Friday, August 15, 2008

Good Discipline

Isaiah 38:16, "Lord, your discipline is good, for it leads to life and health..."

Hezekiah was sick. In fact, the Lord had told him through the prophet Isaiah to get his house in order because he was going to die. In great anguish he turned toward the wall, prayed to the Lord, and wept bitterly. God responded: "I have heard your prayer and seen your tears..."

Aren't you glad that God hears your prayers? Prayer can seem empty at times. Those moments when it's as if God does not hear. The good news is that HE DOES HEAR - He inclines His ear toward us. Aren't you also glad that God sees your tears? He knows when you are hurting, he knows when you are truly repentant, he knows when your heart is heavy.

God heard the prayers of a man on his death bed and gave him 15 more years of life. Have you ever wondered if you could have added something to someones life if you prayed? The Bible teaches us that he who goes forth weeping and bearing precious seed shall doubtless return again rejoicing. There's something about prayer + tears that = results.

But let's get back to the title of this entry: "Good Discipline." Hezekiah responded to God's answer by writing a poem of praise. He believed that his sickness was a part of God's plan even saying that it was a part of God's discipline upon his life. Wow! Now I'm not saying that every sickness is God bringing discipline into your life but I also know that not every sickness is from the enemy. Hezekiah viewed his near death experience as an opportunity to see the hand of God move upon his own life.

The Lord's discipline is just's an opportunity for God to bring something better into our lives. He is simply trying to adjust our lives to His. If we know Jesus as our Lord and Savior then we understand that God deals with us as His children. When you and I adjust our lives to His discipline then we can see the life and health that God is trying to bring about.

Maybe what you and I need to ask God for is not relief from the discipline but a greater sensitivity to the discipline. Maybe God is looking for an emotional response that is anchored in a heart felt determination to have your life made right with Him.

The good news: God hears your prayer and sees your tears.

Side Note:
Congratulations to Nastia Liukin for winning gold in the women's all-around gymnastics competition. What an incredible story!

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