Thursday, June 7, 2012

A Lesson In Faith?

Several years ago, I preached a sermon entitled "Get Out of the Boat". It was based upon the very popular story of Peter walking to Jesus on the water out of Matthew 14. To be quite honest with you, I approached the sermon as a lesson on faith and keeping your eyes on Jesus. However, I'm beginning to see it a little different.

Here's what I sensed the Lord saying to me:
Peter was to be a rock but he had to learn how to walk on the waves.

If you know anything about Peter the disciple, you know that he was often fueled by his emotions. He was quick to speak and also very quick to stick his foot in his mouth. He was the one what had the revelation of who Christ truly was. He was also the first to confess an undying devotion to Jesus just before he would utterly deny him. What's amazing about this man is what the Lord declared about Peter long before it ever manifested. In Matthew 16, Jesus tells him that he is a rock. We wouldn't see that materialize until the baptism of the Holy Spirit in the book of Acts. Isn't good to know that Jesus calls out our greatness long before we ever walk in it?

As I began to ponder what the Lord had impressed upon my spirit, I saw the walking on water episode as a declaration of all that was possible for Peter (and us) when we are able to step out into our God-given destiny. As long as Peter continued to focus on all the external circumstances of life - he would only sink like a rock. But when he was able to focus solely upon Jesus' WORD to him - he became a strong figure in the life of the early church.

I think what we discover about Peter in the book of Acts is that he finally learned how to master the waves. I'm not saying that he went out and practiced his walking on water skills. I'm saying that he was finally able to master his emotions. He learned to walk in faith rather than feelings. He figured out how to tap into the power sources of life - Holy Spirit - and was able to embrace the life that Jesus called him into.

It's amazing to me to think about how many of us can look into Peter's opportunity of faith (walking on the water) and criticize him for becoming fearful. I'm amazed because we (like the rest of the disciples) stay in the boat. It's always easier to stay in the boat, but for those who are willing to step out into the waves with Jesus they discover a life that is unimaginable.

What is Jesus' calling you into?
What has been prophesied over your life?
Have you been able to master the waves of your own life so that you may become a rock in the kingdom?

I love the Kris Vallotton quote that says:
"You were saved when you believed in Jesus, but you got transformed when you realized He believed in you."

Go ahead...
Get out of the boat.
Step into the reality of who you are in Christ.
AND...enjoy the journey!

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