Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Grace IS Powerful

I'm starting today's blog with an incredible quote: "Grace is a weapon of mass destruction. It will overthrow every negative. It neutralizes everything contrary to God’s nature by being the revelation of that nature." ~ Graham Cooke
Got Grace?

Over the last couple of years I have come to understand that Grace has more to do with the Christian life than just bringing about forgiveness. The grace of God is also His operating power in our lives. One of the fundamental elements of our faith is learning to tap into the grace of God for every situation, every circumstance, and in every relationship. We understand that it is through the God's grace that we are saved but grace also provides for us the ability to overcome sin [See Romans 6:14], to live in humility [See Romans 12:3], and to stand firmly in the faith that we have received [See Romans 5:2]. What I want you to understand is that GRACE is powerful and that there is grace available for everything we will face.

When grace is used properly it can overcome every negative because grace is a positive force. Grace allows us to access the power of heaven. We have the opportunity to walk in grace every day. The Word of God teaches us that we can grow in the grace and knowledge of our God. How sad to think that I have seen so many leaders within the church simply grow in knowledge while neglecting the grace of God. The problem with that mindset is that anything that leads us into greater knowledge without experience only serves to make us more religious. However, when we learn to experience the grace of God in a particular truth then we are able to enjoy the freedom that comes with it.

The Apostle Paul discovered that grace was a fighting force in our lives and shared this insight with the church at Corinth [See 2 Corinthians 12]. Several years ago I heard an incredible quote regarding Paul's statement that God's grace was sufficient. "Paul wanted God to deal with his situation through subtraction. God chose to deal with it through addition." Too often we are looking for God to remove what we are struggling against while God is giving us the strength to overcome it. Don't miss this: It's all to easy for us to bail out of a situation with our faith rather than overcome it through our faith. We need to stop thinking that God is going to get us out of everything when His perfect will is for us to overcome it.

You do understand the difference don't you?

If God removes every obstacle then we will never learn how to live in victory. Sure...there are times when the Lord does the fighting for us and we get to celebrate His victory. But there are times when you and I will learn how to walk in His grace and celebrate that His victory through us. In this way we learn to appropriate the grace of God in our lives. And this is what it means to walk in the abundant life of Christ. Grace for every day. Grace for every situation. Grace for every relationship.

The Grace of God is needed for your marriage.
The gRace of God is needed for your family.
The grAce of God is needed for your ministry.
The graCe of God is needed for your maturity.
The gracE of God is needed for your understanding.

Take some time today to celebrate the grace of God in your life. Then take some time to tap into this incredible power that is available for you. Learn what it means to live a life of grace.

Enjoy the journey!!!

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