Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Till We All Attain to the Unity of the Faith

O.K. This is the fourth and final re-write of the blog for today. I have tried to find a way to deal with questions concerning the latest social media outcry against the Osteens. I realize that there are people who want me to weigh in on the matter. However, I want to warn you that it may be offensive.
Several weeks ago, I heard about a big name pastor who was asked to step down from his church. There were accusations of plagiarism, mishandling church funds to create a best selling book, and abuse of power. As soon as I heard the report, my response was one of sadness. While I don't agree with any of his actions, nor do I a follow his ministry, I don't promote the bashing of other ministries. What does this have to do with the Osteens? While I don't agree with everything they say, nor do I follow their ministry, I don't promote the bashing of other ministries.

Paul speaking to the church at Ephesus talks about the need for Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers. He tells the church that the function of these individuals is to equip the saints for the building up of the Body of Christ. He then makes this beautiful statement (found in chapter 4 verse 13): "until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ."

The reason why I don't promote the bashing of other ministries is because I don't see it as attaining to the unity of the faith. What good comes from my public outcry of a particular ministry? Whether we are talking about Joel Osteen, or any other ministry, this type of activity does not build up the Body of Christ. Instead, I want to be known for having GRACE for people. While I am not in the public eye like many of these figures, I understand what it is to be attacked, to have your name smeared, or for people to question the authenticity of your faith. I know what it is like to have every word weighed in the balance. So I give them grace. I give grace to the Osteens just like a gave grace to the other pastor that I did not name. Why? Because what you sow into the lives of others is what you will reap in your own. The same measure of judgement that we hand out is the same judgement that gets measured back to us. It's the law of reciprocity.

You see...Grace Changes Everything. It means that I don't have to join in creating division. It means that I can learn how to see people through the lens of honor. I don't have to agree with them. I don't have to support them. But I can love them.

I realize that some people will view may lack of concern as some kind of acceptance but that is not the case. I'm simply looking for a way to find unity. I desperately long to see the verse above become an abiding reality within the church. However, this will not happen if we continue the witch hunts. Always looking for that one person or that one ministry that we can expose. I wonder how many people have taken the time to look into the ministries of Lakewood Church? How many of them have taken the time to look at what they believe? There is a lot there that can create unity within the believing community. If we could just get over our knee jerk reactions.

Paul says of the church that we are ONE BODY.
That Body is made up of MANY MEMBERS.
This should help us bring things into perspective. It should help us see everyone through a different lens. It should create a sense of family. And rather than us spending out time bashing ministries that have absolutely nothing to do with our lives, we could spend time strengthening the bonds between us.

I'm passionate about the church.
I'm passionate about the Bride becoming everything that God designed her to become.
I'm passionate about the unity of the Spirit kept in the bond of peace.
I'm passionate about the nature & likeness of God within each of us.
I'm passionate about the love of God being manifest through us for the world to see.

I long for this passion to be the true passion of every church in our communities. I want the world to know us by our love for one another. And I honestly believe that this is our Father's desire as well.

May we give grace until we all attain to the unity of the faith - until we all grow up into the fullness & stature of Christ. This is our journey.

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