Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Ambassador in Chains?

Ephesians 6:19-20 - Paul encourages the believers to pray for him that when he shares the gospel he will do it with boldness. He goes on to say that he is an ambassador in chains for the sake of the gospel.

Can you imagine?

Not only is Paul telling you why he is in prison but he is also giving us insight into his new mission field. Now, as a prisoner, Paul is an ambassador!

Can we be His even if our situation isn't suitable? Would we, as Paul, ask for boldness to continue proclaiming the gospel message?

I just received a devotional book from Voice of the Martyrs. Here's a sample: "Most Christians would admit that suffering is not exactly what we have in mind when we say we want to be used by God. Sure we want to live out our faith - but not to the point of persecution. We resent being overlooked for promotions at work or excluded from social events. We feel slighted. Cheated. Ripped off. However, we must be willing to prayerfully seek God in the midst of our desperation..."

None of us pray for chains but the question is: Can we be an ambassador in chains?

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