Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Created in Christ...

Ephesians 2:10 declares that "We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." Have you ever wondered if you are walking in all that God has prepared for you to walk in? Have you ever took the time to understand how God created you in Christ? Today is your opportunity to step into the reality of who you are and to know that you have been created for more than you are currently experiencing.

Isn't just like our Creator to take the opportunity of the Cross and Resurrection to make something new? What was originally created in the Garden was "GOOD" according to our Creator. However, when Adam fell, all of humanity fell under a curse. In Jesus we have the Last Adam that restored humanity. It is through His sacrifice that the curse of sin was broken, and in His resurrection that all of humanity is free to live the life that God had created them for. We have become the sons and daughters of God and it is time for us to realize who we are and what we were designed to become.

Is it any wonder that Paul declared to the Church at Corinth that "if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation..." The difficulty for many of us is seeing people as being new. The challenge is even more difficult because unlike other metamorphosis' in the world - we change from the inside out. The change that God brings about in our life is only seen as we walk in the good works He has prepared. Then...and only we finally reveal to a waiting creation that we are the sons and daughters of God.

The change that is brought about into our lives through salvation is a remarkable change. While we trust in the finished work of Christ, we realize that we go through continual change. One of the sad tragedies of modern Christianity is that we seem to stop with salvation and fail to recognize that their is more of God to encounter, more of His goodness to experience, and more of His purposes to fulfill. The prayer of faith that brought about this wholeness in Christ needs to be followed up with a life that is devoted to encountering Him more and more. Don't stop short. Continually step into all that God has for you.

While you are pressing in I want to encourage you to never discount what God is doing in you now. Don't get so focused on who you are becoming to where you neglect who you are in Him now. God is working all around you, in your family, through your church, and in your community. He is constantly opening up greater opportunities for you to shine with Him. Just like a work of art has different facets, different brush strokes, and different colors; God is working in multiple ways to put you on display for His glory. You are a living, breathing, work of art that has been created in Jesus Christ. You are continually being conformed into the image of His son. And God is dedicated to seeing this purpose fulfilled in your life.

Live every day with the understanding of who you are in Christ.
Take every moment to be in the presence of God because in those moments He continues to transform your life.
Soak in God's Word, be sensitive to His Spirit, and enjoy the journey.
Learn what it means to draw from the wells of salvation.
Rejoice over the creative work of God in your life. He is doing a good thing and you get to walk in it.

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