Thursday, August 21, 2008

Another Thursday Item

I wasn't planning on doing this - but the comment just hit me all wrong so I'm going to share it with you.

John McCain was asked by reporters the other day how many houses he and his wife own. McCain could not come up with a number on the spot (not sure why) but the final results from his staff came up with 4. There have been reports of seven.

The comment that has me up in a roar today comes from VA's very own governor Tim Kaine. Kaine decided that he needed to make a smart comment by saying that "(McCain)... can't count high enough..." Normally, I would let a statement like this go untouched but since this one hits so close to home I couldn't resist. I immediately sent an email to the governor's office.

Here you go:
"Governor Kaine,
I was recently made aware of your public comments about John McCain's inability to count "high enough" the number of houses that he and his wife own. I'm not sure if you though you were being "cute", funny, or if you are simply trying to impress Obama with your ability to jump in and denigrate someone. I thought your comments to be rather "childish" and unbecoming someone who desires to lead our state and possibly become a VP nominee. It seems to me that you have become come like most liberals in Washington. Since you don't have anything of substance to bring against McCain then you are going to make him out to be stupid or you will try to destroy his character. I guess (luckily for McCain) he was smart enough to survive his time as a POW, and smart enough to serve as a Senator these 25+ years, and smart enough to become the Republican nominee for the presidency. Maybe you should rethink your comments when dealing with a man who served our country as well as John McCain. He deserves greater respect that that. Your action brings great disgrace upon the state of VA and those who serve in the armed forces.
Neal Hawks

Kaine presented himself as a little kid that wants to look "cool" in front of the cool kids. And to think that he serves as the governor of VA.

One other thing: I did not send out this email because of a political stance nor am I entering this into the blog as a sign of support for John McCain. Regardless of what you think about John McCain - his service to this country has been remarkable. To think about the time he spent as a prisoner of war and to come out of that experience to serve as a state senator all these years is a remarkable accomplishment. He's not a perfect person but as a decorated military veteran he deserves greater respect that what Tim Kaine gave him.

Thanks for allowing me to vent.

1 comment:

Launch International said...

Oh, I'm so proud to be a Virginian! First we have the "honorable" Sentator Jim Webb insulting and being disresptful to our President in his face and now we have our left-leaning, liberal-loving loser of a governor mocking a man like John McCain. Neither one of these weak, morally-challengend people deserve to be in the same sentence as McCain and Bush. McCain may not be the most conservate candidate that we could have chosen as the Republician nominee BUT I trust his insight, morals and judgement in the face on a national or international crisis anyday of the hype and fluff of Obama.