Thursday, June 11, 2009

In the Beginning...

We just had Steve Levinson at the church for a creation seminar weekend and found it so refreshing.

Most of you know that Intelligent Design has been under attack for many years. Our children are no longer taught the "Theory of Evolution" in school. Evolution is being taught as fact.

One thing that I took away from Steve's messages was the importance of understanding why the concept of Intelligent Design is under fire. If you remove God from the equation then you are left with a people that are able to invent their own concept of right & wrong. There is no "after-life" to concern yourself with and you can simply "eat, drink, and be happy." If you remove God out of the equation then you might as well rip out the book of Genesis from the Bible and place it over next to all the other fairy tale books.

The book of Genesis is so important as a foundational book in our faith. It is here that we get the foundation for marriage, the family, creation, sin, the Gospel, clothing, nations, etc. The sad part about this war that is being raged against the Word of God is that many "Christians" don't have answers for the arguments. We struggle to understand how fossils come into play, what to do with dinosaurs, how long has the earth been here, and the like. We think that evolutionists have all the answers when in fact all they have are arguments.

I encourage all of you to check out so you can begin to equip yourself. If you have a child in public school or one that is getting ready to go off to college - you will need these tools.

One other note: I'm glad that God doesn't ask us to check our brains in at the door when it comes to faith in Him. If we will but study His Word, we can come to understand the truth of Creation. It saddens me to think about how many Christians think that Intelligent Design and evolution go hand in hand, or that so many don't believe in a literal 6 day creation. Folks, we must have this truth ingrained in our minds and hearts. If we don't, we will never be able to stand for the truth of God's Word.

In the beginning God created...

'Nuff said!

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