Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Stepping Out of Unforgiveness

I watch a 2-3 minute clip this morning from a TD Jakes message that spoke to something that is all too common. He talked about people being imprisoned, their lives put on hold, their dreams tucked away because of something someone did. "What someone did in a moment...someone got in your line of sight...for 38 years, you've held on to it." I wonder how many people have been imprisoned by this very thing. While unforgiveness gives you a sense of being in control, the reality is that it keeps you from moving forward in life.

Hear the words of Nelson Mandela, "As I walked out the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew if I didn't leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I'd still be in prison."

There's a good many people we encounter every day who are living in shackles. You may not see them but they are there. It's in their mind or their heart. They have tried everything to live life as normal. Thinking they are moving forward, they continue to spin their wheels in the mire of the past. The pain, hurt, & scars of the past are still very real. Rather than forgive the offender, they push it down, not realizing the effect it has on current relationships & life.

In Matthew 18, Jesus tells the story of a servant that was forgiven a debt. When this servant left the presence of his master, he ran into another servant who owed him money. Fresh from his own moment of forgiveness, you would think the first servant would have shown mercy. However, he treated the other servant wickedly. He choked him, demanded payment, and drug him to the prison until the debt could be paid. When the master heard about this tragedy, he called the wicked servant into his presence and then had him thrown in jail until his previously forgiven debt could be paid in full. In fact, according to the story, the master handed him over to the torturers. What an image. One moment your life is free and the next you are being tortured. Why? Listen to the words of the master, "Should you not also have had mercy on your fellow slave, in the same way that I had mercy on you?"

This story is meant to draw our attention to the cruelty of unforgiveness. No matter how much we justify it. No matter how much we think we are in the right. The reality is that we live in torment because of our unwillingness to display the same mercy that has been given to us. We put our lives on hold. We fail to see our dreams realized. We struggle to find joy, peace, & contentment. All because we have allowed the offense (whatever it is) to take up residence in our hearts. Bitterness & Unforgiveness are cells that only have 1 key and you hold it. No one else can open these doors. No one else can help you out. Only when we choose to let go of the past will we be able to move into the future.

"You just don't know what they did!"
"You have no idea how much pain they caused!"
"You don't realize how difficult this has been!"

These are all statements that I have heard. These are all declarations of the right bitterness has to remain in their lives. These are all excuses for imprisonment.

What if you knew that you had the ability to forgive? What if I told you that right now, where you are, you could walk away from the misery & torment of the past? What if you knew that the darkness could be lifted once & for all? Would you act upon these things? Would you be willing to let go of your pride, your right to be justified? Would you release that someone so that you could go free? The reality is that you do have the ability to forgive. The reality is that you could walk away from the misery & torment of the past. The darkness could be lifted and you can go free. It all rests on your willingness to allow the grace of God to empower you. Trust me, there is grace for this. Jesus, being nailed to a cross, cried out to His Father, "Forgive them. They don't know what they do."

The people we have chosen to not forgive have moved on. They have gotten married, entered into new careers, bought new cars, & have essentially been untouched by our bitterness. We think we are holding the cards but the reality is that the deck is stacked against us. We will not move ahead in our lives or our spirituality. There may be some of you reading this blog right now who have things that you have held onto for years. And while you believe you are justified for your feelings, the reality is that you are imprisoned. The only way to walk into freedom is to step our of unforgivness.

LET IT GO! Don't give the torturers another day. Why would you remain shackled? "He who has been forgiven much, loves much." This should be the reality of your life. Just say "Papa, I choose to forgive ________________. I release them from the bitterness that I have held onto. I ask you to bless their lives and allow me to walk in the freedom you have provided. I will not longer live from an offended heart. In Jesus' name."

A new life awaits you when you pray that prayer from your heart. The lighter you is ready to emerge. It's within your grasp. Don't waste another moment. BE MADE FREE!!!

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