believe that someone reading this today needed to hear that. For whatever reason you have doubted God's love. Maybe it's because of your circumstances. Could it be that some of the decisions you have made in life have cast a shadow on God's love. Whatever the reason - stop and thank your Heavenly Father that His love for you is never in question. Praise Him for taking care of your sins, providing for your every need, and blessing you in countless ways. Although your life on earth isn't perfect, His love is perfect!
Then take His love and "Tell them I love them!"
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
One Heart - Two Places
Well...I put two of my most valuable treasures on a plane today. Jennifer and Haley are headed to Alaska! It's hard to describe the emotions I'm experiencing. It's the first time we have sent a team to Alaska that I wasn't leading. All I can say is that my heart is in two places.
Over the last few years we have seen the missions activity of our church body increase greatly. Participation in missions has increased as well. Year after year I have witnessed God give our church family a heart for a particular people group. It's exciting to be a part of a "sending" church. The fact is that we do not "send out" missionaries but we actually send out ourself! Pioneer Baptist Church is actually going to be in Alaska and Virginia at the same time (we are also in an undisclosed location as well). It's absolutely mind-blowing to see what God will allow you to join Him in when you are looking.
For those of you who may not know a whole lot about PBC let me explain. We aren't a big church body. Before summer hit we were probably seeing about 250 people (on average) attend our Sunday morning Worship/Celebration. We don't have a huge budget and we don't live in some Metropolitan area. we are in Southwest Virginia...Wythe County...Max Meadows. Yet God has chosen to use us!!!
I don't share these things so anyone will pat us on the back. The reason I share this information with you is to let you know that the work of missions is done by those who have a willing heart. Anyone who wishes to join God in what He is doing in the world has been invited. He is more than ready to equip, provide, and place you among His activity.
As I'm thinking about missions today allow me to share with you from Jerry Rankin's book "To The Ends of the Earth":
"As more and more people responded and began to share their faith, the missionary said he couldn't really tell if they were farmers doing evangelism or evangelists supporting themselves by farming!"
Rankin was simply writing about those who served as agricultural missionaries in a certain part of the world. The point being that once the work of sharing the gospel began, the lines became blurred. Is there anybody reading this today who would love to see some lines blurred? Are you ready to be wrecked for everything except the glory of God?
It's amazing what happens when God gives you a heart for a people group that is not your own. After a while you don't even notice the difference in culture, skin color, etc. I pray that all walls will be broken down for our Youth Alaska Team as they join God on the ground. I also pray that God will give them a heart for this wonderful people.
"Tell them I love them!"
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
PBCuth on Mission!
On Wednesday - July 21 - Pioneer Baptist Church will be sending out a 24 member mission team to Kenai, Alaska. They will leave the PBC property rather early to catch a flight out of Charlotte, NC that departs around 7:30am.
Although our church body has sent out several teams over the past 5 years, this one is very unique. The PBCuth team is made up of youth members (Teens & Pre-teens), Parents (Moms & Dads), along with our Youth Pastor (Ernie) and Missions Pastor (Ron). They will be serving alongside Brenda Crim (NAMB) and other churches who have joined the Salmon Frenzy outreach.
Below are some Prayer Points sent out by our Missions Pastor:
- Pray for the Youth that will be ministering on their 1st mission trip. They are facing long days filled with different types of work. The team will serve food, meets some basic and spiritual needs of the families in Alaska, and sharing the Gospel.
- Pray for the Holy Spirit to move upon the hearts of the hearers. We trust that He is already preparing the soil as our team arrives. We also pray that He will give divine appointments while the team is there. Our team has been prepared to share the Gospel at every opportunity!
- Pray for Brenda Crim and other missionaries on the ground as they plan, prepare, and transport these teams.
- Pray for good weather conditions. It has turned cold and rainy in Kenai - let's ask God to give our team and the families that are participating in the Salmon Frenzy good weather.
- Pray for the travel. The team leaves early tomorrow morning and should return to Charlotte on Wednesday 28th around 1:45pm.
May God watch over this group and grant unto them open doors and hearts that are ready to receive the Gospel of Jesus Christ. May He transform the lives of our youth and parents as they participate in His Kingdom. And may all be done to the glory and honor of the One who gave Himself for our sins.
