Friday, May 11, 2012


I have been sitting in front of the computer for some time now trying to find something (anything) to share with you. I guess Friday has brought with it too many thoughts and ideas to be able to put my finger on a subject. With all that being said, I am going to share a word with you.

That word?


Verb - Come into being; begin or be reckoned from a particular point in time or space.
Noun - The point in time or space at which something has its origin; the beginning of something.

There are far too many people who have yet to come into their being. Instead, they sit idly by and wait for life to happen to them. Many of these people have received a prophetic word from someone or even had God speak to them through His Spirit or a verse from Scripture. However, even though the possibilities are endless, they have yet to start.

The fact is that you will never start unless you create the environment to start.

Everything that comes into being has a place of origin. Every change that has taken place in a people or society started in someone at some point in time. You have heard the phrase: "You have got to start somewhere." Let that somewhere be here, that sometime be now, and that someone be you.

The changes you want to see...
The things you want to happen...
The person you want to be...
The relationships you want to have...
The dreams you want to pursue...
The power you want to walk in...
The peace you want to enjoy...
The joy you want to experience...
It starts now and it starts today.

Allow this blog to bring you to the starting line of discovering everything that God wants you to walk in. There is a greater level of spirituality that awaits you. There are better days ahead in your relationships. There is a greater anointing to walk in that will allow you to see your dreams unfold. The peace, power, and joy of the Holy Spirit is yours to enjoy. Go ahead...start that journey. Start that conversation with God. Start seeking His kingdom first. Start being who you were created to be.



The good news: Whatever God starts in you - He will complete!!! (See Philippians 1:6)

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