Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Desires of Your Heart & His

Psalm 37:4, "Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart."

I want to continue in the thought from yesterday: "The dreams of your heart may actually be the dreams of God's heart that He has entrusted to you."

Psalm 37:4 has been a favorite source of encouragement for many people. We find here the heart of God in answering the heart cry of the believer who is set on delighting themselves in Him. The basic idea from David is that when we are willing to be sensitive to the Lord (not just the things of God) that we will experience God's answer to our petitions. know me...I want to take this a step further. The fact of the matter is that I grow tired of a Christianity that is self-centered. We often read verses like this and immediately think of what we get in return. I realize that God does reward us for our devotion to Him but I don't want the blessing to become my focus.

What if...
What if the desires of your heart were actually the desires of His heart for you?
Think about it this way: If you have devoted yourself to find your delight in the Lord then you will also find yourself consumed with the things that consume Him. Our value systems become rearranged. The things we used to long for are no longer an issue. We discover a contentment that is based upon the heart of God for us rather than our heart for ourselves. Therefore, if I am finding my delight in the Lord, could it be that I have also come to desire the same things that He desires? Could it be that God has actually placed things within my heart that were not there originally? I think it can happen. Actually...I'm sure that it does.

As a follower of Christ it shouldn't surprise us that His dreams become our dreams or that desires of His heart become the desires of our hearts as well. David sought the Lord with all of his heart and God turned right around and gave him His. How often do we focus upon David as a man after God's own heart without questioning where David received this heart in the first place? Every one of us was created by God for a relationship with Him. I believe that there is something planted firmly into our DNA - the part of our makeup that was created in the image of God - that longs to seek after His presence. We want to know God and be known by Him in a relational way. David took that hunger and elevated it to such a place where he was able to receive a heart that was like the one He pursued.

It seems to me that we have been presented with a Christianity that is so focused on how much we are not like God that we have failed to recognize the God-like qualities that are actually present. How is it possible that people who do not know God seek to have a solid marriage? Or a parent that is not a follower of Jesus that seeks to give his/her children a stable family environment? Some would say that this is the work of society. My question would be: where did society get this idea? Through the Spirit of God I have been able to see things that God has placed within the hearts of people even when they are not walking in relationship with Him. I have seen the desires of the hearts rise to the surface and have been able to call them out. It's an awesome thing when you can look at an unbeliever and say "That desire you have is actually from God and He wants to bless you in it." Because in that moment they realize that the God they have not been walking with has actually placed something wonderful inside of them. And when they are ready to walk in the relationship that He has provided through Christ, then they will be able to step into a greater ability to accomplish the desires of their heart and His.

Some people may ask how it is possible to view humanity in this light. The answer is quite simple - it is because of the finished work of Christ. I have been able to view every man, woman, and child through the accomplishments of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. When you and I are able to do this then we will be able to see past all of the other things. We can (through the Spirit of God) begin to see what God has intended for another person to walk in. In this way we are also able to see the desires of His heart.

Never allow yourself to stop dreaming the dreams of God.
Never allow others to keep you from following after the desires of your heart when you discover that they are in line with His.
Never allow your faith to waiver because of the circumstances that surround you.
Let His dream become your dream - Let His heart become your heart - and Let His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Enjoy the journey!!!

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