Go Team Alaska!!!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Looking Back
A small notebook sits on the corner of my desk. Inside you will find quotes, Bible passages, and random thoughts from mission trips. This particular notebook was used when I flew to Alaska and Ukraine last year.
As I thumbed through the pages, I came across this entry: "Tell them I love them." It was written on Saturday, April 25, 2009. I remember getting up pretty early that morning to read, pray, and meditate upon God's Word. Below is more from that entry:
"God woke me up today in a very special way...'Tell them I love them.' I heard this over and over again while listening to the song 'How Great is Our God' being sung by Alberto & Kimberly Rivera..."
I remember being blown away by how the Spirit of God spoke to me that morning. I also remember those words touching the hearts of the people in a significant way when I preached on Sunday morning. "Tell them I love them."
If I can encourage you with something today it would be this: Never allow God's love for you to become a common thing. Always remember that God's love for you was displayed openly on the cross through the death of His Son. "Tell them I love them."
As I think upon this one brief moment in time, I'm moved by the thought that I get to share the message of God's unfailing love. WOW! To think that God has entrusted me with that message. "Tell them I love them."
It's hard to explain what it means to hear the heart of God for a people group that you are trying to reach with the gospel. And what I have realized is that wherever I go, and whatever people group it my be, God is saying, "Tell them I love them." Whether I am at home or abroad He says, "Tell them I love them."
Do you know the love of God? Have you discovered His love for you in the Cross? You are treasured above all other creation. He gave to you the most precious gift He could have given: Jesus Christ. Why not accept that love today?
Won't you join me? "Tell them I love them."
Friday, July 16, 2010
Sin Management?
"When you get saved, you don't get sin management; you get if any man be in Christ, he is a new creation." ~ Damon Thompson
I'm not spending a lot of time on the blog today, but I did want to give you something to think about. What is the difference between sin management and being a new creation?
I want you to think like this: If I can manage it, I don't need grace. If I could manage it, Jesus' death on the cross was useless. And if I could manage it, when I fall it means that I simply mismanaged it.
What I am trying to say is that God never intended for us to manage our sin. He wanted to destroy sin in our lives. The only way for man to be free was to allow Jesus to die on the cross. It is through salvation that we are made a new creation. The Bible says that "old things have passed away - all things have become new." If you have a pastor who is simply giving you a Dr. Phil approach to dealing with sin then you need to jump ship! God has given us victory over sin already. So I don't deal with sin, I destroy it by grace through faith.
Ever find yourself going to God and asking Him to "Forgive me again?" Ever said in prayer "I don't know why I keep..." I'll tell you why we often fail in the same areas again and again: We are trying to manage it.
It's time to raise the white flag of surrender by saying "I CAN'T MANAGE THIS BUT GOD CAN!!!" According to His Word you are already "More than a Conqueror." Believe it! Receive it! LIVE IT! And stop trying to manage it!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Consumed by God
Scripture tells us that our God is a "consuming fire". If that is true (and it is) are we consumed by Him? I preached on this very subject this past Sunday but feel the need to revisit it today.
When was the last time you said, "I'm so consumed by God?" I'm sure that each of us have had moments or seasons in our walk with the Lord where we were fully aware of His presence, His direction, and His voice. Unfortunately, we don't stay there very long. It is way too easy for us to become consumed with the things of this life. Don't get me wrong...I don't think we were created to stay on the mountain top, but regardless of where we are (mountain top or valley), we can still be consumed by God.
Tommy Tenney wrote in "God's Favorite House": "To be honest, I hope you live with so much holy frustration that you can't sleep tonight. I pray that a gnawing hunger for the presence of God rises up in your heart with devastating results. I want you to be 'ruined' for everything except His purposes." Let me say that only in a life that is consumed by God can be ruined for everything except His purposes. Do you want to be ruined?
