Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Journey toward Irrelevance

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter continues his journey toward irrelevance today as he visits with Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

Could somebody please clue Carter (He really is NUTS) into the fact that Hamas is an enemy to Israel & the world. How can this guy (who claims to be a believer) give support to a terrorist organization, consistently support them over Israel, and have the audacity to ask the United States to remove them from the terrorist list?

The tell-tell sign that Carter doesn't "get it" was verified today as they rode by roadside bombs before speaking to the press.

There is no peace between these two groups because Hamas doesn't want peace. Every time there is a treaty Israel is pounded with rockets and suicide bombers. However, Carter continues to find himself on the wrong side of history.

There was a time that I held this man in high regard. But that was before he broke the code of silence that most former presidents adhere to once they leave office, and before he decided that he didn't want to be a Southern Baptist after they affirmed the woman's place in the home, and before he and Bill Clinton spoke of starting their own baptist convention, and the list goes on. Even though most people would love for him to keep his comments to himself - he continues to go out and open his mouth.

Why would anyone take a failed president's advice on world affairs or the economy? It seems to me that Carter has been trying to change his image every since he lost to Ronald Reagan.

Note to Jimmy Carter: Do yourself and the world a favor. Go back home, take care of your family, enjoy the rest of your life, and stop meddling with world affairs. While you are at it - stop hanging out with terrorists!!!
A Friend to Israel

1 comment:

Launch International said...

Carter was and is still proving himself to be a complete and total MORON!

His policies and decisions during his administration proved just how lame he was. His actions now, some 30 years later, verify that he is STILL making terrible choices that are anti-Christian and anti-Amercian.

May God show His great mercy on Israel and protect her land and peoples.