Thursday, September 11, 2014

Never Forget

Today we honor the lives that were lost in the most horrific attack on US soil. The images, sadness, and confusion of that day still lingers with us. While our nation has attempted to move forward, it's imperative that we are reminded of the unity that was forged that day.
September 11, 2001 brought a realization that our nation is not as safe as we previously thought. However, we also realized that we could be unified more than we previously imagined. We were a nation united in grief, in shock, in prayer, and in utter resolve to find answers. During one of the darkest days in American history, we discovered a bright shining light within her people.

The hours, days, weeks, & months that followed Sept. 11th were filled with people coming together to grieve, to support, and to help one another. None of us can forget the images of emergency personnel, construction workers, and volunteers of all kinds who were willing to dig through the debris, carry a cup of cold water, serve meals, and lend a helping hand. There was tremendous support for families, for our leaders, and for our military. We stopped being designated by political affiliation, religious dogma, societal ranking, etc. We were reminded of what it meant to be truly American. One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

When people rose up with declarations of judgement against America - we ignored them. When the naysayers believed that we could not overcome - we resisted them. When the conspiracy theorists began their debates - we shut them out. It wasn't the time or the place. We realized that the Americans who lost their lives came from various backgrounds, religious beliefs, and lifestyles. The people who attacked us did not care who died. Yet...somehow...we grieved for every one. We were a nation united.

I'm reminded of an ecumenical prayer service in the days that followed. Members of various religious groups joined together to pray for our nation. You see, it's in those brief moments we are reminded of the freedoms our nation affords. It wasn't a time to prove who was right or wrong. It was a time to pray for comfort, wisdom, protection, and guidance for our nation.

I find it interesting that the men who flew those planes believed they were doing the work of their god, and there were other religious leaders who agreed with them by saying that this act of terror was the judgement of God upon America. Of course, we know both to be wrong. We know that this was the acts of violent men seeking to bring terror into our nation. The acts of God were found in the streets. The acts of God were seen in firefighters running into burning buildings to save whomever they could. The acts of God were discovered in the hugs, the acts of kindness, and the devotion to one another. Some may ask, "Where was God during 9/11?" May answer is: How did you miss Him?

Let us remember those who have lost loved ones, neighbors, and co-workers.
Let us remember our leaders who still have the job of protecting our freedoms and our nation.
Let us remember our military who continue to fight against terrorism wherever we find it.
Let us remember the unity that was forged in our hearts that day. A day when we were all Americans. And let us find the resolve to recapture that unity - live in it - and NEVER FORGET.

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