Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Ready for a Challenge?

Here's a quote for you: "It is theological irresponsibility to have the great promises of Scriptures and put them off into a period of time for which we have no responsibility." ~ Bill Johnson {Face to Face with God}

What a challenge! The question really becomes: What do I believe God is still capable of doing today?

While the Book of Acts ended with the apostle Paul in Rome, the "Acts of the Apostles" did not cease. In fact, they were never meant to end. Can anyone imagine reading a history book containing the founding of our nation and considering that we were to ever stop doing the things that made America great. As unreal as that statement may sound, that is what we have done with the church. We have considered that God only meant to work through a certain time frame, in a certain way, and while all the fundamentals are in place - we should not entertain the thought that God still longs to move with the same power. What?

In 1978, Billy Graham wrote a book entitled "The Holy Spirit." In this book he endorsed laying on of hands, diving healing and tongues. He wrote: "As we approach the end of the age I believe we will see a dramatic recurrence of signs and wonders, which will demonstrate the power of God to a skeptical world." This was written in 1978 and yet it seems as though the critics of any type of move in the Holy Spirit have increased.

The Acts of the Apostles simply lay the groundwork for our faith. They give us a glimpse into a time when the church was operating in full faith. They believed that they were to be a continuation of what Jesus started in the world. Now it is our privilege to re-present Him in the world. The only time we find even a hint of the supernatural activity of God ceasing is after Jesus Christ is revealed in all of His glory (1 Corinthians 13:8-10). Some have assumed that Paul was referring to the completed work of the Holy Scriptures. That is quite an assumption! First of all, we have to believe that Paul considered his letters would be compiled in a book. Secondly, we have to read into the text something that is not there!

We need to return to the mindset of the apostles and first century believers. The mindset that says WE are to be the continuation of what Jesus and the apostles did in the world. It's a mindset that says WE can operate in the fullness of the Holy Spirit. WE can re-present Jesus to the world...not just in His love and compassion, but in His ability!

While I type these words, my mind is consumed with all the things that God will do through the church. When I consider all that the apostles and early believers accomplished in their day - imagine what can happen in ours. It took them days and months to travel, yet they turned their world upside down. We can get just about anywhere in the world within a day. The possibilities are limitless. Who will join me? Who is ready to take back their faith from the institution of religion and join the movement of the Holy Spirit? Who is ready to forsake everything else this world has to offer because they believe that what the kingdom of God offers is so much better? Are you ready for the challenge?

Let's Go...

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