Last night we had a special service for our youth. wasn't just for the youth, we allowed the adults from our prayer meeting group to sit it (some of us "older" folks). The reason for the service was simple: Ernie (youth pastor) and myself had become acquainted with a young lady in our community. Courtney (14) had just returned from a youth camp where God had challenged her to reach out to her generation. After sharing her heart with Ernie, he agreed to let her share this burning passion. It turned out to be an incredible night of worship, prophetic insight, and challenging testimony. All of this from a young lady of 14 years of age. It was nothing less than a "Wake-Up Call" for her generation to say they didn't have to become statistics, they could change their culture, and they can make an impact on their generation. Personally, I was blown away by her maturity and sensitivity to the Spirit of God.
As I dwelt upon the events of the evening, I thought to myself how very few people in the church experience what we experienced. There are way too many "believers" who have never experienced what she experienced - and she is only 14. Why is that? Is she simply that special? Is there something different about her? To answer those questions I would say "Yes". She is special and she is different but only because she has allowed herself to be consumed by an All-Consuming God!
How about you? Are you ready to be totally consumed - totally ruined - by God? Aren't you tired of going through religious ritual? Can you say that you are ready for God to bust out of the box that you have used to contain Him? Jesus says, "Come unto Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." (Matt. 11:28) Find some time to get into the presence of God today. Do whatever it takes! If you need to run to the mountain top, get out by the river, or close the door to your closet; find some time with the Lord and give Him everything. Turn on some worship music and soak in the praise. Or you can find a quiet place and "be still" before Him. You need this today. Go ahead. He's ready to ruin you for everything else but Him!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Getting the Right Information
I spent most of my morning playing the role of computer technician. To be honest with you...I HATE IT! We just established a new Internet connection at home which means changing email addresses, etc. There's one thing for sure: You better get it right.
Don't you just love establishing your message accounts? POP3 - SMTP - Does this require certification? One thing is for sure, if you don't do it right your computer will let you know!
This process got me thinking about how we receive things from the Lord. How do we know when God is speaking? How do we ensure that what we sense is from God really is from God? My advice: Test your settings. Really! Ask yourself the right kind of questions.
1) Is what I'm sensing from the Lord coming through the proper channels?
How does God's Word line up with what I'm receiving? If someone shared something with you, is it consistent with the Bible? Trust me when I say it can be dangerous to only receive something from someone else. Whatever is shared with you should be judged in light of God's Word. God can give immediate confirmation about things but if He doesn't then you should prayerfully consider what other people are sharing with you. I do this by writing things down. In this way I can look back and consider if something was truly from the Lord. I can also go back to an individual and thank them for being obedient to the voice of God. But if you have received something that does not line up with the character of God - DON'T DO IT.
2) Is what I'm receiving consistent with what I am praying?
This DOES NOT mean that God only answers your prayers the way your pray them. However, God often sends answers and directions that directly affect what you have been sharing in your times of prayer. Jesus told us to ASK, SEEK, and KNOCK. God's answers don't always happen in the mysterious. There are times that He actually gives you what you ask from Him.
3) What is my "filtering process" and my "firewall settings"?
A lot of Internet security tools have what is called "real time scanning". That means that they can actually scan for spam or viruses while items are being downloaded. This is true on the Internet or things that come through your email. This is an all important tool for Internet security and safety. The Holy Spirit should be your filter for any kind of downloads you are receiving. In my personal life this is usually associated with an immediate confirmation to accept or reject things. Some may call this intuition but I'm a believer and I trust this is the work of the Holy Spirit. The work of the Holy Spirit also acts as a "firewall" in my life to keep the junk out. Just be careful here. If your settings are too strict (answers can only come from ____________ or through a certain method) you may actually miss out on what God is trying to do in your life.
People today use their computers daily. Once we have gone through the setup process, we rarely consider these things again. I cannot tell you the times I have had to run through this process again with a new CPU or new Internet connection. Consider what I am sharing with you today much the same way. You need to be mindful of the process. That is why I'm a huge fan of Henry Blackaby's "Experiencing God". It has helped me in so many ways to recognize how God is moving. Once you have something like this in place (a biblical process) then you may proceed with a great assurance.
Before I close, let me share with you a strong encouragement. If you have set your hear upon hearing the Lord - you will hear Him. If what you are looking for in life is to be of use and service to Him - God will always give you direction. Trust me when I say that I'm not trying to complicate matters. I just never want to see anyone going out on a limb that God did not provide.
Blessings to you as you seek His voice, guidance, and direction.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
The Journey...
