Tuesday, September 16, 2014

A Pioneering Spirit

On Sunday I was reminded once again of the significance of being a pioneer. While this word may not mean much to many of you, to me it has been the lifeblood of a journey. A journey of never settling. A journey of discovery. A life in the Spirit filled with adventure. I invite you to travel with me.
To be a Pioneer requires risk, tenacity, and a heart for the journey. It means looking beyond what is and focusing on what can be. We tend to celebrate pioneers of technology, business, etc.; but we seem to shy away from the pioneers of faith. Those wild-eyed dreamers seem to shake us up a little bit. They cannot be satisfied with status-quo. They must press forward & believe for more.

I want you to consider that the Kingdom of God was always meant to be pioneered. It was meant to be explored and advanced. The gifts that God gave to the church (people) that were meant to facilitate this movement were apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. They were to envision a growing & advancing kingdom. This meant going into uncharted territory. It meant discipling the nations. When you read the book of Acts, it seems as though every time the believers thought about settling, something would take place to force them out of the comfort zone. I believe God used these moments to awaken His sons & daughters to their original design. To GO into all the nations. Teaching people to observe everything that Jesus had taught them. Baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit. If you do not have a pioneering spirit, then it will be hard to stomach the journey.

The Gospel of the Kingdom has been long forgotten in much of the church. A message that was meant to touch every people group. It has been replaced by the gospel of salvation. While this message may touch people's lives, it does not necessarily advance the Kingdom. The Gospel of the Kingdom declares the King's Domain. It proclaims what the Father has accomplished through the Son, and it is not satisfied to dwell in a particular camp. God envisioned every tribe, every tongue, & every nation to receive the GOOD NEWS of this Kingdom. But they will never hear as long as we are content to settle.

The settlement mentality is killing the church. No longer seeking to advance the Kingdom. No longer seeking to go deeper in our understanding. No longer wanting to go deeper into His heart. We believe we have arrived. We have the Holy Spirit, we own a Bible, and we have a building. What else do we need? All the while we settle and our settlements become encampments. We build walls around them. We defend them. And the world is left on the outside without a clue on how to get in.

What was once a thriving church in the midst of persecution has become a waning club in the midst of comfort. Satisfied with the idea that we are simply carrying the faith that was once delivered to the saints, we argue over the most insignificant things. Much like a country led by a democracy, we throw in our opinions, we vote, & we elect leaders. All of this is meant to make our lives less difficult. But my question is, where is the Kingdom in all of it? Where is the advancing powerhouse called the Body of Christ that was meant to fill the earth with the glory of God? Where are the pioneers that will advance the kingdom and claim uncharted territory? Where are the pioneers of our faith who dare to dream & dare to hear from God?

To be sure, pioneering is difficult, but isn't that the nature of adventure? Isn't it often filled with trials, difficulty, and even danger? Is it not worth our lives? The idea that we have all the answers or that God has spoken everything that He will speak is ridiculous. The idea that God is content with our houses of worship, annual trips to some far off destination, or the sending out of a few missionaries here and there, wreaks of the settlement mentality. It does not envision and understanding of God that is ever widening or a kingdom that is ever advancing. We are missing out on so much because we do not dare question or think for ourselves. We do not dare to do anything other than what is already being done. Rather than pioneering things in the Spirit, we are content to parrot things in the flesh. Where are those who dare to think with God?

When I talk about church in this way, I'm talking about the corporation. The gathered together of the 501c3. The people who have believed that God is caught up in traditions, rituals, and styles. The encampments of denominational mindsets and believe that the Kingdom of God has subdivisions called Baptist, Presbyterian, Church of God, Pentecostal, Methodist, Lutheran, Episcopalian, etc. Denominations are nothing more than monuments to past moves of God. Settlements of thought, theology, & doctrine. Communities that have lost their Kingdom identity. Lost is the advancement of the Kingdom. It has been replaced with the advancement of our denominations. I know because I have been in those meetings. There is no honor for our brothers & sisters in other denominations. There is no conversation about what is working over in the others camps. And when we become entrenched in this line of thinking, the only vision we carry is tunnel vision. We struggle to see outside of our own particular ways.

The generation that is rising within the church RIGHT NOW is looking to pioneer. They see what has been lost. They long for the reality of the Kingdom of God in every day life. They want to know how the finished work of Christ impacts their lives, their relationships, and their communities. They want more than Sundayanity. They are not content with potlucks, Sunday night singings, or pizza parties. They want to see the book of Acts alive & well in their lifetime. They are hungry to know God in His fullness. They believe, like many of us did at one time or another, that there is more to this life. They see the church as something more glorious than buildings dotting the landscape. They have had an encounter with God outside of their salvation experience and know that this is what we were meant to live in. Religion will not cut it. Going to church does not satisfy. Apologetics will not curb their appetite. It's the living God they long for and His Kingdom that they want to see advancing. Much like Peter, they cry out, "Lord if that is really you (out in the water), bid me come." Do I believe this generation can take the church where we have not? ABSOLUTELY!!!

A person with a pioneering spirit recognizes that the Kingdom of God is within. He knows that everywhere He goes the Kingdom goes. And He is not looking to start a new settlement. He wants to change a culture. May we capture this vision. May we see the Kingdom of God advance like never before. May the grace of God make this dream a reality.
This is a call to all pioneers. The Kingdom is waiting to manifest. Enjoy the journey!!!

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