Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Enemy is Still Out There

Isn't it amazing how quickly we Americans forget. We are almost 7 years removed from the 9/11 tragedy and a majority of people have forgotten about terrorism.

I just read a report from the daily mail about a 15 year old Iraqi suicide bomber who gave herself up. That's right, I said "her"...Apparently, al Qaeda in Iraq is increasingly seeking to exploit women unable to deal with the grief of losing husbands, parents, children and others to violence. In fact, according to some reports, the number of women carrying out suicide attacks in Iraq has more than tripled in 12 months.

This young girl was fitted with the vest by female relatives of her husband whom she married 5 months ago. U.S. sources said she turned herself in after being hooked up to the explosives against her will. Regardless, this is the mode of operation for these terrorist groups.

"Those who forget history are often doomed to repeat it." I'm not sure who made this statement but in regard to America and the forgetfulness of her people - how true! We cannot lose sight of the fact that too many people out there don't like this nation and what we stand for. We are still at war, we are still fighting terrorism, and we still need leaders who will take action.

On a side note, there was something that stood out to me that I must share.
The report said that terrorist groups (al Qaeda in particular) were seeking to exploit women who were unable to deal with grief. Believer - PAY ATTENTION! If you have been unable to deal with grief, anger, depression, etc.; our common enemy (satan) will seek to exploit you. That's right - you! Many relationships have been severed, churches hurt, and people pulled away from the fellowship because of an inability to deal with the "stuff" in our lives.

Please remember that sin isolates. If we can become isolated in our lives - the enemy can exploit our weakness. Only in relationship with God and others can we ever hope to find strength in our times of weakness. Talk to people, pray with someone, and get into God's Word. Or the enemy may try to use you to do harm.

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