One of the greatest aspects of this blog is that I'm able to share with you where I am in this journey of life. There's no doubt that following the Lord has been an incredible adventure. He has done so much more with this life than I could have ever done on my own.
Here's where I am in the journey: Mathew 5-7
This is what we commonly refer to as the "Sermon on the Mount". Within this sermon we find the "Beatitudes", teachings on "Salt" and "Light", and Jesus' own commentary (if you will) on the true teachings of the commandments - marriage - etc. I find it interesting that as far as we have come in the Christian faith, we have neglected most (if not all) of this teaching.
I was forced to take a strong look at these chapters after hearing an interview with Tony Campolo. Now regardless of what you may think regarding some of his views, he hit the nail on the head when he said that it would do every believers some good to go back and view themselves in light of the "Sermon on the Mount." And what I am discovering on this journey is that we are missing the mark in much of our faith. Just think about how we deal with sin in our personal lives, the destruction of marriage within the church, loving our enemies, and the list goes on.
My challenge to you is to read through Matthew 5-7 as I prepare a series of messages upon this very subject. Does your "Christianity" line up with the teachings of Jesus? Are you able to "Go the Second Mile", "Love Your Enemies", or "Do Unto Others..."? Are we building our lives upon the solid foundation of Jesus' teachings or are we simply throwing our lives upon the sandy foundation of "self realization" and "feelings"? If you join me in this journey I think we will both find a different quality of faith. I believe we will discover a Christ quality of life. And as we rely upon the work of the Holy Spirit to flesh these things out in us we can usher in a better brand of faith in Christ. won't be easy. But I'm on a journey. And as with any journey there are ups and down, hills and valleys, rivers to cross, and obstacles to overcome. In the end I think we will discover that this teaching wasn't established to put before us a lofty ideal that could never be lived. I think we will find that God has been all too willing to give us the ability and power to be His children in a difficult world.
While we are at it, maybe we can get rid of some of the religious programming and baggage that we have tied to faith in Christ. If we will start living out the red letters of Jesus there won't be any need for legalism. We won't have to worry if we are living up to the standards of men. And we can stop "doing" religion like the Pharisees and return to the heart of God!
One of Jesus' favorite lines in this sermon is: "You have heard it said..but I say..." Sounds like a better way to live doesn't it?
Monday, July 12, 2010
Trusting the Spirit
In John 16:7-15, Jesus shares with His disciples the importance of His departure and the arrival of the Holy Spirit. In light of the poll from last week, it's important that we think about His words.
The Spirit of God will convict the world of sin, righteousness, and of judgment. He will guide us into all truth, speak what He hears, and tell us of things to come. He will glorify Jesus and declare unto us the things concerning Jesus.
I asked each of you a simple question: How Does God Speak to You? The overwhelming response was "Various Ways". Prayer/Bible & Dreams/Visions were equal among those polled. Of course, with only a few of you voting, I could never calculate any concrete findings. The poll is for fun but it also gives me an idea about those who visit PBC Voice.
Personally, I don't have a problem with people answering "Various Ways" as long as they are grounded in the Word of God. The Word of God is the greatest revelation we have concerning the nature/characteristics of God. The Word teaches us how God has spoken and led His followers in times past. As Henry Blackaby puts it in "Experiencing God": "The Holy Spirit speaks to us through Scripture, Prayer, Circumstances, and the Church." This is why we must be sensitive to the work of the Spirit in our lives.
I'm glad to know that I can trust the Spirit of God. He is consistent with Scripture, the ministry of Jesus, and the nature of God. This shouldn't surprise us. We are told to "Walk in the Spirit" in the Word. And as we live in relationship with God through faith in Christ we come to understand that God didn't give us a map but a guide. The Word of God is important to us but we will never fully understand it apart from the guiding work of the Holy Spirit.
The Christian life is not a "natural" life but a "supernatural" life. Apart from the Spirit of God we are left to our own understanding, our own reasoning about Scripture, and at times our own "feelings". Jesus never intended to leave His followers to themselves. He gave us the promise of the Holy Spirit so that we may fully understand, completely follow, and never have to trust in our own resources.
