Friday, June 5, 2009

What Does Jesus Look Like?

December of 2002, Popular Mechanics cover story was "The Real Face of Jesus." The premise of the article was to use forensic science and try to depict the most famous face in all the world.

Some of the statements made in the article were true: Most kids from the time they enter Sunday School have an etched picture of Jesus in their mind. They have seen pictures of a man who is taller than His disciples, has long flowing brown hair, and good looking. However, when we encounter Jesus during His arrest in the garden we know that Judas Iscariot had to point him out to the soldiers. Could it be that Jesus looked like all the other disciples? Could it be that Jesus looked like a Middle Eastern man? Of course He did.

My point in today's blog is not to focus on what Jesus looked like while He was here on earth. It may have a historical significance but has nothing to do with my salvation. My point is: What does Jesus look like today? Is he reflected in the things we do or the things we say? Is there an actual portrayal of Christ coming out of our churches, homes, relationships, or careers? In other words, does Jesus look like you or do you look like Jesus?

2 Corinthians 3:18, " the Spirit of the Lord works within us, we become more and more like Him and reflect His glory even more." NLT

The truth is that we shouldn't need forensic science to figure out what Jesus looked like. The world ought to be able to look into the lives of EVERY BELIEVER and say - Jesus looks like them.

As you go into the world today - make a decision to be a reflection of His glory.

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