Thursday, August 21, 2008

Now I'm just...

Well, today's blog wasn't what I thought it would be. I was interested in celebrating the 100th post for PBC Voice, however, I kept noticing a discrepancy between the dashboard and the archive. I did a little looking through and noticed there were some drafts that were saved but not published and so I took the time to take care of it.

Don't you just hate it when you get excited about something but it doesn't happen the way you had hoped. "Well, now I'm just disappointed." It's easy to get that way isn't it? Paul said, "If all we have is hope in Christ in this life we are of all men most miserable." Did you catch that? If Jesus in me is only for this life (and there's no hope for a life to come) then we are a miserable lot!

Sure, faith can shape a person's attitude, demeanor, and relationships. But faith calls for more than just a simple change in how we operate. Faith should mean more. Let me say that faith in Christ is much more than a life change. It's also got a promise of an address change. That's right: This World is not My Home. "I'm just passing through."

If all we need is a faith to change our lives there's plenty of them out there:
"Christian" Science
Jehovah Witness

There's almost as many faiths as there are people in this world. That's not to mention those who don't abide to any type of faith. If all I'm looking for in this life is the ability to change then I guess I could follow Obama since that's all he's talked about!

So what does faith in Christ give to me? (Glad you asked)

Faith in Jesus brings to me forgiveness of sin.
Total and complete forgiveness which I didn't have to work for. It's a gift.

Faith in Jesus offers me a greater outlook on life.
Through God's Word I have a better understanding of how I'm to live in this world, relate to my fellow man, treat my family, handle my finances, and how to serve God. I have a greater understanding of who I am and why I do the things I do. It also gives me the ability to have faith regardless of the circumstances.

Faith in Jesus also gives me an earnest expectation regarding death rather than dread.
That's right - I don't have to fear death. In fact, I see death as a doorway to unbroken fellowship with God and entry into a greater world known as Heaven.

Be sure of this, faith in just about anything can bring about changes in your life. You can see Tom Cruise running around in a shrouded limousine, Muslims will strap bombs on their body, and Mormons will travel all over the world sharing their lies. Religion has the ability to bring about change. But these changes are all temporary and these "faiths" have no eternal value. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."

If you don't want to be disappointed in faith then you need to trust Jesus as your Lord and Savior. He will never let you down. You may not have anything in this life but faith in Him is a great treasure that you will be able to take with you into the next one. Jesus taught that the kingdom of heaven was like a pearl of great price that when discovered a man sold his home and everything he had just to possess it. the next couple of posts I will be able to celebrate #100 the right way. But, in reality, I'm not disappointed. I got to use #97 to share Jesus with you. Now I'm just excited to see what God can do in your life.

"May the Lord bless you and keep you. Cause His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace."

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