The good news about His work in us is that we can trust Him. Not only does the Spirit have the ability to lead us but He can bring others into agreement. As long as we are trusting in Him - we will never be left to ourselves.
I pray that each of us will "Walk in the Spirit" this week. If we do...God's voice will become stronger and clearer whether He speaks through His Word, Prayer, Dreams/Visions, Circumstances, or the Church (other followers of Jesus).
Friday, July 9, 2010
Documentary Review
Several months ago, I watched a preview of a new documentary entitled: "Lord Save Us From Your Followers" by Dan Merchant. To say that as I was skeptical would be understating my preconceived ideas about what this documentary would be like. However, after watching (and listening) I was forced to look into my own life and ask some serious questions.
The following is a synopsis that can be found on the website:
"If you were to meet ten average Americans on the street, nine of them would say they believe in God. So why is the Gospel of Love dividing America?
"Dan Merchant put on his bumper-sticker-clad jumpsuit and decided to find the reason. After talking with scores of men and women on streets all across the nation, and also interviewing many well-known activists in today’s “Culture Wars,” Dan realized that the public discussion of faith doesn’t have to be contentious.
"From its opening Talking Heads sequence through its touching look at faith in action, Lord, Save Us From Your Followers is a fast-paced, highly engaging documentary that explores the collision of faith and culture in America while opening up this important conversation to all of us."
After watching the preview, I thought that this would be a great documentary for people in the church. After seeing it in it's entirety, I know it's a great documentary for people in the church. The only question is: Are we able to handle the world's view of American Christianity? Are we willing to be honest enough with ourselves to answer some difficult questions?
You will not hear Dan say that the church must alter her convictions. In fact, as a believer, he has some very strong convictions. But how does the church handle faith, morality, and the "hot-button" topics within the public square? How do we defend what we believe without condemning those around us? What you will find is that you can disagree without being disagreeable. Not only that, but you will discover that many people are willing to have a conversation when we are willing to talk about the issues.
Within the documentary you will find compelling interviews, humor, and some in-your-face truth. Sure...some of the clips will make you angry while others will make you cry. You will be offended but you will also be challenged. In the end, I think Dan has done a wonderful job of dealing with how Christianity is perceived in our country.
"Lord Save Us From Your Followers" isn't for everybody. Why? Simply because not everybody can "handle" it. But for those who are willing to ask the tough questions then I recommend this documentary you.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Spiritual Inspection
"Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my anxieties; And see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." (Psalm 139:23-24)
It's that time of year again. least it was for me. State Inspection Sticker was due and (like usual) I procrastinated. Anybody else fall into this category? I waited until the last minute only to find out that my truck needed front brake pads. My vehicle was denied a new sticker and because I procrastinated I had to make another appointment to have the brakes installed. I was given a nice PINK rejection sticker - placed upon my windshield for all to see - until I could get the truck fixed and a new Inspection Sticker in place.
As I reflected upon this I couldn't help but think about how we tend to go through life without ever stopping to inspect ourselves. Where are we spiritually? Is there anything lacking? Is there something that the Lord has spoken that I haven't followed through with?
When it comes to my vehicles, I try to pay attention to how they handle. There wasn't anything about my brakes that made me think they needed to be replaced. With that being said, I can't tell you the last time that I inspected them.
David cried out to God in Psalm 139 by saying: "Search me..." Are we willing to be placed under God's searchlight? "Try me..." - I find this request rather interesting because He goes on to say "...know my anxieties." God is there anything that is causing me to not trust in you? "And see if there is any wicked way in me..." The Living Bible Paraphrase says "See if there is anything in me that makes you sad." In other words: Is there anything in my life that does not line up with who YOU are.
Don't procrastinate when it comes to spiritual matters! Be diligent and be honest with yourself. If God's light is shed upon something that you need to get rid of, do it immediately. Is there a habit that needs to be replaced? Is there an attitude that needs to be removed? Are you spending time in prayer? Are you reading God's Word? Is there a sin that needs to be confessed? Is there repentance that needs to be made? Or a relationship that needs to be fixed?
After all the searching and trying you can repeat the words of the psalmist: "...lead me in the way everlasting." My truck (as far as the Inspection Sticker is concerned) is good for another year. That doesn't mean I won't have to do some maintenance. The oil will still need to be changed. The truck will still need to be cleaned. Gas will still have to be purchased to keep it running. In the same way, you and I will have to continually look into our lives and manage the things we can manage. We will still have to "Walk in the Spirit". And if we are willing to do this we will see the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control produced in our lives.
Maybe it's time for a Spiritual Inspection. Allow God to look into your life - Agree with Him about whatever changes need to be made - Then walk in the Spirit.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Beauty Will Rise
In May of 2008 Steven Curtis Chapman and his family experienced a painful loss with the tragic death of their adopted daughter Maria. Since that time, I have carefully watched and listened to see/hear how God would minister to this family. After purchasing his new CD "Beauty Will Rise" it's easy to see that God has been faithful to this family. My heart is overwhelmed (and my eyes filled with tears) every time I listen to the collection of songs.
What is interesting about this CD is that inside the cover there is a description of the songs and how they were inspired. Although you may find it hard to listen to these songs without being moved to tears, if you are going through difficulties in life it will minister to you.
On the cover you will see that a flower dots the "i" in the word "rise." It's an all-important flower: only one of the petals has been colored. I want to share the story with you and the way God used it to help bring healing to the family.
"The day after Maria went to Heaven, Mary Beth and I went to our house with friends to get some clothes for the next few days. (We had decided to stay with our friends...until we felt we could return to our house for good.) We walked from room to room feeling like we were lost in some terrible dream and tried to imagine ever living in this house again that had suddenly become so terribly quiet and empty. As I walked through the dining room, I noticed a piece of paper on Maria's little art table where she and her sister would spend hours coloring and drawing and cutting and gluing. (Maria especially loved the gluing part!) On that piece of paper was a flower that had been drawn and colored with markers. It was one of Maria's signature flowers that she loved to draw, but this one appeared to be unfinished as only one of the 6 petals was colored in with blue marker...the others were just outlined. Then I noticed something was written with marker on the back side of the paper.
"Now let me back up for just a minute and explain one other part of this story. Shortly after Maria had been carried away to Jesus, all of us, and particularly Caleb and I began to talk about how desperate we were just to 'SEE' something...a dream or a vision...anything that would help confirm in some tangible way what we were holding onto by faith, that Maria was truly 'okay', and even more than 'okay', that she was safe in the arms of Jesus. It was a plea that I heard us all say several times in those first hours...'God, please just let us 'SEE' something!'
"So...back to the flower artwork on the table...I turned the page over and was completely stunned to find a word written on the back in Maria's handwriting. To any of our knowledge she knew only 6 words that she could write...'I love you,' 'Mom,' 'Dad,' and her name, 'Maria.' But there on the back of the paper she had written in all capital letters the word, 'SEE'. Even as one who is usually careful not to attach more meaning to something than it deserves, I was and still am completely convinced that this was a precious 'gift' from the broken heart of our Father in Heaven delivered through our daughter's own hand the very morning before she left us for Heaven...I could picture the face of our little girl smiling at us and saying, 'SEE mom and dad, SEE everybody, it's just like you said, only so much better...and I really am okay!' And it was our Father's way of saying, 'SEE with eternal eyes, SEE that I have your little girl safe and sound with me, and SEE by faith My promise of the day that's coming very soon when I will make everything new and wipe every last one of these tears from your eyes.'
"It wasn't until several days later that we also began to recognize a significance in the 'unfinished' flower that she had drawn on that same paper. Of the six petals, only one was colored in with her favorite color, blue. Of our six children, only one has been completely 'colored in' and made whole. The rest of us are still waiting for that coming day when finally we will clearly and completely SEE! 1 Cor. 13:12."
The story I just shared with you was written before the lyrics of the song "SEE". The scripture reference reads: "For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known." The chorus of the song reads: "Saying SEE, it's everything you said that it would be - And even better than you would believe - And I'm counting down the days until you're here with me - And finally you'll SEE"
"Beauty Will Rise" will stir your emotions and your spirit. You will find the strength that comes from God during times of great heartache and uncertainty. I'm so thankful that Steven Curtis Chapman shared with us his heart through this collection of songs. May God continue to give peace and courage to this family. May His presence be felt daily in their midst.
"Out of these ashes - Beauty will rise - And we will dance among the ruins - We will SEE it with our own eyes - Out of these ashes - Beauty will rise - For we know joy is coming in the morning - In the morning - Beauty will rise."
*The song lyrics posted from "SEE" and "Beauty Will Rise" are from Steven Curtis Chapman - Copyright 2009 One Blue Petal Music/Primary Wave Brain (Chapman Sp. Acct.)/ MBSEE Songs (BMI). Album title: "Beauty Will Rise" produced by Brent Milligan and Steven Curtis Chapman. Copyright 2009 Sparrow Records.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Celebrating FREEDOM
How did you celebrate your freedom?
Time at the lake?
Vacation for the family?
Did you pause at any time during the day to give a word of thanks for those who paid the ultimate price for your freedom? I pray that we never forget that the freedom we enjoy in America came at a great price.
This year July 4th fell on a Sunday. At PBC we baptized 4 people who celebrated a freedom of a different kind. They celebrated the fact that they had been set free from sin through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ! This freedom came at a great price as well. It cost God the life of His Son.
As a believer I get to celebrate two types of freedom:
The Freedom that comes from being an American citizen.
And the Freedom that comes from being a follower of Jesus Christ.
I hope that everyone enjoys their time off from work, the fellowship of family and friends, and the joy of living in a free nation. I also hope that everyone will enjoy the freedom that God has granted to each of us through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. The freedoms of America are enjoyed by being born (or becoming) an American citizen. The freedoms of a believer are enjoyed by being born again.
The Declaration of Independence for America has already been signed and acted upon. Your Spiritual Declaration of Independence has already been paid for - the question is will YOU act upon it? Will you be willing to repent of your sins and accept Jesus as Lord and Savior?
Freedom is waiting for you.
You have a chance to celebrate the greatest freedom of all: the freedom that comes from knowing that you have been forgiven!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Join the Battle
"When we are born again, we are dropped not into a maternity ward, but into a war zone. Our birthplace is less mother's womb and more battlefield earth. Maybe the first word we hear should not be 'welcome,' but 'jump.' There is no trial run, no practice life." ~ Erwin McManus {The Barbarian Way}
I thought it was interesting that I came across this particular quote after a conversation that I had yesterday. Here's what I want you to take away from McManus' statement: As a believer there isn't time to grow up all over again. All our learning, training, and discipleship are on (and in) the field. We grow as we go!
Sure...there are a lot of expressions about this new life in Christ that paint the picture of a child. We are to have child-like faith. We are born again. We are to desire the sincere milk of the word. However, there comes a time (as in Hebrews) where we have to leave the elementary teachings and grow up into maturity. Unfortunately, too many believers are stuck in "grade school Christianity" rather than moving on to a more advanced degree.
The Apostles walked with Jesus for 3 1/2 years before His ascension. That doesn't mean they were inactive or simply taking it all in like a sponge. No - over the course of those years of training they were actively participating in the Kingdom of God. They were sent out two by two, city to city, to advance the Gospel message. In other words: they were thrown into the battle.
We find in the book of Acts that after Paul was saved (Acts 9), he was baptized by water and the Holy Spirit, he spent some days with the disciples at Damascus, then in verse 20 IMMEDIATELY preached the Christ in the synagogues. This is where we have to understand the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. He is the one who empowers the children of God. He is the one who gives us understanding of God's Word. He is the one who is reading, willing, and able to accomplish much more in and through us than we could imagine or think.
Join the battle! The time for sitting on the sidelines and watching the fight is over. The time for the advancement of the Kingdom of God is now. We must stop viewing the church as a daycare center for the children of God and start seeing it as an recruitment center for the army of God. And if you have been walking with the Lord for some time don't think that you can retire and watch someone else fill your shoes. The church of today needs seasoned saints who will lead the charge, mentor young men and women of the faith, and continue to serve the Lord with all their might.
To quote McManus again: "My point is this: the metaphor of new birth has led us to some wrong conclusions. When we are born of flesh and blood, we are helpless and dependent on others even for our own survival. That is not the case when we are born of Spirit." Allow the Spirit of God to have His perfect work in you. He's calling you to the battle but we cannot fight in diapers and booties; we better put on the whole armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-17).
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